Friday, August 28, 2020
Literary Research Paper Writing Prompts
Scholarly Research Paper Writing Prompts Scholarly Research Paper Writing Prompts Scholarly explores, however given not all that much consideration by numerous mentors and teachers, structure he larger piece of the students’ composing assignments. To ace the aptitudes expected to lead great scholarly explores, understudies should be determined and mindful to subtleties. There are a few significant viewpoints which are to be continually viewed as when forming an artistic exploration. The current article would address them endeavoring t assist understudies with increasing more information on artistic examination composing. The principal aptitudes to be aced when forming an abstract exploration concerns legitimate picking of the bibliographical sources. It's anything but a mystery that the sources chose for either scholarly paper are to be dependable and logical, valid and not out-dated. In this manner, to choose a writing source during the abstract exploration, the understudy needs to focus on the writer and volume of distribution of either sources, just as the distributing house and date. On the off chance that these snippets of data appear to be trustworthy and worth consideration, at that point the understudy may continue with referencing either work. Furthermore, the understudy ought to have information on looking at the companion evaluated articles from those which are definitely not. It is pivotal for some scholarly papers to refer to just the friend checked on sources, and numerous understudies think that its hard to recognize those. In this way, data and sound sources looking for is the chief p hase of each artistic examination composed by an understudy. Another significant advance in making an abstract exploration concerns basic assessing of either data discovered during the main period of composing. The data introduced in the artistic sources, and in the Internet also, may not generally be valid, and understudies indiscriminately depending on it might forfeit their scholarly notoriety. Now and again, they neglect to demonstrate the realities to be incorporated into the examination and subsequently, their paper couldn't be viewed as acceptable also. Understudies need to have the basic intuition aptitudes just as capacity to apply the fitting examining standards to character if the given examination is important, unprejudiced and esteemed for the further scholarly exploration. This is the abilities which couldn't be gotten a handle on quickly, it as a rule requires some investment before it is aced. On the off chance that you feel that you are not yet as great in artistic examination creating, as you’d wanted to, you may consistently contact the client paper composing offices online for the assistance. The group of independent authors working in such organizations would assist you with characterizing the believable hotspots for the scholarly examination, just as do the initial phase in making out of this scholastic task. In this way, their assistance would be truly of extraordinary incentive to such understudies who are inexperienced with the standards and techniques of scholarly examination making. At you can an extraordinary chance to purchase research paper on the web, 100% specially composed without any preparation. Our specialists will furnish you with proficient artistic examination paper composing help!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Carpet-Weavers Morocco - Journal Assignment Essay Example for Free
Floor covering Weavers Morocco Journal Assignment Essay Im sure that every one of you have at any rate known about, if not observed the well known floor coverings of Morocco. You should have additionally heard things like, What fine craftsmanship!, What astounding structures and prints!, What a gem! or then again What fine aptitude!, from individuals who buy these floor coverings for tremendous entireties of cash for the different purposes, for example, imploring, beautification and so forth. Yet, have you at any point paused for a minute to think, of the starting point of these floor coverings, of the individual who sits up day and late evening weaving these rugs which are sold for thousands, however what does he escape this, etc, well on the off chance that not, at that point Im sure that subsequent to understanding this, every one of these inquiries will be replied. In the event that you didnt know, Morocco is a moderately poor nation and the vast majority of the rugs woven there, are all hand-made and are woven by kids, kids like me who are compelled to weave because of tragic conditions. Like me there are many other people who need to live a similar appalling lives for similar reasons. Let me give you a concise diagram of what it resembles to be a floor covering weaver. Right off the bat, you need to wake up at five in the first part of the day and get dressed. Everyone is permitted is five minutes in the showers, which is just about enough in light of the fact that the water is super cold and it takes you simply that long to g et used to the temperature of the water. From that point forward, we have a supposed breakfast, if that is the thing that you would call it, which is totally bland and appears to be stale. From that point forward, we quickly get the chance to work and begin weaving. String by string and bunch by hitch, we must be extremely cautious and centered, and ought to there be any misstep, we can strongly expect not to see the sun for a few days, at least that is! We need to work continually until ten around evening time, when we rapidly have supper, which is similarly as awful as breakfast, on the off chance that not more terrible and, at that point rest, trusting that tomorrow will be a superior day and we will be liberated from this life of wretchedness, yet at that point, each morning, it starts from the very beginning once more, a similar torment, a similar yelling voices of the slave masters and the equivalent hopeless life. You may ponder, what may lead one to need to live such an actual existence at such a little age, the appropriate response lies profound inside our experiences and conditions. Ive been weaving since the time I was seven years of age, till today, when Im thirteen. Prior to this, I used to live with my family, we werent so rich yet we were enduring. There were six of us, me, my two siblings, my sister and my folks. We all used to go to a little school in the close by town. My mom was a vegetable vender and my dad was a lush who had a little activity at a toothpaste industrial facility. At that point one day, because of over the top admission of liquor, he died. His demise truly didnt make a big deal about a distinction, as he was nothing but bad in any case, yet at the same time, we were marginally influenced monetarily. At that point one day, a rich trader went to our town, and began extending to all the youngsters employment opportunities and guaranteed that he would pay us enormous totals of cash, on the off chance that we worked at his industrial facility. Without reconsidering, I accepted the position and I was removed to a distant work environment at his processing plants. Had I recognized what lay ahead, I would have never gone with him, yet at that point, we required cash and I felt this was the best chance. We were quickly removed to an abandoned and remote territory where there was no chance to get of reaching anybody. We were advised to do as he stated, and our families would be kept cheerful. I never the cash that had been guaranteed, rather, all I got was a miserable work environment, eat and rest, the shipper continued disclosing to me that he was sending my family the guaranteed cash, yet in the wake of knowing the truth of this spot, I question my family at any point saw a small amount of what was guaranteed, and I additionally question that they are alive at the present time. As you unmistakably observed, I was fooled into working here and once I was in, there was no chance to get out; I had no real option except to work at the processing plant, in light of the fact that the shipper said that there was no spot to go from here and on the off chance that anybody attempted, they would be executed. The first of my days here were extremely hard, when I originally began figuring out how to weave, I committed numerous errors, however rapidly learnt and got great. Ordinarily here resembles heck, possibly more awful. How I long to outside and play like an ordinary kid. I need to go to class and learn and become somebody and do useful for humankind, yet rather, my life is squandered here, weaving rugs for eternity. I have sympathy for the more youthful youngsters who have quite recently shown up. They all appear to be truly frightened as they are exceptionally youthful and have no clue about whats going on and what their lives are going to turn into. We need to drudge hard and work till late around evening time and finish at any rate three covers in five days, or, in all likelihood we dont eat. You need to truly concentrate all your consideration into the meshing and here and there we get so lost into the weaving, that we forget about time; its as though, were in a different universe, vastly different from this one and that assists with centering more and facilitates the torment a piece. When weaving, you must be cautious, for simply the scarcest error could destroy the whole floor covering. I believe I have become like a pale shadow of my previous self, previously, I was joyful and content with my family, yet now, I feel terrified and I am questionable about my future; I dont realize what will befall me after the shipper finds no utilization of me, or will I go through my whole time on earth here simply sitting and weaving? There are several unanswered inquiries and questions in my psyche and Im sure that the vast majority of us feel a similar path as me frightened and dubious. Regular is a battle and consistently is torment. We arent permitted to talk or quit working and on the off chance that we do, the slave masters yell at us and once in a while even whip us and theres nothing we can do, for we must choose between limited options as no one is aware of the traders oppression and all the more critically, no one wants to think about it. Around evening time, when I rests on the hard and cold floor and attempt to rest, I ask and trust that tomorrow will be something different, something better, yet it never occurs, regular is the equivalent, damnation. I once in a while wonder, the brutal vendor abuses heaps of youngsters consistently and brings them here and makes them weave floor coverings. He at that point sells them for thousands, while all we get are a couple of scraps for the sake of food. He submits such repulsive sins but then makes the most of his wealth and lives sumptuously, while we have work and battle; I ask myself, What have we done to need to endure such an existence of torment and hopelessness? For what reason wont God answer our petitions? Where right? For what reason does the trader make a mind-blowing most to the furthest reaches? Is this the equity of God? Has underhanded really abused great? Why?, Why?. In any case, I before long understand that there is no reason for posing these unimportant inquiries, on the grounds that the trader will even now get more extravagant, while we endure. I feel that the legislature ought to take care of this thus should the individuals who purchase these floor coverings for thousands, they should consider us and how we are languishing. The shipper is misusing us and utilizing us as an unpaid workforce; he is manhandling our privileges and we are languishing. He must be halted from his abuse at any expense since along these lines a large number of kids are isolated from their families and are sent to far away terrains to carry on with a real existence more regrettable than hellfire. The alleged Human Rights Organization, ought to plan something with the expectation of complimentary us from this jail. In any case, on the other hand, I question that anything will occur. A few people may decide to do a few examinations, however they will likely surrender or be paid off by the incredibly rich vendor, a case will be documented and will continue circumnavigating the administration offices and will before long be overlooked underneath a colossal heap of papers, while we will keep on living in this hellfire
Friday, August 21, 2020
Impacts Of Tourism In Port Antonio Tourism Essays
Effects Of Tourism In Port Antonio Tourism Essays Effects Of Tourism In Port Antonio Tourism Essay Effects Of Tourism In Port Antonio Tourism Essay This paper tries to place and talk the advancement of the touristry business in Port Antonio, Jamaica. Data was assembled using grouped beginnings. A visit was made to Port Antonio so as to all the more likely see how touristry was polished in this retreat nation, the two tenants and visitants were met to gain a vibe of what was going on in that nation and the internet beginnings were other than utilized. The travel industry is the movement for recreational, relaxation or concern plans. ( ) , it is the activity of holidaies and visits to topographic purposes of association. The touristry business comprises of concern aspects, for example, modifications, travel and establishments for feasting, shopping and beguilement to give to a voyagers experience. ( Pileus Project ) History of Tourism in Port Antonio In 1723, Portland was authoritatively referred to and perceived as area which was named after a previous Governor of Jamaica. The bing port was to be called Port Antonio and was scheduled to go a maritime speed. In 1729, the British assembled Fort George on a landmass separating the twin West and east seaports known as the Ticthfield headland. The battalion was created expected to shield in Landers from surges from the Spaniards and the Maroons. ( Pieces of the days of old, 2002 ) The Maroons marked a harmony agreement with the British in 1739 which prompted another age in the improvement of Portland. The ward so got populated with pilgrims consequently the development of sugar started. ( Pieces of the days gone by, 2002 ) With the advancement of the banana business, Portland s karmas improved in the late nineteenth century. The kind of soil gave in Portland and extra to its overwhelming precipitation fit the development of banana that gave any cultural classification cultivator to do of total compensation of this industry. Banana is a sort or gather that develops rapidly and can be harvested in one twelvemonth clasp. ( Pieces of the days gone by, 2002 ) Lorenzo Dow Baker is the grown-up male who was without any assistance liable for the exportation of banana during the 1870s. During this period Jamaica s creation of sugar was reducing and in the wink of an oculus, their secured showcase was done. In this manner another reap for send out was required and that was the place Baker came in to play. ( Pieces of the days of old, 2002 ) In 1688, a notable phytologist by the name of Sir Hans Sloane, laminitis of the British Museum wrote the being of bananas in Jamaica. ( Pieces of the days gone by, 2002 ) Bread cook motivated Jamaicans to develop banana with the test, the primary grown-up male who has ten section of land of bananas will be rich! His bananas were so sold for about US $ 3 each in Boston. In 1879 Lorenzo Baker turned into the advocator for another transportation organization that permitted him to build his travel of bananas. ( Pieces of the days gone by, 2002 ) Lorenzo Baker started using his steam motors to move tourers and bananas which was the solitary mean of going to and from Jamaica to different states in those occasions. As visits to Jamaica expanded, during the 1900s Mr. Bread cook made the astounding Titchfield Hotel situated on Titchfield Hill that quickly became advanced with tourer in this manner doing Portland to go the topographic point where Tourism principal began in Jamaica. The inn got perceived for its evening tea on the square and cleaning in shower houses. The inn was one time professed to be possessed by Errol Flynn, a commended thrill seeker. Errol had kicked the bucket before more distant building up the appealing power. The lodging was crushed by a fire in the sixtiess so by and by, just the remaining parts of this notable milestone despite everything stands. ( Pieces of the days gone by, 2002 ) In 1903, Portland encountered a dark tropical storm that wrecked Fieldss of banana.In 1929, Farmers of Banana collected and framed the Jamaica Banana Producers Association. Individuals from this affiliation worked as one to obtain their independency, place and controk in the Trade from other huge opponents. With help from the specialists, not many mature ages along, the Jamaica Producers Association was dealing with an inexhaustible piece of the exchange and by runing their ain transportation organization. In 1936 the Association turned into a privatized however is still worked by banana husbandmans. ( Pieces of the days gone by, 2002 ) The banana business radically expanded with 300 and 55 1000 metric huge amounts of fare in 1936 however not many mature ages down the line it kicked the bucket. Right now, the Jamaica Producers Group of Companies with the guide of All Island Banana Growers Association keeps on giving to the contributions of the island s husbandmans of bananas. ( Pieces of the days of old, 2002 ) Sorts of Tourism rehearsed in Port Antonio Effects of Tourism in Port Antonio Natural Impact The travel industry has much of the time thrived in this ward. As a result of its normal appealing powers, any development into this touchy nation may harm the earth. Port Antonio is very reliant on its common assets from which it creates its salary. In this ward s present area, the landforms and H2O natural structures takes into account the home justification for some workss and invigorate creatures ; by and by there is request to create appropriate asset bearing frameworks pertinent to the inflow of tourer. At the point when it downpours it gives overflowing verdure yet adjacent to prompts waste occupations to visitor nations. ( Mcintosh ) Port Antonio offers an enchanting occasion experience despite the fact that it s still sought after of appropriate base. Storm Sandy has cause awful damage to the earth in Portland however with help from the specialists Port Antonio has figured out how to get back on its pess. Other natural effects include: contamination, torment to visitants, air and clamor contamination and deforestation. Social Impact The human advancement and the neighborhood populace s esteems are regarded each piece great as the network s distinction. There are a few authentic commemorations there which they are trying to proceed. One of the a greater amount of import cultural feature is the improvement in the administrations and establishments, narrows, Parkss, movement, and so on. On the negative side, the inhabitants have become retainers of the tourer and this has made sharpness towards the visitants and shows up nations of cultural strained quality. Since touristry includes moving between various finishes, tourers will go over run intoing new people of various developments and as a result, social disputes may at some point happen between people of various confidence, social gathering or more. All the more in this way, the disposition towards tourers by nearby residence may change. Inhabitants may get down of inviting to the visitants yet so build up certain sharpness towards them. ( Coast learn ) Financial This addresses factors, for example, work, pay, association rate, productiveness and riches. Current improvement in the movement and touristry exchange fortifies patterns towards an increasingly economical and adaptable work conditions. Youngsters are some of the time enrolled for such occupations, since they are modest and adaptable representatives ( Coast learn ) All influencing part ( the residents, the touristry business and the visitants ) have put contribution toward the natural asset base and an obligation to make their segment to back up this bearing. On the off chance that nature is debased all gatherings remain to lose visitants will disregard to come ( or will pay less ) and the states will lose an of import start of financial advantage. As it were the earth will deliver diminished financial, environmental, and appropriateness benefits. ( Edwards, 2009 ) Job of touristry focuses A touristry data Center is an authoritative development where laborers help tourers, locally and globally with the commitment of alterations, elastic necking and travel administrations. ( Hayward, Marvell, Reynolds, A ; Stewart, 2005 ) The Jamaica Tourist Board, set up in 1955 has on three developments situated over the island ( Kingston, Montego Bay, Ocho Rios ) . The capacity of the Jamaica Tourist Board is to advertise and underwrite Jamaica as a completion. ( Jamaica Tourist Board ) By and by there are no touristry sheets or focuses situated in Port Antonio blending to an agent working at the Jamaica Tourist Board Information Center, however I do accept there is an interest for one in that exceptional region and each ward to be careful being as how they work as an attendant for serving tourers who may want to explore the nation. Sightseers are venturing out to require data of appealing powers that suit their contribution to see and how to gain at that place. Along these lines, the improvement of one would be generally advantageous for them. Habits of travels Port Antonio is open via land, air and ocean however the most ideal way is via land. There s a travel place that reaches out along the waterfront where coachs and taxis depart all the time, transportations from the airdrome to this nation is offered by JUTA. Ken Jones Aerodrome ( 913-3173 ) found 9km West of Port Antonio, done having departures from Air Jamaica Express finally visit. These yearss the solitary passageway flights are private planes and recruited trips of International Airlink and TimAir. Most upscale inns offer free transportations to and from the Ken Jones Aerodrome for invitees. ( Alone planet ) The Errol Flynn Marina, available via ocean, offers imposts leeway for private vass ( Lonely planet ) . This marina is other than being utilized by the beach gatekeepers of a close by constabulary station. Bolster Services in Port Antonio The travel industry is an extremely of import port
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Whats Truly Going on with Best World Civilization Essay Topics
What's Truly Going on with Best World Civilization Essay Topics As stated by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary a civilization is a rather high degree of cultural and technological improvement. Ancient Egypt is among the cradles of world civilization. Ancient Korea is an exceptional country that you may come across the shadow of china culture readily, but it's still true that you can experience their special culture. Actually, it has a long history that similar with Ancient China, especially in the dimension of religion. Most Noticeable Best World Civilization Essay Topics Try to remember, if you're writing an argument about whether they really existed, you will want to present evidence to strengthen your argument but will also will need to deal with the counterargument. As soon as you own a question, you are going to be better positioned to manage your research task. In the event you can't find your subject here, don't hesitate to have a talk with our staff and put an order fo r a customized history essay on your distinct subject. Ask yourself what question you need to explore and gather primary and secondary historical proof to back up your argument. You should begin to develop an outline when you begin doing some research. This is dependent on your department. This merely means you will want to do a little bit of research. As you do your research, you are going to be in a position to judge whether you're on the correct track or not. Choosing Best World Civilization Essay Topics What's more, French is among the official languages of the US's biggest trading partner, Canada. History is a subject that's always tightly joined to the notion of time and space. Research for Major Historical Eras involve an unbelievable quantity of information. The best method to receive a Day Online. Lies You've Been Told About Best World Civilization Essay Topics No, the review will occur in a duplicate of the course so that reviewers don't have accessibility to any student data. Eliminate issues who assert to get your site completely prepared to go within a handful of many hours. As said formerly, there's an internet forex for ones individual web site named Viz. It's much enough to present your audience the comprehensive picture and, from the flip side, it won't overload them with details and will provide you with the chance to study everything thoroughly. Students will locate some decent points and ideas essential for the maturation of a superior school or college comparative essay. Writing an essay is not ever an easy job. In high school and middle school, you aren't necessarily anticipated to compose large, serious argument essays. Writing a n essay relating to this literature is a difficult endeavor. Luckily essay writing is 1 location where you can. Tackle as many essays as possible and cement your spot among the renowned essay writers on the planet. One particular important element of essay writing is an excellent topic. Do not be fearful of brainstorming! New Questions About Best World Civilization Essay Topics Actually, in the majority of the information reveal that Ancient China is the largest country that's full of civilization and she influenced Ancient Korea in a lot of the ways. Ancient Egyptians had a supreme and effective ruler known as the Pharaoh. Civilization is essentially a crucial type of grouping. Literary in Ancient China also is the critical things that could demonstrate the culture and thought, and literary can enable the posterity know more concerning that period of time, because this is a sort of history to let people know about things at various dynasties. Civilization of a nation is to permit the people and even the world know the changes of the nation. Many people were unhappy about it. Evil spring from those that are hungry of power. Assess the method of life for the Native American. The Foolproof Best World Civilization Essay Topics Strategy Civilization represents the largest level of human organization. Amenhotep IV was raised in a really traditional Egyptian way. The Do's and Don'ts of Best World Civilization Essay Topics The Federal Reserve played a huge part in the Great Depression. World History Research Papers involve an amazing amount of information. Thus, it's vital that you select the very best topic to write. You should make sure you decide on a topic that is more specific. Now you are all set to produce your very own argumentative topics. You need to make sure you decide on an interesting and appropriate topic.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The World The War Made By President Lincoln - 1129 Words
1. â€Å"The World the War Made†a. Why does Foner say that the Emancipation Proclamation â€Å"transformed a war of armies into a conflict of societies†(3)? REQUIRED i. The Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Lincoln declared that all people held as slaves within the rebel states, are now and forever free. This quote is especially important because it demonstrates the effects on society after the Proclamation was signed. Because of these effects, the focus turned from war into the societal â€Å"problems†that this Proclamation brought about. The Emancipation was a â€Å"turning point in national policy and in the character of war.†Lincoln knew that the residents of the border states would never support abolition as a war aim, therefore he did†¦show more content†¦Because Johnson was military governor over Tennessee, he could use Johnson on the ballot to gain the traction within the occupied southern states. Lincoln and Johnson could work towards a smoother integration of Tennessee back into the Union. b. What does Foner mean when he says that there was â€Å"a broader question suggested by the end of slavery: Should the freedmen be viewed as ready to take their place as citizens and participants in the competitive marketplace, or did their unique historical experience oblige the federal government to take special action in their behalf?†(31) How did creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau suggest one answer to this question? REQUIRED i. The creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau suggests a great deal about the South during the Reconstruction era of the United States. The Bureau was created to help emancipated slaves and refugees have some kind of access to land. Along with access to land, the Bureau itself was â€Å"empowered to distributes clothing, food, and fuel†to those who have become free men. In my opinion, I believe the creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau answered the question of citizenship in the sense that freedmen should be considered citizens right off the bat. Back then, owning property was a huge part of citizenship. By providing help with access to land, freedmen had the chance to become an equal citizen. 3. â€Å"The Meaning of Freedom†a. What did Jonathan C. Gibbs mean when heShow MoreRelatedPresident Lincoln As A Visionary Leader1197 Words  | 5 PagesAbraham Lincoln Imagine how the state of the world will be today without the leadership of the United States of America to police the world. Think about Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s regime, Libya during Arafat’s regime and the behaviors like Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Had it not been the vision of Abraham Lincoln to preserve the Union, there would not have been a strong unified United States today. President Abraham Lincoln was a visionary leader and an ethical leader when leadingRead MoreComparing Jfk and Lincolns Inagural Speeches Essay1402 Words  | 6 Pagesbeen many leaders. President Abraham Lincoln and President John F. Kennedy are arguably two of the greatest presidents that this country has had. Whether it was 1865, during the bloodiest war in the history of the US, or 1961, during the most tense international power struggle that we have ever faced, these men were able to do what was needed to get the job done. The one ideal that they shared that made them g reat leaders was an aspiration to make this country the best in the world. 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The guest also eat other dishes they didn’t have during their timeRead MoreEssay Abraham Lincoln1426 Words  | 6 Pagesthe 16th president, Abraham Lincoln was known to be the greatest American President. He guided his country through one of the most catastrophic experiences in its history, the Civil War. He was a very unique president, being the first president to have a beard, being the tallest president standing at 6’4 and also being the first to be assassinated. Abe Lincoln accomplished many things in the 4 year term he had served before being assassinated. With his intelligence and hard work, he made a differenceRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1486 Words  | 6 PagesWhy is Abraham Lincoln such an amazing person? Who is he? What did he do to change America for the better? Almost everyone should know about Lincoln. Lincoln was not the man everyone thought was fit for the job, they all thought he was less than what he was. Lincoln showed them that he is one of the best presidents America has had. There is a chance America could still have slavery in the country if Lincoln did not step in and start to end slavery. Lincoln was a big part of this countries historyRead MoreAbraham Lincolns Path to Achieving Success680 Words  | 3 PagesAbraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States, and led America through one of the biggest struggles our country has ever faced. Coming from a humble upbringing he didn’t quite have everything on a silver platter. That however did not stop him from achieving success. He took his gifts and talents given from God and made the best of them changing our life now, and for years to come. Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1809 in a one room log cabin near Hodgenville, Kentucky
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lincoln s Emancipation Proclamation The End Of Slavery
From Guezlo’s introduction of â€Å"Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation: The end of Slavery in America†, he acknowledged that this is one of the representative of President Lincoln’s writings in the history demonstrating his dedication to free â€Å"four million black slaves†. At the end of Guezlo’s introduction, he proposed the idea of how Lincoln would be a white friend to African American due to the power, the position he had that can help him to start deliverance. The author stated, â€Å"It would be special pleading to claim that Lincoln was in the end the most perfect friend black Americans have ever had. But it would also be the cheapest and most ignorant of skepticisms to deny that he was the most significant†(359). The president was described as a manumitter who broadens the destinies for the Negroes. Moreover, this is also an opportunity to solve the happening concerns between masters, slaves, and many others involving folks . Additionally, in Guezlo’s pieces of evidence, he suggested that there was always the thought of releasing African American slaves in Lincoln’s mind even from the day when he first had the presidential oath. The president implied the â€Å"hatred†he had on slavery, of how it might affect the world, â€Å"I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (354). Lincoln insisted that having slavery is equal to the violation of the Declaration of Independence as well as the belief of the Republicans of how this issue would influence the whole society.Show MoreRelatedLincoln s Emancipation Proclamation : The End Of Slavery1301 Words  | 6 PagesLincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America, a Lincoln Prize winner, was written by Allen C. Guelzo and published in 2004. In the book, he makes a case that President Abraham Lincoln, through the utilization of the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, was efficac ious in liberating the slaves. His argument varies from others that have visually examined the argument pertaining to the Emancipation Proclamation and whether it did, or did not, efficaciously emancipate slaves duringRead MoreEmancipation Proclamation : The Failures And Successes1492 Words  | 6 PagesEmancipation Proclamation: the failures and successes â€Å"The beginning of the Civil War marked the beginning of the end of slavery in the American South†(Berlin, 3). The Civil War started from opposing states’ opinions; the South thrived on slavery’s economic impact while the North opposed the institution. The issue of slavery divided the nation, and the contrasting views of the anti-abolitionists and abolitionists caused the war to occur. Slavery’s impact in the United States started in the 1600’sRead MoreThe Emancipation Proclamation By Mr. Harding1259 Words  | 6 PagesThe Emancipation Proclamation has two points of views from highly qualified professors if the Emancipation was to free the slaves or not. The first Professor is Mr. Allen C. Guelzo and the other professor is Vincent Harding. Mr. Allen proposed that Abraham used the Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves. However, Mr. Harding used his research and insisted that no the Emancipation Proclamation was not to free the slaves. On the other hand, Mr. Allen makes some well-revised statements, but MrRead MoreLincolns Emancipation of the Slaves Essay1334 Words  | 6 Pages The Emancipation Proclamation speech was actually intended for most of the people that would free the slaves, not to the slaves. According to Carl Rollyson the Proclamation was not intended for the slave, blacks, or former slaves. The â€Å"Emancipation Proclamation†speech was during the Antislavery Movement or what some people call the Abolitionist Movement, during the 1860s. The main leaders of the abolitionist movement were Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas. The point of Lincoln writing theRead MoreAnalysis of the Emancipation Proclamation Speech1339 Words  | 6 Pages The Emancipation Proclamation speech was actually intended for most of the people that would free the slaves, not to the slaves. According to Rollyson the proclamation was not intended for the slave, blacks, or former slaves. The â€Å"Emancipation Pro clamation†speech was during the Antislavery Movement or what some people call it the Abolitionist Movement, during the 1960s. The main leaders of the abolitionist movement were Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas. The point of Lincoln writing the speechRead MoreLincoln And The Emancipation Slavery990 Words  | 4 Pages Lincoln and the Emancipation Slavery caused many violent events in the 17 and 1800’s. The South and the North could not agree with slavery; the North was anti-slavery and the South were pro-slavery. The south considered slaves to be their own personal property and the slaves were not allowed to be counted as a citizen of the United States; they were only considered to be counted as 3/5 of a person. Because slave owners were so harsh to their slaves, the slaves generated many slave rebellionsRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War1522 Words  | 7 Pageswould bring the Confederate death toll to 94,000 killed and died of wounds. The wealth amassed in slaves and slavery for the Confederacy s 3.5 million blacks effectively ended when Union armies arrived; they were nearly all freed by the Emancipation Proclamation. Slaves in the border states and those located in some former Confederate territory occupied before the Emancipation Proclamation were freed by state action or by the Thirteenth Amendment. The war destroyed much of the wealth that had existedRead MoreThe Gettysburg Address as an American Tipping Point850 Words  | 4 PagesEmancipation Proclamation as a Tipping Point Without slavery, the rebellion could never have existed. Without slavery, it could not continue†(Lincoln). The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 marked the most decisive points of the Civil War, and of American history as a whole. With the stroke of his pen, Lincoln expanded the powers of the president, redefined the Unions goals in the civil war, and fortified the Republicans moral base and prominence for years to come, while rekindling morale forRead More Abraham Lincoln And Slavery Essay969 Words  | 4 Pages Abraham Lincoln and Slavery nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What did Abraham Lincoln do and think regarding slavery during the Civil War? In Abrahams First Inaugural Address he states quot;I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.quot;quot; (Pg 53-54) Lincoln did not want the SouthRead MoreSignificance And Impact Of The Emancipation Proclamation1658 Words  | 7 PagesSignificance and Impact of the Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln once said, A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the house to fall - but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. (Lincoln s House-Divided Speech in Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858). The critical issue of slavery throughout the 19th century
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Heavy Metals free essay sample
Introduction The term heavy metal refers to any metallic chemical component that has a comparatively high denseness and is toxic or toxicant at low concentrations. Examples of heavy metals include quicksilver ( Hg ) , Cd ( Cd ) , arsenic ( As ) , Cr ( Cr ) , Tl ( Tl ) , and lead ( Pb ) . Heavy metals are natural constituents of the Earth s crust. They can non be degraded or destroyed. To a little extent they enter our organic structures via nutrient, imbibing H2O and air. As hint elements, some heavy metals ( e.g. Cu, Se, Zn ) are indispensable to keep the metamorphosis of the human organic structure. However, at higher concentrations they can take to poisoning. Heavy metal toxic condition could ensue, for case, from drinking-water taint ( e.g. lead pipes ) , high ambient air concentrations near emanation beginnings, or intake via the nutrient concatenation. Heavy metals are unsafe because they tend to bioaccumulate. Bioaccumulation means an addition in the concentration of a chemical in a biological being over clip, compared to the chemical s concentration in the environment. Compounds accumulate in populating things any clip they are taken up and stored faster than they are broken down ( metabolized ) or excreted. Heavy metals can come in a H2O supply by industrial and consumer waste, or even from acidic rain interrupting down dirts and let go ofing heavy metals into watercourses, lakes, rivers, and groundwater. Environmental and wellness hazards. Now we are traveling to depict the effects of the heavy metals in the environment. The three most pollutans heavy metals are Lead, Cadmium, and Mercury. Effectss of Antimony on the environment Antimony is a metal used in the compound Sb trioxide, a fire retardent. It can besides be found in batteries, pigments, and ceramics and glass. Exposure to high degrees of Sb for short periods of clip causes nausea, purging, and diarrhoea. There is small information on the effects of long-run Sb exposure, but it is a suspected human carcinogen. Most antimony compounds do non bioaccumulate in aquatic life. Effectss of Cadmium on the environment Cadmium derives its toxicological belongingss from its chemical similarity to zinc an indispensable micronutrient for workss, animate beings and worlds. Cadmium is biopersistent and, one time absorbed by an being, remains resident for many old ages ( over decennaries for worlds ) although it is finally excreted. In worlds, long-run exposure is associated with nephritic dysfunction. High exposure can take to clogging lung disease and has been linked to lung malignant neoplastic disease, although informations refering the latter are hard to construe due to intensifying factors. Cadmium may besides bring forth bone defects ( osteomalacia, osteoporosis ) in worlds and animate beings. In add-on, the metal can be linked to increased blood force per unit area and effects on the myocardium in animate beings, although most human informations do non back up these findings. The mean day-to-day consumption for worlds is estimated as 0.15 # 181 ; g from air and 1 # 181 ; g from H2O. Smoking a package of 20 coffin nails can take to the inspiration of around 2-4 # 181 ; g of Cd, but degrees may change widely. In what signifier is emitted Cadmium? Cadmium is produced as an inevitable byproduct of Zn ( or on occasion lead ) refinement, since these metals occur of course within the natural ore. However, one time collected the Cd is comparatively easy to recycle. The most important usage of Cd is in nickel/cadmium batteries, as rechargeable or secondary power beginnings exhibiting high end product, long life, low care and high tolerance to physical and electrical emphasis. Cadmium coatings provide good corrosion opposition, peculiarly in high emphasis environments such as Marine and aerospace applications where high safety or dependability is required ; the coating is preferentially corroded if damaged. Other utilizations of Cd are as pigments, stabilizers for PVC, in metals and electronic compounds. Cadmium is besides present as an dross in several merchandises, including phosphate fertilizers, detergents and refined crude oil merchandises. In the general, non-smoking population the major exposure tract is through nutrient, via the add-on of Cd to agricultural dirt from assorted beginnings ( atmospheric deposition and fertiliser application ) and uptake by nutrient and fresh fish harvests. Extra exposure to worlds arises through Cd in ambient air and imbibing H2O. Effectss of Chromium on the environment Chromium is used in metal metals and pigments for pigments, cement, paper, gum elastic, and other stuffs. Low-level exposure can annoy the tegument and cause ulceration. Long-run exposure can do kidney and liver harm, and damage excessively circulative and nerve tissue. Chromium frequently accumulates in aquatic life, adding to the danger of eating fish that may hold been exposed to high degrees of Cr. Effectss of Copper on the environment Copper is an indispensable substance to human life, but in high doses it can do anaemia, liver and kidney harm, and tummy and enteric annoyance. Peoples with Wilson s disease are at greater hazard for wellness effects from overexposure to Cu. Copper usually occurs in imbibing H2O from Cu pipes, every bit good as from additives designed to command algal growing. Effectss of Lead on the environment In worlds exposure to take can ensue in a broad scope of biological effects depending on the degree and continuance of exposure. Assorted effects occur over a wide scope of doses, with the developing fetus and baby being more sensitive than the grownup. High degrees of exposure may ensue in toxic biochemical effects in worlds which in bend cause jobs in the synthesis of hemoglobin, effects on the kidneys, GI piece of land, articulations and generative system, and ague or chronic harm to the nervous system. gt ; Lead toxic condition, which is so terrible as to do apparent unwellness, is now really rare so. At intermediate concentrations, nevertheless, there is persuasive grounds that lead can hold little, elusive, subclinical effects, peculiarly on neuropsychological developments in kids. Some surveies suggest that there may be a loss of up to 2 IQ points for a rise in blood leadlevels from 10 to 20 # 181 ; g/dl in immature kids. Average day-to-day lead consumption for grownups in the UK is estimated at 1.6 # 181 ; g from air, 20 # 181 ; g from imbibing H2O and 28 # 181 ; g from nutrient. Although most people receive the majority of their lead consumption from nutrient, in specific populations other beginnings may be more of import, such as H2O in countries with lead piping and plumbosolvent H2O, air near point of beginning emanations, dirt, dust, pigment flakes in old houses or contaminated land. Lead in the air contributes to take degrees in nutrient through deposition of dust and rain incorporating the metal, on harvests and the dirt. For the bulk of people in the UK, nevertheless, dietetic lead exposure is good below the probationary tolerable hebdomadal consumption recommended by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World Health Organisation. In what signifier is emitted lead? Lead in the environment arises from both natural and anthropogenetic beginnings. Exposure can happen through imbibing H2O, nutrient, air, dirt and dust from old pigment incorporating lead. In the general non-smoking, grownup population the major exposure tract is from nutrient and H2O. Food, air, H2O and dust/soil are the major possible exposure tracts for babies and immature kids. For babies up to 4 or 5 months of age, air, milk expression and H2O are the important beginnings. Lead is among the most recycled non-ferrous metals and its secondary production has hence grown steadily in malice of worsening lead monetary values. Its physical and chemical belongingss are applied in the fabrication, building and chemical industries. It is easy shaped and is ductile and malleable. There are eight wide classs of usage: batteries, gasoline additives ( no longer allowed in the EU ) , rolled and extruded merchandises, metals, pigments and compounds, overseas telegram overlay, shooting and ammo. Effectss of Mercury on the environment Mercury is a toxic substance which has no known map in human biochemistry or physiology and does non happen of course in life beings. Inorganic quicksilver toxic condition is associated with shudders, gingivitis and/or minor psychological alterations, together with self-generated abortion and inborn deformity. Monomethylmercury causes harm to the encephalon and the cardinal nervous system, while fetal and postpartum exposure hold given rise to abortion, inborn deformity and development alterations in immature kids. In what signifier is emitted Mercury? Mercury is a planetary pollutant with complex and unusual chemical and physical belongingss. The major natural beginning of quicksilver is the degassing of the Earth # 8217 ; s crust, emanations from vents and vaporization from natural organic structures of H2O. Global excavation of the metal leads to indirect discharges into the ambiance. The use of quicksilver is widespread in industrial procedures and in assorted merchandises ( e.g. batteries, lamps and thermometers ) . It is besides widely used in dental medicine as an amalgam for fillings and by the pharmaceutical industry. Concern over quicksilver in the environment arises from the highly toxic signifiers in which quicksilver can happen. Mercury is largely present in the ambiance in a comparatively unreactive signifier as a gaseous component. The long atmospheric life-time ( of the order of 1 twelvemonth ) of its gaseous signifier means the emanation, conveyance and deposition of quicksilver is a planetary issue. Natural biological procedures can do methylated signifiers of quicksilver to organize which bioaccumulate over a million-fold and dressed ore in life beings, particularly fish. These signifiers of quicksilver: monomethylmercury and dimethylmercury are extremely toxic, doing neurotoxicological upsets. The chief tract for quicksilver to worlds is through the nutrient concatenation and non by inspiration. The chief beginnings of quicksilver emanations in the UK are from the industry of Cl in quicksilver cells, non-ferrous metal production, coal burning and crematory. UK emanations of quicksilver are unsure and it is estimated that the scope is from 13 to 36 metric tons per twelvemonth ( DERA ) . Emissions are estimated to hold declined by around # 1109 ; # 8217 ; s between 1970-1998 ( NAEI ) , chiefly due to improved controls on quicksilver cells and their replacing, and the autumn in coal usage. Whilst there has been a diminution in the degree of European emanations of quicksilver, emanations from outside of Europe have started to increase # 8211 ; increasing the degree of ambient concentrations in the continent. Effectss of Nickel on the environment Small sums of Nickel are needed by the human organic structure to bring forth ruddy blood cells, nevertheless, in inordinate sums, can go mildly toxic. Short-run overexposure to nickel is non known to do any wellness jobs, but long-run exposure can do decreased organic structure weight, bosom and liver harm, and skin annoyance. The EPA does non presently modulate Ni degrees in imbibing H2O. Nickel can roll up in aquatic life, but its presence is non magnified along nutrient ironss. Effectss of Selenium on the environment Selenium is needed by worlds and other animate beings in little sums, but in larger sums can do harm to the nervous system, weariness, and crossness. Selenium accumulates in populating tissue, doing high Se content in fish and other beings, and doing greater wellness jobs in homo over a life-time of overexposure. These wellness jobs include hair and fingernail loss, harm to kidney and liver tissue, harm to circulative tissue, and more terrible harm to the nervous system. 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Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Capital Punishment, Is The Execution Of Criminals By The State, For Co
Capital punishment, is the execution of criminals by the state, for committing crimes, regarded as the worst possible crimes that this is the only acceptable punishment around. Capital punishment does not only lower the murder rate, but its value as retribution alone is a good reason for handing out death sentences. Support for the death penalty in the U.S. has risen to an average of 80% according to an article written by Richard Worsnop, entitled Death penalty debate centers on retribution. This figure is slightly lower in Canada where support for the death penalty is at 72% of the population over 18 years of age, as stated in article by Kirk Makir, in the March 26, 1987 edition of the Globe and Mail, titled B.C MPs split on Death Penalty. The death penalty deters murder by putting the fear of death into would be killers. A person is less likely to do something, if he or she thinks that harm will come to them. Another way the death penalty deters murder, is the fact that if the killer is dead, he will not be able to kill again. Most supporters of the death penalty feel that offenders should be punished for their crimes, and that it does not matter whether it will deter the crime rate. Supporters of the death penalty are in favor of making examples out of offenders, and that the threat of death will be enough to deter the crime rate, but the crime rate is still not as important. According to a study done by Isaac Ehrlich, published on April 16, 1976, eight murders are deterred for each execution that is carried out in the United States. He then goes on to say If one execution of a guilty capital murder deters the murder of one innocent life, the execution is justified. To most supporters of the death penalty, like Ehrlich, if even one life is saved, for countless executions of the guilty, it is a good reason for the death penalty. The theory that society engages in murder when executing the guilty is considered to be not important by most supporters, including Ehrlich. He feels that execution of convicted offenders expresses the great value society places on innocent life. Issac Dhrlich goes on to state that racism is also a point used by death penalty advocates. I will use the U.S. as an example sense I can not look at the inmates on death row in Canada. Reason being there are laws in Canada that state that crime statistics can not be based on race, also the fact that there are no inmates on death row in Canada at this time. In the U.S. 16 out of every 1,000 whites arrested for murder are sentenced to death, while 12 of 1,000 blacks arrested for murder were sentenced to death. 1.1% of black inmates on death row were executed, while 1.7% or white inmates will die. Another cry for racism as according to Ehrilich, which is raised by advocates of the death penalty, is based on the color of the victim. For example if the victim is white, it is more likely that the offender will get the death penalty than if the victim had been black. This is true, if you look at the actual number of people who are murdered. More people kill whites and get the death penalty, then people who kill blacks and get the death penalty. The reason for this is that more whites are killed, and the murderers captured. Now if we look at the number of blacks killed it is a lot less. But you have to look at these numbers the same way. Percent wise it is almost the same number for any race, so this in not the issue. In a 1986 study done by professor Stephen K. Layson of the University of North Carolina, the conclusions made by Ehrilich were updated, and showed to be a little on the low side as far as the deterrence factor of capital punishment. Professor Layson found that 18 murders were deterred by each execution in the U.S. He also found that executions increase in probability of arrest, conviction, and other executions of major offenders. According to a
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Free Essays on The Importance Of Categorization On Institutional Forms And Its Problems
The Importance of Categorization on Institutional Forms and It’s Problems America is a place of varied races and ethnicity. Everyone who resides in the United States are supposed to be viewed as equals, yet we are asked to categorize ourselves on many institutional forms. Whether it is for school, for a job, or while applying for a Social Security Card, we are asked to pick a category to put ourselves into on these important forms. It is only because our identity is crucial in the multi-racial country today, to ourselves as well as the government. The categories on most institutional forms can lead our views of race, ethnicity and other aspects of our identity into mistaken judgments because of insufficient information. America today has become a diverse nation with many different backgrounds ever since the early 1500’s. The categories on institutional forms, which ask the addressee to categorize his or her race, are not sufficient enough to satisfy the people of America today and cause people’s views of other races, ethnicity, and aspects of our identity into mistaken directions. The categories leave out people with more than one ethnicity. There is not one category for a multi-racial person except for the option of the â€Å"Other†box. A man who is of two different racial groups can be offended when there is no other choice but to check off the â€Å"Other†box because being viewed as an â€Å"other†can lower one’s sense of worth. An â€Å"other†is someone not of the everyday norm, or in another word, a minority. Also, the person may feel angry since he is not able to state who he really is, being from two different racial groups. Categorization on institutional forms keeps disorder in our society because it does not present everyone at the same level. The classifications on these forms imply a hierarchy, which have negative effects. People may keep the opinion of certain races or ethnic backgrounds as being be... Free Essays on The Importance Of Categorization On Institutional Forms And It's Problems Free Essays on The Importance Of Categorization On Institutional Forms And It's Problems The Importance of Categorization on Institutional Forms and It’s Problems America is a place of varied races and ethnicity. Everyone who resides in the United States are supposed to be viewed as equals, yet we are asked to categorize ourselves on many institutional forms. Whether it is for school, for a job, or while applying for a Social Security Card, we are asked to pick a category to put ourselves into on these important forms. It is only because our identity is crucial in the multi-racial country today, to ourselves as well as the government. The categories on most institutional forms can lead our views of race, ethnicity and other aspects of our identity into mistaken judgments because of insufficient information. America today has become a diverse nation with many different backgrounds ever since the early 1500’s. The categories on institutional forms, which ask the addressee to categorize his or her race, are not sufficient enough to satisfy the people of America today and cause people’s views of other races, ethnicity, and aspects of our identity into mistaken directions. The categories leave out people with more than one ethnicity. There is not one category for a multi-racial person except for the option of the â€Å"Other†box. A man who is of two different racial groups can be offended when there is no other choice but to check off the â€Å"Other†box because being viewed as an â€Å"other†can lower one’s sense of worth. An â€Å"other†is someone not of the everyday norm, or in another word, a minority. Also, the person may feel angry since he is not able to state who he really is, being from two different racial groups. Categorization on institutional forms keeps disorder in our society because it does not present everyone at the same level. The classifications on these forms imply a hierarchy, which have negative effects. People may keep the opinion of certain races or ethnic backgrounds as being be...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Tuner Laboratory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Tuner Laboratory - Essay Example This kind of a stub causes a removal of harmonics from a given signal, more specifically at the circuit’s output, while giving some allowance to the fundamental flow. After schematic construction of this entire set-up, the stub’s length will be tuned until the desired response of around 5 GHz is attained. It hence establishes a clear understanding of the ultimate concept of the applicability of fibre optic transmission. The main practical application of this tuner circuit is on the AM and FM radios that typically works through the aspect of incorporation of high frequency signal as well as modulation of its amplitude, hence leading to the establishment of Amplitude Modulation as a key acronym. There are some of the radio antennas that operate over the audio spectrum of between 20 Hz and 20 KHz, from an extremely lower frequency communications that are often utilized in submarines. Based on this fact, each and every individual who shall be listening and transmitting woul d have the ability of hearing what other individuals were saying. Thus, there would not be a much clearer means of signal separation. These two major signals are often remarkably close within the frequency range, but are also still under clear separate ends hence allowing for efficient separation a given radio or any other applicable device. In the tuner circuit, wire connections are often insulated so as to prevent any form of accidental energy coupling into many other things. It tends to consist of almost two layers mainly because of some integral reasons. There exists both the outer and the inner layers. The cladding, which is usually taken to mean the outer layer, has a little lower index as compared to the core or the inner layer. In this manner, the light is hence allowed to constantly bounce to and fro without any form of relying on the fibre’s outer interface. The entire variation in the refractive index between the core and cladding often works towards
Saturday, February 8, 2020
The origins of the Arab- Israeli wars Term Paper
The origins of the Arab- Israeli wars - Term Paper Example agenda and conflict emanated in 1948 after Israel was born; resultantly, this aspect makes the comprehensive conflict an international and modern marvel especially due to the five wars that followed. Additionally, also other significant political events arose from the same occurrence i.e. uprisings by the Palestinians. In 1880’s, there was an increase in the European-Jews that immigrated to Palestine causing many rigidities between the Palestinian-Arab residents and the different movements under Zionism. Nonetheless, the Jews in Palestine continued to increase and this affected even parts of land that were under the rule of Ottoman, where the Jewish communities settled and started agricultural projects. Moreover, some of the Jewish communities also acquired land from individual prominent Arabs with the number of Christians and Jews increasing by day. However, according to Ottoman and Robert (Statistician General of Israel), it took time before the Jews and Christians were nearly as half the number of Palestinians and Muslims. Later on in 1917, political actions took an unexpected turn especially through the Balfour Declaration of Palestine that gave the power of recognition to the settlement of Jews in the Palestinian land. The Great Britain Government facilitated the declaration during the period of the Obligatory Palestine, and a result it was the source of major conflicts between the full-time dwellers and the immigrants. Ottoman was a significant factor of the tensions as the immigration took place during his time and ruling. Faisal- Weizmann Agreement followed two years after the declaration to try to reduce the tension between the two groups. The agreement encouraged collaboration between the Arabs and the Jews especially on the aspect that both communities would live together in Palestinian Land. However, the idea of leaving a part of the Palestinian Land did not entirely impress the Arabs and the agreement did not have much of an impact to the
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Athena Research Essay Example for Free
Athena Research Essay Athena is the goddess of wisdom and warfare. She is the favorite daughter of Zeus. There are many different versions of how Athena came to be. The most accepted version is that Athena was born a child of Zeus by his first wife, Metis, a goddess of wisdom. Zeus feared that Metis might bear him a son who was mightier than himself, so he swallowed her. According to some stories, Zeus had every right to fear this because Mother Earth had prophesied that Metis first child would be a girl, but her second child would be a boy that would overthrow Zeus as had happened to is father and his grandfather. Zeus took this warning to heart. This is why he swallowed Metis. It is believed that this is where Zeus gained his wisdom. Before swallowing his wife he was said to have had no brains. Little did Zeus know that Metis was already with child. While trapped inside Zeus, Metis began to make a helmet and robe for her unborn daughter. All that clanging and pounding caused Zeus to suffer terrible headaches, so he called for his son Hephaestus. Hephaestus split his fathers skull open to relieve the pain, and out popped Athena, fully grown and dressed in her new robe and helmet. The great Athena was the first to teach the science of numbers and all ancient womens arts, such as cooking, weaving and spinning. She was the goddess of wisdom and war, but, unlike the god of war Ares, she took no pleasure from battle, preferring instead to settle conflict through mediation. When Athena was moved to engage in battle she never lost, even against Ares himself, for she was a far superior negotiator than he was. She bears no arms in times of peace and will usually borrow weapons from Zeus when needed. Since she was his favorite daughter and such a mighty warrior, he allowed her to borrow is fearsome Aegis, and his devastating thunderbolts. Indeed Athena was a brave warrior and she was the lone deity to stand her ground when Typhon attacked Olympus. Typhon was the largest, most dangerous, and most grotesque of all creatures. He was so frightening and that when he attacked Mount Olympus all of the gods ran off to Egypt and hid themselves by taking the forms of various animals. Only Athena stood firm, and she shamed and motivated Zeus into action. Zeus struck Typhon with a thunderbolt and used Uranus castrating sickle to wound the enormous creature. Typhon retreated to Mount Casius, where he and Zeus resumed heir struggle, hurling mountains at one another, which resulted in Typhon being crushed beneath what is now known as Mount Aetna. Mount Olympus and the reign of Zeus were saved thanks to Athena. Even though she was as modest as Artemis and Hestia, the other virgin goddesses, Athena was far more generous. A man called Tiresias chanced upon Athena while she was taking a bath and she was startled to realize that he had entered the room and seen her. Not wanting to kill Tiresias for his foolishness, she laid her hands over his eyes and blinded him, but gave him inward sight so that Tiresias became one of the most well-known oracles in Greece. One of the few times that Athena showed irritability was in her weaving contest against the mortal named Arachne. Arachne thought she was the best weaver there Athena felt very disrespected and took on the appearance of an old woman and showed up at Arachnes house to give her some friendly advice to respect the gods. Arachne was too vain to listen and told the old woman to be gone. Let the great Athena try her skill against mine, and if I lose she can do whatever she pleases with me, she boasted. Thats when Athena dropped her disguise and revealed her true identity. All the bystanders fell to their knees in reverence except for Arachne, who was unmoved. The two began their weaving contest, and for a while Arachne held her own against Athena, even poking fun at the gods through the tapestry she crafted, but finally Athena had enough and touched the presumptuous mortal on the forehead, making her feel her shame. Horrified at the realization of her vanity, Arachne ran off and hung herself from a tree. Feeling sorry for the hanging of Arachne, Athena brought her back to life, but so that mortals learn that it doesnt pay to compare themselves to the gods, she changed Arachne into a spider. There she its, her and her descendents, forever weaving their web, testament to the folly of vanity. Athens was named after Athena and she became its protector after a dispute with her uncle, Poseideon, the god of the sea. Both Athena and Poseidon really liked a certain city on the coast of Greece, and both of them claimed ownership. Finally, to solve the dispute, it was agreed that whoever could present the city with the best gift would forever be patron. Athena and Poseidon went to the Acropolis, where Poseidon struck the cliff side with his mighty trident. A spring welled up, which amazed and impressed the citizens. However, the spring was salt ater, so it wasnt really of much use to anyone. Athena then presented the people with a simple olive tree. Although it wasnt as impressive as a spring, it was far more useful, because it presented the people with oil, food, and even wood. In thanks, they named the city Athens. Some people in Greece still worship Athena and pay homage to her at the Acropolis. Athena was the virgin goddess. She was also called Athena Parthenos. Parthenos meant virgin. This is where the Parthenon came from. The Parthenon temple was built to honor the virgin goddess. Although she was a virgin there are stories about her son, Erichthonius. Erichthonius was born of the sperm of Hephaestus, Athenas brother.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Authors Depiction of Warfare in Beowulf :: Poems Literature Essays
The Author's Depiction of Warfare in Beowulf The poem Beowulf is set in a time when warfare was prevalent. The epic poem is believed to have been composed sometime between the early eighth century and the tenth century, A.D. During this time, war between tribes co-existing within the same region, as well as war between tribes from afar, was a common occurrence. The author of Beowulf acknowledges this fact often. However, it is not clear whether his or her opinion is that of a pacifist or an activist, with regard to such violence. The narrator emphasizes that the power, nobility and greatness of a warrior are often enhanced by his successfulness in battle. The fact that good things may be achieved through war, suggests that the narrator considers warfare to be a necessary evil. Whether the author sees warfare as good or bad, he recognizes its importance in the creation and molding of great leaders during this violent era. The author believes that war is not a situation that can be avoided. He also points out the importance of generosity on the part of those who will inevitably be drawn to battle, saying: "And a young prince must be prudent like that, so that afterward in an age when fighting starts steadfast companions will stand by him and hold the line" (Norton 20). Notice that he does not say "if fighting starts," but rather "when fighting starts." This tone suggests that war is to be expected and is an unavoidable aspect of life. The fact that success in warfare is an important factor in becoming a great leader is illustrated in the first few lines of the poem. Here, the author equates courage and greatness with the qualities of men, such as Shield Sheafson, who prove themselves powerful in battle. We are told that the founder of the Danish royal line was a: "scourge of many tribes, a wrecker of mead-benches, rampaging among foes...he would flourish later on as his powers waxed and his worth was proved" (4). In fact, the author rarely introduces any powerful king or lord without describing, to some degree, the victories which created and enhanced such power. A fully armored warrior is depicted as being very noble. He is a man to be looked up to and respected. This is plainly illustrated when Beowulf and his warriors first land in Denmark and are questioned by the coast guard.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Comparing Islamic Religion
To compare the Islamic religion, one has to first define Islam. â€Å"The word Islam means surrender or submission to the will of Allah, the one God†(Webster). The word Islam conveys much meaning, especially those of submission and peace. It is through the total submission to the will of God, also known as Allah, that one achieves peace with oneself, peace with the Creator, as well as peace with all creations. Muslims are believers who have submitted themselves to the will of God. The basic creed of Islam is the shahada. Shahada is the profession of faith: â€Å"I testify that there is no deity save God and that Muhammad is the messenger of God†(Schimmel 34). I study Buddhism. Buddhism is the name attributed to an intricate system of beliefs developed around the teachings of a single man known as the Buddha. Buddha is the title given to the Indian philosopher Gautama circa 2,500 years ago. Buddhism is a Western word. â€Å"The religion is known in the East as the Buddha-Dharma, or the teachings of the Buddha†(Maitreya 1). Buddhists share similar beliefs about the nature of the world and how to behave within it based on the teachings of the Buddha. Islam comes from the mouth of Muhammad. Buddhism is based on the Buddha†s personal experience of enlightenment. Thus, Muhammad is a divinely inspired teacher who preached the words of God†s will, whereas the Buddha shared his understanding of ‘the way†to attain enlightenment. Neither religion worships the tellers of the truth i. e. Muhammad and the Buddha. Instead, both religions recognize and appreciate the magnificent contribution both men have made as well as utilize the doctrines that summarize their school of thought-the Koran and the Four Noble Truths. The foundation of Islam is the Koran which is, for the pious Muslim, not the word of a prophet but the unadulterated word of God, which has become audible through Muhammad, the pure vessel, in clear Arabic language†(Schimmel 29). The main emphasis of the Koran is the oneness of Allah. All of humanity is regarded as subject to the will and power of Allah. It is He who has created mankind, and will one-day judge his creation. The faithful are called upon to believe in Allah and to listen to His Prophet and will be saved on Judgement Day. â€Å"The Four Noble Truths are the briefest synthesis of the entire teachings of Buddhism†(Maitreya 3). The first truth is that all life is unpleasant suffering, pain, and misery. The second truth is that this suffering is caused by selfish craving and passionate personal desire. The third truth is that this selfish craving can be overcome. The fourth truth is that the way to overcome the misery of life is by following the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path promotes sight and wisdom that will allow for inner peace, and ultimately enlightenment. The Koran†s principal assertion is that there is one God–the creator and sustainer of the universe. â€Å"This God, Allah, is compassionate and just. Because He is compassionate, He calls all people to believe in Him and worship Him†(Ali 6). Buddhism does not teach of gods. Instead, Buddhism teaches the way of life that Buddha comprehended-the Eightfold Path. The Koran declares that all of humanity is subject to the will and power of Allah. â€Å"It is a fundamental Islamic belief that we were created to serve (worship) Allah†(Ali 2). Islam religion regards mankind as the crown of creation, entrusted by God with management of the whole-created order. Humans can be weak and are susceptible to disbelief in God and to disobedience to His will. Humanity†s weakness is pride. Humans do not realize their limitations and believe they are self-sufficient. It is the people who are deluded by Satan that continued to disbelieve in Allah. Similarly, the Four Noble Truths proclaim that people make a mistake of being excessively egotistical. Analogously, Buddhism confirms that people error by identifying too strongly with personal existence in any one life. Unlike Muslims, who consider themselves committed to a mission by their belief in Allah, Buddhist aspires to escape from the sufferings of life. These two goals of life are vastly different. Muslims will always see themselves reflected in the eyes of God whereas Buddhists will never see a God, only their life as a cycle of rebirths until the release called Nirvana. The Islamic religion is an extensive, multidimensional, and complex topic just as Buddhism is. I acknowledge that I am neither an expert of the religion nor a religious scholar, yet. I am solely making a brief comparison between Islam with my own personal convictions and understandings of Buddhism.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Realism Surrealism Europe
Sample details Pages: 27 Words: 8031 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Literature Essay Type Compare and contrast essay Did you like this example? The comparison between the magical realism and the surrealism The research provides the comparison between the magical realism of South America and the surrealism of Europe, with a particular reference to One Hundred Years of Solitude (Cien Anos de Soledad) by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and The Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung) by Franz Kafka. Applying to the comparative and historical theoretical approaches, the paper reveals both similarities and differences of two literary movements of the twentieth century. The received findings demonstrate that the magical realism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez is based on the unity of reality and fantasy, while the surrealism of Kafka deals with the harmony between dreams and rationality, or, applying to Freudian psychoanalysis, between the conscious and the unconscious. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Realism Surrealism Europe | History Dissertations" essay for you Create order In this regard, some results of the research reflect the previous analyses of Kafka and Marquez, while other findings provide some new interpretations of Kafka’s surrealism and Marquez’s magical realism. 1 Statement of the problem Although the magical realism and the surrealism are two literary movements that were formed in different parts of the world, they have more similarities than differences. This is especially obvious on the examples of One Hundred Years of Solitude (Cien Anos de Soledad) written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and The Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung) written by Franz Kafka. Despite the fact that The Metamorphosis belongs to the genre of the surrealism, it is sometimes attributed to the genre of the magical realism; the same regards Marquez’s masterpiece. However, while the surrealism is aimed at the depiction of superior reality with the help of such tools as automatism, fantasy and mesmerism, the magical realism describes the real world in a combination with a fantastic realm. Overall, both the surrealism and the magical realism appeared as the revolutionary movements that challenged the civilised reality and the crucial role of rationality, considerably influencing the formation of new consciousness in South America and Europe in the twentieth century. 2 Introduction Literature of the twentieth century is characterised by the formation of various movements that reflected the essence of a rather contradictory and complex era, when different social, political, cultural and individual aspects emerged on a scene. Unquestionably, every literary movement made an attempt to implement its own ways of expression, forms, symbols and the treatment of certain crucial issues. However, after the era of rationality and in the threshold of Two World Wars, many writers and poets began to challenge pure reason, searching for the ways to combine reality with fantasy. In this regard, the magical realism and the surrealism are literary movements of that period, which oppose the conventional portrayal of reality and produce their own understanding of human existence. Thus, two movements reveal many common features and characteristics, especially the similar ways of presenting and interpreting reality; however, the magical realism and the surrealism are not identi cal genres. The magical realism overcomes the depressive and gloomy nature of the realism, trying to evoke the belief in supernatural things and simultaneously revealing the essence of reality. Applying to different perspectives and new ways of expression, the magical realism demonstrates the unusual world of Latin America torn between civilisation and primitive state, modernity and antiquity, social conflicts and cultural unity. The magical realism challenges rationality, puts questions and leads readers to fantastic realms. The surrealism is a more formal genre than the magical realism; the surrealism bases its ideas on a certain ideology, while the magical realism forms its concepts on the logic of imagination, presenting a unique universe. However, similar to the magical realism, the surrealism is in search of combining contradictory juxtapositions, producing profound implications and complex ideas of reality. On the other hand, the surrealism strives for freedom, but this struggle is rather delicate; it does not maintain the idea of political or social changes, but rather claims for psychological changes. Thus, the purpose of this research is to compare the magical realism of South America and the surrealism of Europe on the examples of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Evaluating the similarities and differences of these literary trends, the analysis is divided into several parts. Starting with a statement of the problem, which points at the major idea of the conducted research, the paper goes on with some social, political and cultural aspects of the magical realism and the surrealism. Chapter 3 presents a general overview of certain critical sources, which provide their interpretations of Marquez’s and Kafka’s literary works. The theoretical methods applied for the analysis are discussed in the further section. Chapter 5 provides a detailed comparison between the defi ned works of Marquez and Kafka, paying a particular attention to the principal elements of the magical realism and the surrealism. The summarisation of the received findings is conducted in the Conclusions Chapter, while the final chapter reveals the limitations of the research and gives certain suggestions for further analyses of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Franz Kafka. 3 Review of the literature As the literary works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Franz Kafka belong to rather complex genres of the surrealism and the magical realism, which are characterised by the unity of contradictory elements, critics provide different interpretations of these authors. Kafka’s The Metamorphosis has been analysed by feminists, psychoanalysts, postmodernists, structuralists, Marxists and other scholars who utilised various approaches in the process of their research. Gavriel Ben-Ephraim points at the fact that â€Å"Kafka’s The Metamorphosis validates contradictory reading that cancels coherent interpretation†1, while Harold Bloom maintains the similar viewpoint. As the researcher claims, â€Å"my working principle in reading Kafka is to evade interpretation, which only means that what most needs and demands interpretation in Kafka’s writing is its perversely deliberate evasion of interpretation†2. William Madden draws a parallel between Kafka and the p rincipal character of The Metamorphosis, revealing many autobiographical elements in the narration and stating that â€Å"it is literally a true account of a man, life, and the cosmos†3. Ralph Friedman expresses the viewpoint that â€Å"it is best to approach Kafka as a writer of realistic fiction†¦ [and that] symbolism must be taken into account, but it is not the master key of Kafka’s work†4. Evaluating the role of Kafka in worldwide literature, Friedman states that â€Å"Kafka went his own way†¦ No great artist can be caught in the categories set up by literary historians†5. Despite various interpretations of Marquez’s work One Hundred Years of Solitude, many critics agree in opinion that Marquez’s magical realism demonstrates profound social, historical, cultural and political contexts. According to Stephen Minta, Marquez is â€Å"inevitably concerned with the whole history of his country and continent, and, both as a writ er of novels and as a journalist, he has constantly laid stress on the importance of developing alternative sources of history†6. Marquez’s researcher Regina Janes points out that â€Å"his [Marquez’s] fellow novelists recognised in the novel a brilliant evocation of many of their own concerns: a ‘total novel’ that treated Latin America socially, historically, politically, mythically, and epically†7. In fact, totality of One Hundred Years of Solitude is achieved through the unity of history and society; although Marquez seems to uncover the history of his region, he simultaneously reveals the history of Latin America, starting with the primordial times and ending with the establishment of Western imperialism. Anne Marie Taylor points at the fact that Gabriel Garcia Marquez treats history from two different perspectives; on the one hand, it is presented as a crucial tool for the explanation of the past, while, on the other hand, it is an int egral part of the protagonists’ experience. According to Taylor, the characters of Marquez’s narration â€Å"see the past in general as part of the circular pattern of recurring events and in particular, as filled with negative personal experiences which they do everything possible to repress†8. Despite the variety of interpretations of Marquez’s and Kafka’s works, the further analysis makes an attempt to overcome the existing contradictions and compare One Hundred Years of Solitude with The Metamorphosis, presenting a profound research of the magical realism and the surrealism. 4 Research methodology The research utilises two theoretical methods – a comparative approach and a historical approach, which provide an opportunity to compare the magical realism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the surrealism of Franz Kafka. The aim of the comparative approach is to define both similarities and differences of the discussed literary movements, revealing unique features of each trend and of each literary work. Simultaneously, this approach uncovers a close connection between a literary work and such sciences as psychology or philosophy. However, due to some limitations of the comparative approach, the paper also applies to the historical approach to overcome a simple analysis of differences and similarities and demonstrate interpretations of Marquez’s and Kafka’s works through the historical perspective, as every literary source is inseparably connected with history. The historical approach takes into account historical periods when certain literary texts are writte n; the received results are further applied to the analysed works that reflect some common features of a particular epoch. Applying to an interpretative perspective, this approach evaluates social, cultural, and political changes that influenced certain aspects of literature9. In addition, the historical approach analyses forms, styles and literary tools of specific literary works, producing various valid interpretations of fiction. According to such historians as Raymond Williams, Steven Zwicker, Kevin Sharpe, and Geoffrey Hughes, the historical analysis of language in a literary work is crucial for the research of political, cultural and social changes10. 5 Discussion 5.1. The definitions of the magical realism and the surrealism The ‘magical realism’ as a notion belongs to a famous German critic Franz Roh who applied this particular term to the reality created by artists; according to Roh, the magical realism â€Å"employs various techniques that endow all things with a deeper meaning and reveal mysteries that always threaten the secure tranquillity of simple and ingenuous things†11. Although the magical realism is a comparatively novel literary movement, some elements of this genre can be found in the works of such famous writers as Honorà © de Balzac, Nikolay Gogol, Mikhail Bulgakov, Guy de Maupassant, Italo Calvino, Charles Dickens and Fyodor Dostoevsky. However, in South America the concept of â€Å"magical realism†was successfully utilised in literature since 1940s to reveal the realistic outlook of American nation. As a challenge to post-colonialism and the prevalence of European cultural values in various countries of South America, some writers created literary works that began to reflect a definitely new vision of reality that was later regarded as the ‘magical realism’. Due to the fact that South America was exposed to various cultural, social and political conflicts in the nineteenth-twentieth centuries, the magical realism successfully demonstrated the existing complexities of that particular period. In this regard, the magical realism is based on the harmony of contradictory aspects, such as past and present, reason and emotions, reality and unreality. Thus, on the one hand, this literary trend accepts reality, while, on the other hand, it also accepts supernatural elements as an integral part of this reality12. Unlike the fantastic literary genre, where the created world differs from the real world, the setting in the magical realism is created within the real contemporary world, depicting modern people and social realm, although through the fantastic perspective. According to the historical approach, this combination o f reality and fantasy can be explained by the survival of Indian culture within European civilisation. In view of this combination, the magical realism of South America is characterised by such features as irony, hybridity, restraint and the balance between natural and supernatural. As for irony, authors of the magical realism utilise irony to preserve realism within their fantastic contexts; however, their fantasy is so real that is almost impossible to separate the realm of fantasy from the realm of reality. As the narrators or the characters turn to fantasy, their reality is changed, and these protagonists no longer belong to a particular social class; rather they belong to the realm of magical reality, which constitutes their own lives. Hybridity is one of the most important features of the magical realism, as it challenges the traditional realistic portrayal, demonstrating that reality is usually more complex than it is presented in the majority of literary works. In other w ords, reality is exposed to constant changes and mixtures, revealing the equilibrium between two extremes. Restraint and the balance between natural and supernatural are closely connected with the previous features; writers of the magical realism apply to these literary techniques to prove that any supernatural elements are normal for the protagonists who live within the magical reality. In addition, the magical realism demonstrates various fantastic components that seem rather logical, although this logic is not clarified within the narration. The best representative of the Southern American magical realism is Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a famous Colombian writer, although there are other writers of the magical realism, such as Isabel Allende, Toni Morrison, Ernst Junger, Ben Okri, Mario Vargas Llosa, Jorge Luis Borges, Juan Rulfo and Alejo Carpentier. For instance, The Famished Road by Ben Okri reflects such features of the magical realism as hybridity and restraint, which are demo nstrated through the principal characters and the portrayal of social reality. Alejo Carpentier is a South American writer who is known for the creation of the notion ‘marvellous reality’ that defines the literature of new writers after the Second World War. Similar to the magical realism, the surrealism also deals with two realms, but these realms are of different nature. In particular, the surrealism is aimed at observing exterior reality and interior reality in their unity; in fact, it is difficult to achieve the unity of two realms, as one reality is social, while another reality is individual. The surrealism as a literary movement was created in the twentieth century and became spread in Europe after the First World War. Originating from the Dada movement, the surrealism in literature is based on positivism, rather than on negativism, although it challenges the traditional understanding of art. In the period of immense disappointment caused by the war, the su rrealists made attempts to renew the lost culture and art, adhering to realism and truthfulness of expression. For Andre Breton, the author of The Surrealist Manifesto and the founder of the movement in 1924, the surrealism is expressed in the balance between the unconscious and conscious spheres; in this regard, dreams and rationality constitute a perfect reality in surrealistic literary works. Thus, the surrealism reflects Freud’s psychological theories on the conscious and the unconscious, especially the psychoanalyst’s ideas of the id and the ego; it also rejects the dominance of traditions and reason over imagination. In this context, both the surrealism and the magical realism stress the importance of dreams, treating fantasy as a crucial and serious aspect of reality. However, writers and poets of the surrealism pay much attention to intricate combinations of words, but not to the meanings of these words, complicating their literary pieces and adhering to mysticism of primitive societies. Some famous European surrealist authors and poets are Robert Desnos, Louis Aragon, Paul Eluard, Philippe Soupault, Tristan Tzara, Hugo Ball and Jean Cocteau who considerably maintain the ideas of pure primitivism, but one of the most outstanding writers of the surrealism is certainly Franz Kafka, whose major short stories and novels were published only after his death. Overall, both the magical realism and the surrealism make attempts to find supernatural in normal things and present reality through a new vision. As a result, literary pieces of the surrealism and the magical realism are characterised by the implementation of new experimental forms, styles, themes and ways of expression, changing the traditional interpretation of fantastic and real, ironic and dramatic. In addition to these common features, the surrealism points at the fact that reality can be understood only through the unconscious. According to such psychologists as Freud and Ca rl Jung, myths and legends reveal the common unconscious of a particular community; that is why many surrealist writers utilise myths for better portrayal of their characters. Simultaneously, myths in the surrealism appear as an implicit opposition to Western cultural traditions and way of thinking. For Freud, civilisation deprives people of their primordial nature, while myths return societies to their cultural roots and their true identity. In this regard, writers of the surrealism usually apply to the key feature of the movement – automatism, with the help of which they try to reveal the unconscious. Automatism provides the surrealists with an opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas in a freely manner. 5.2. The comparison between the magical realism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the surrealism of Franz Kafka Various elements of the magical realism are utilised in the work One Hundred Years of Solitude (Cien Anos de Soledad) written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, where the writer mixes reality and fancy, overcoming profound differences between two realms. Above all, this mixing of spheres is expressed through the narrative tone of Marquez’s literary masterpiece. Applying to a serious and untouched tone, Gabriel Garcia Marquez manages to implicitly transform mystical and unreal events into real occurrences. The tone of his portrayal is so genuine that the whole narration seems natural, while combining the most controversial things. As the writer acknowledges, â€Å"the key to writing One Hundred Years of Solitude was the idea of saying incredible things with a completely unperturbed face†13. Marquez masterfully treats mystical elements, presenting them as an uncompromising truth. For instance, the priest, one of the novel’s characters, demonstrates the phenomenon of l evitation that he performs with the help of chocolate; however, the protagonist regards this phenomenon as a normal act of God, claiming that â€Å"now we shall witness an undeniable proof of the infinite power of God†14. Thus, Marquez introduces the bizarre elements into his fantastic realm so unnoticeably that the readers accept them as natural things of their world. Introducing such supernatural elements as flying objects, carnivalesque and levitation, Marquez also applies to irony, symbolism and narrative distance. But the atmosphere of domesticity provides Marquez with an opportunity to gradually turn from fantasy to reality; in this regard, the introduction of Ursula into the narration serves this particular purpose. As Ricardo Gullon points out, â€Å"Ursula’s function is to impregnate the fictional space with everybody realities so that the marvellous may enter it smoothly†15. Other episodes of Marquez narration also demonstrate the writer’s sk ilful ability to switch from the supernatural to the real portrayal. This is especially vivid in the episode that describes Jose Arcadio’s death: â€Å"A trickle of blood came out under the door, crossed the living room, went out into the street, continued on in a straight line across the uneven terraces†¦ and went through the pantry and came out in the kitchen, where Ursula was getting ready to crack thirty-six eggs to make bread†16. Despite its unusual and mystical portrayal, the death of Arcadio is perceived as real due to the precise style of expression and the description of daily life. As in the real world, some people in Marquez’s novel die, while other characters continue to lead their usual existence. Maintaining the similar tone for the portrayal of real and unreal things, Marquez â€Å"never allows it to become evident, by interjection or amazement, that there may be a substantial difference between the extraordinary and the commonplace†17. The writer makes no attempt to question any supernatural elements or events; instead Marquez treats mysterious and real things in the similar way, revealing their mutual coexistence. For instance, a flying carpet is a normal phenomenon for the citizens of Macondo, it is the reality that evokes no doubts. As Marquez claims, â€Å"this time, along with many other artifices, they [the gypsies] brought a flying carpet. But they did not offer it as a fundamental contribution to the development of transport, rather as an object of recreation†18. Applying to such exaggerated portrayals of people and things, Marquez creates an atmosphere of reality that seems logical and natural. On the other hand, such portrayals allow Marquez to introduce the comic elements into the narration; utilising certain hyperboles, the writer at the same time presents them as reasonable. In his portrayal of Melquiades, Marquez states that â€Å"He was a fugitive from all the plagues and catastro phes that had ever lashed mankind†¦ But in spite of his immense wisdom and his mysterious breadth, he had a human burden, an earthly condition that kept him involved in the small problems of daily life†19. Although this exaggeration seems unreal for the modern world, it is absolutely normal for the fictitious world created by Marquez. The same regards other hyperboles, such as â€Å"it rained for four years, eleven months, and two days†20. Despite the fact that this hyperbole contradicts the existing reality, its accurate definition reveals the rigour of the catastrophe and implicitly points at the probable consequences of the occurred incident. Thus, Marquez’s principal narrative tool is the mixture of fantasy and exaggeration presented through the fictitious reality, as is especially obvious in the following utterance: â€Å"The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and in order to indicate them it was necessary to point†21. However, despite its fantastic elements and its fictional setting in the place of Macondo, One Hundred Years of Solitude reveals the true historical past of Columbia and the ironical social reality. As history is inseparably connected with culture, Marquez’s work demonstrates a profound historico-cultural context. Simultaneously, One Hundred Years of Solitude reflects a considerable impact of Kafka’s The Metamorphosis on the creative work of Marquez. While Kafka renovates the fable, adjusting it to the contemporary daily life, Marquez puts the fable within the strange, but familiar modern environment. In The Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung) Franz Kafka portrays a person who leads a life created by his family and society, finally transforming into an insect. In his surrealistic portrayal Kafka applies to symbolism, similar to Marquez, to demonstrate person’s alienation in the cruel reality and reveal that this reality is not exposed to any logic. Suffering from the constant domination of his father, Kafka turns to an implicit way of expression to oppose this terrifying control. In this regard, Kafka’s surrealism is expressed in the portrayal of mysterious and spiritual things through the bureaucratic perspective; while Marquez’s magical realism is revealed through the fictitious romanticism that uncovers real social and historical events of South America. Like Marquez, Kafka bases The Metamorphosis on contradictions and absurdity, on the extremes of reality and fantasy; however, his manner of expression is gentle and inconsequent. At the same time, Kafka, similar to the author of One Hundred Years of Solitude, pay much attention to the details, intensifying the narration. On the other hand, while Marquez combines seriousness with irony in his interpretation of the occurred events, Kafka uncovers his story through a philosophical perspective. Every thought or dream in Kafka’s narration evokes certain reflections and emot ions in readers; for instance, the following expressions reveal father’s attitude towards his son, as Gregor changes into a vermin: â€Å"His father knotted his fist with a fierce expression on his face as if he meant to knock Gregor back into his room†22 or â€Å"at any moment the stick in his father’s hand might hit him a fatal blow on the back or on the head†23. However, despite the fact that Kafka’s critics overlook subtle irony in The Metamorphosis, the whole narration demonstrates profound irony, as the writer makes an attempt to reveal that person’s life is a temporary existence that is under the control of fate. In this regard, the real meaning of life is to preserve his/her own identity under the pressure of society and family, but not to attain wealth or high social position. Maintaining a rather objective viewpoint, the writer creates a sole protagonist Gregor Samsa who embodies Kafka’s own self and his own existence; th us Kafka’s story is autobiographic. For instance, at the beginning of the story Kafka provides the following description: â€Å"He [Gregor] was lying on his hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he could see his dome-like belly divided into stiff arched segments†24. The writer applies to such portrayals throughout the narration, implicitly revealing his own suffering and intensifying realism of his descriptions. As Kafka once claims to Felice Bauer, â€Å"I was simply too miserable to get out of bed†¦ I’ll write you again today, even though I still have to run around a lot and shall write down a short story that occurred to me during my misery in bed and oppressed me with inmost intensity†25. When Gregor ponders over his job of a travelling seller, he thinks that he has chosen this work, while in reality Gregor does not have a choice in this particular matter, as he works without salary to return the debt of his family. Kafka also worked as a travelling seller, and he embodied his wish to change his job and his life in the short story. Thus, The Metamorphosis deals with a sudden change; as Gregor transforms into a vermin, his life and his inner self become completely different. Gregor’s change is â€Å"the first occurrence in his life over which no one (including he) had any control†26. Despite the negative consequences of this transformation, it â€Å"allows [Gregor’s] hidden self to emerge, the self that had been stifled for so many years†27. In this regard, Kafka’s surrealism stresses the importance of finding one’s self; Gregor’s transformation provides him with an opportunity to receive freedom, thus â€Å"in his death likewise he is both extinguished and set free†28. In fact, according to Martin Greenberg, â€Å"the first sentence of The Metamorphosis announces Gregor Samsa’s death and the rest of the story is his s low dying†29. In the first instances of his conversion, Gregor is overwhelmed with the questions of daily routine; however, as the protagonist adjusts to his new image, he starts to ponder over the vital issues of existence. Simultaneously, Gregor is no longer afraid of death, as â€Å"his death is a †¦ liberating realisation. Gregor says, â€Å"Yes†, to his own death and dies reconciled with himself and with the New World†30. Therefore, Kafka’s symbolism demonstrates his own opposition to society, in which he lives, his opposition to the existing social stereotypes and biases. Gregor’s physical and psychological transformation occurs, because the character is no longer able to withstand his routine life and the pressure of his family. According to Thorlby, in The Metamorphosis the writer reveals that â€Å"man is hopelessly and inappropriately situated in the world as a beetle would be in a human family†31. As a result, Gregor loo ses his human features, implicitly revealing his reluctance to belong to the human race. As William Madden points out, â€Å"In his story, Kafka has undoubtedly exorcised some personal devils, notably his ambivalent feelings towards his father Hermann†32. In view of such interpretation, Kafka’s philosophy is closely connected with psychoanalysis of Freud; similar to other surrealist writers, Kafka, on the example of Gregor, demonstrates a struggle between the unconscious animal instincts and the conscious human reason. The unconscious receives victory in this struggle, as Gregor completely looses any human features, thus revealing the importance of the unconscious for a human being. On the other hand, Kafka points at the fact that Gregor’s loss of human features occurs only when society and family reject him. As Gregor realises that his own parents are cruel to him, he looses any wish to be a human and dies. According to Corngold, â€Å"Gregor’s metam orphosis into a disgusting insect seems to confirm the father’s opinion of his son†33. The Metamorphosis reveals the destroying impact of father’s behaviour on Kafka’s mentality; throughout the narration Kafka applies to the descriptions of such attitude, like in the following portrayal: â€Å"from behind his father gave him a strong push which was literally a deliverance and he flew far into the room, bleeding freely†34. Kafka’s surrealistic way of expression is rather shocking, as in the following portrayal, â€Å"if he [Gregor] tried to bend a leg, it first straightened out; and he finally succeeded in taking charge of it, the other legs meanwhile all kept carrying on, as if emancipated, in extreme and painful agitation†35. But the writer raises crucial issues of existence, revealing that modern society conforms to certain stereotypes, which may destroy a person’s identity and life. The issue of death is also implicitly shown throughout Kafka’s narration, in fact, it is the major theme of The Metamorphosis. Similar to the balance between the realms of the conscious and the unconscious, surrealist writers draw a parallel between life and death. Kafka’s treatment of death reflects his obsession with death under complex life conditions. As Gregor transforms into a vermin, he starts to realise that all his life is a simple illusion and that all his beliefs are false. The protagonist experiences loneliness and loss, rejection and lack of understanding. As a result, Gregor isolates himself from the rest of the world, and this isolation causes the character’s destruction. In this regard, Gregor Samsa resembles Jose Arcadio Buendia, the character of Marquez’s work One Hundred Years of Solitude, as both Gregor and Jose are destroyed by their isolation. However, Marquez and Kafka treat the theme of isolation differently; in The Metamorphosis Gregor’s isolation des troys only him, positively influencing all members of his family and uniting them. Before Gregor’s transformation, the Samsas family morally degrades, but Gregor saves them. As Rudolph Binion rightfully points out, â€Å"It is beneficent to his family – [Gregor’s] decline revitalizes them – and so by way of his morbid choice, a free and deliberate one in the end, [Gregor] acquires tragic dignity†36. In view of this fact, Gregor is usually compared with Jesus Christ; this allegoric parallel reveals that Kafka’s surrealism does not exclude a religious aspect, especially in the treatment of such issues as life and death. On the contrary, Jose’s isolation ruins the unity of his family, destroying both Jose and his close people. Thus, despite the obvious negation of Kafka’s work, the writer manages to implement positivism in his treatment of certain crucial issues, smoothing the depressive mood of the narration and simultaneousl y preserving realism of the portrayal. At the same time, Marquez treats the theme of isolation from a variety of perspectives; isolation may be negative, as in the case of Jose Arcadio Buendia, and may bring happiness to people who are in love with each other. Besides, isolation in One Hundred Years of Solitude is also applied to the town Macondo that is estranged from other places of the world; however, Marquez reveals that miracles may occur only in the places that are remote from the civilised world. In this regard, both Marquez’s magical realism and Kafka’s surrealism implicitly stress the importance of primitive societies, which exist in accordance with natural laws, rather than in accordance with the rules created by people. In the case of Marquez’s narration, the writer introduces a gypsy tribe that shows various supernatural things; however, these phenomena seem real in the described world. According to gypsies, â€Å"things have a life of their o wn, it’s simply a matter of waking up their souls†37. But as Gabriel Garcia Marquez points further, the citizens of Macondo start to lose their sense of life; as a result, the town is exposed to decay, and people resemble ghosts or echoes of the past. With the death of Ursula, the ruin of Macondo seems finalised. Similar to Franz Kafka, who draws a parallel between him and his character, Marquez draws a parallel between Macondo and his native place of living Aracataca. Both real and fictional places experience decay by the middle of the twentieth century; thus, Marquez and Kafka embody their own reality through the symbolic settings. In this context, Marquez’s and Kafka’s narrations do not evoke any doubts as to the realism of their portrayals. However, unlike Kafka, Marquez’s magical realism also reflects considerable parallels with the existing political conditions of Latin America. While Kafka depicts reality mainly in terms of psychological a nd social aspects, Marquez also applies to some political issues that influence the lives of his characters. In addition to the mentioned negative consequences of European civilisation, certain dictatorships described in One Hundred Years of Solitude greatly resemble the governments existed in such places of Latin America as Panama, Cuba and Nicaragua, the governments that were obsessed with power and money, but were unable to maintain stable existence within the countries. On the other hand, Marquez does not justify cruelty, despite his communist and revolutionary thoughts; the same regards Kafka who openly maintained the anarchist ideas of justice and equality, but avoided taking part in the activity of the anarchist movement. Overall, Marquez’s magical realism covers both internal and external aspects of human existence, even though they are treated through fantasy. Thus, Kafka’s and Marquez’s narrations demonstrate the writers’ pursuit for genuine truth in every discussed aspect; in the case of Kafka, the writer reveals his viewpoint towards such issues as social justice, family relations, human mentality and alienation. Wilhelm Emrich considers that Kafka’s works can be rightfully understood only if taken into account the complete truth of the writer; as Emrich points out, â€Å"an assistive and willing readiness for the full truth means the ability to renounce all personal, limited ideas, wishes, and efforts of will and to enter into the fullness of all of that-which-is†38. In other words, Kafka’s The Metamorphosis should be interpreted, rejecting all the conventional. Franz Kafka provides his own unique vision of various issues, whether it is the issue of alienation or the issue of genuine truth. Kafka presents truth as specific gates that a person may reach, overcoming many paths; however, as he/she reaches these gates, he/she may either accept or reject this opportunity. Although Gregor Samsa s eizes the opportunity, he feels that it is too late for him to change. After the transformations, the protagonist finds his true self and understands that he has always followed the wrong paths. However, as Kafka once acknowledged, â€Å"Life is a continual distraction which does not even allow us to reflect on that from which we are distracted†39. In Marquez’s narration, life is closely connected with time; as the writer eliminates the conventional division of time into present, future and past, people’s lives are exposed to different, sometimes rather unexpected, changes. Ursula Iguran considers that time in her town is infinite and is constantly quickened. In some instances, for instance, during amnesia, people of Macondo forget their past, but can clearly observe their future, while in other periods of their lives they can easily remember their past and predict their future. Melquiades, the gypsy, constantly points at the fact that life is a continual phenomenon; even at the beginning of the narration Melquiades uncovers the final outcome of the occurred events. Melquiades’ ghost proves the continuity of time, implicitly revealing that the past can be easily transformed into the present or the future. In this regard, Gabriel Garcia Marquez utilises two times in his narration One Hundred Years of Solitude; firstly, it is the historical period, which covers daily life of Macondo’s citizens, and, secondly, it is the fantastic time, which regards present, past and future in integrity. The fantastic time prevails over the historical period40. The very beginning of the novel demonstrates a parallel between the past and the present: â€Å"Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice†41. As Marquez’s magical realism is based on the depiction of various contradictions, the writer applies this techniqu e not only to time, but also to other issues. In particular, some protagonists of Marquez’s novel regard amnesia as a dangerous phenomenon, while at the same time memory can also cause certain negative occurrences. For instance, Rebeca’s recollections of the past result in her inability to forget her loss of a husband; instead of leading normal life, she isolates herself from other members of society. Rebeca is not able to accept the occurred changes, constantly returning to her past. In contrast to Rebeca, the writer implements the character of Colonel Aureliano Buendia, a person who lacks any recollections. The protagonist’s existence is connected only with the infinite present; in fact, all members of the Buendias family suffer either from amnesia or from nostalgia, depriving themselves of their present and future. Thus, both Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Franz Kafka raise an important issue of human existence, the issue that emerged in the post-modern period to find out the real meaning of life. Masterfully combining reality with fantasy, Marquez complicates his narration; for instance, the real narrator of One Hundred Years of Solitude appears to be Melquiades who can hardly be regarded as a protagonist of Marquez’s novel. Melquiades performs an imaginative role within the narration, producing different and rather contradictory images, such as the images of a wise person, a trader, God and devil. However, by the end of the novel Marquez uncovers the truth in regard to Melquiades, simultaneously proving that natural and supernatural exist in the total equality. In The Metamorphosis Kafka applies to a different literary technique; in particular, he implicitly identifies his narrator with the principal character, although these are two different individuals. As the narrator reveals the deepest mechanisms of Gregor’s mind, he demonstrates that his own thoughts and feelings are embodied in the portrayal of this protagon ist. For instance, Franz Kafka provides the following description: â€Å"His [Gregor’s] numerous legs, which were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk, waved helplessly before his eyes†42. Such literalness is one of the most important features of Kafka’s surrealism; the writer’s attempt to plunge into the essence of every word and phrase results in the formation of a solid, but at the same time delicate style. Introducing an impressive symbolic portrayal of personal hopelessness and doubts, Kafka places The Metamorphosis in the central position among other surrealistic literary works. The symbol of a person who is transformed into a vermin reveals not only Kafka’s neurotic state of mind, but also the essence of the contemporary world that causes the spread of various mental diseases. As Philip Rahv points out, in The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka â€Å"succeeds in objectifying through imaginative means the states of mind typical of ne urosis and hence in incorporating his private world into the public world we live in†43. These mental diseases are also discussed by Gabriel Garcia Marquez who characterises the major protagonists of One Hundred Years of Solitude as people who are obsessed with the past and yearn for their future, revealing their inability to live in the present. Ursula, Jose Arcadio Buendia, Amaranta and other characters of Marquez’s narration yearn for future, hoping that it will save them from their past; however, their hope is not realised, instead they experience ruin and change for worse. As Marquez states, â€Å"races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth†44. In this regard, both Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Franz Kafka maintain the idea that, although it is impossible to avoid the ruin, either the death of Gregor Samsa, or the ruin of Macondo, it is necessary to preserve the depiction of certain events and people. On the other hand, Kafka’s surrealism reflects the existential point of view that deals with the individual’s choice. As Kafka demonstrates, a person has two sides of personality: an individual and social; and it is necessary to find a harmony between two sides. Gregor fails to find this harmony, firstly, he chooses the first side, loosing his self, while further he acquires his individuality, but looses social help. 6 Conclusions The research has conducted the comparison between the magical realism of South America and the surrealism of Europe, with a particular reference to One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. The received findings demonstrate that the magical realism and the surrealism have both similar and different features; in regard to similarity, the movements deal with dreams and fantasy that constitute the portrayed reality. Being in opposition to traditionalism and colonialism, the magical realism and the surrealism make an attempt to counterbalance different extremes, such as rationality and fantasy, natural and supernatural, the conscious and the unconscious. However, while the magical realism manages to combine both contradictory aspects due to such characteristic features as hybridity and irony, the surrealism reveals that it is difficult to find an appropriate balance between two realms. As the analysis uncovers, this difference is explained by the fact that the magical realism in literature was formed in South America, the place of dualities and conflicts among various social groups. Though in real life these dualities rarely achieved uniformity, writers of the magical realism managed to find the balance between two extremes in their literary works. In One Hundred Years of Solitude Marquez masterfully mixes fantasy and reality so that any exaggerations and supernatural elements seem to naturally interweave into the narration. In The Metamorphosis Kafka also evokes various contradictions and extremes, as well as the struggle between the conscious and the unconscious. Marquez’s and Kafka’s ways of expression possess many similar features; in particular both writers utilise precision and the detailed portrayals of people and events to smooth the gap between fantasy and daily reality. In addition, Marquez and Kafka apply to symbolism, producing greater effects; however, Marquez’s style is characterised by the unity of irony and seriousness, while Kafka is interested in the philosophical interpretation of various phenomena. Thus, Kafka’s surrealism is more preoccupied with human mentality and human relations, while Marquez’s magical realism covers both internal and external aspects of reality. 7 Suggestions for further research Despite the fact that the analysis has evaluated many aspects of the magical realism and the surrealism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Franz Kafka, there are some limitations that can be overcome in further researches. Applying to the comparative and the historical approaches, the paper limits its discussion to historical and cultural issues of the magical realism and the surrealism, ignoring a detailed analysis of political and social aspects. Thus, it is crucial to pay more attention to political and social contexts of Marquez’s and Kafka’s literary works. In addition, the comparison of Kafka and Marquez with some other writers of the surrealism and the magical realism will provide new interpretations of the famous masterpieces. Endnotes 1. Gavriel Ben-Ephraim, ‘Making and Breaking Meaning: Deconstruction, Four-level Allegory and the Metamorphosis’, Midwest Quarterly, 35 (1994), pp.450-467 (p.451). 2. Harold Bloom, Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (New York: Chelsea House, 1988), p.4. 3. William A. Madden, ‘A Myth of Mediation: Kafka’s Metamorphosis’, in Kafka, Franz, Short Story Criticism, ed. by Thomas Votteler, Vol.5 (Detroit: Gale, 1996), pp.210-213 (p.211). 4. Norman Friedman, Problematic Rebel – Melville, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Camus (New York: Random House, 1st ed., 1963), pp.218-219. 5. Friedman, p.219. 6. Stephen Minta, Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Writer of Colombia (London: Jonathan Cape, 1987), p.30. 7. Regina Janes, Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Revolutions in Wonderland (Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1981), p.7. 8. Anne Marie Taylor, ‘Cien Anos de Soledad: History and the Novel’, Latin American Perspectives 11.3 (1975), pp.100-110 (p.100). 9. Arthur C. Danto, Analytical Philosophy of History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965), pp.11-15. 10. Raymond Williams, Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society (Glasgow: Fontana/Croom Helm, 1976), p.15; Kevin Sharpe and Steven N. Zwicker, (eds.), Politics of Discourse: The Literature and History of Seventeenth-Century England (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1987), pp.2, 4; Geoffrey Hughes, Words in Time: A Social History of the English Vocabulary (Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, 1988), pp.224-225. 11. Franz Roh, ‘Magic Realism: Post-Expressionism’, in Magical Realism, ed. by L. P. Zamora and W.B. Faris (Durham: Duke University Press, 1995), pp.15-32 (p.15). 12. Amaryll Beatrice Chanady, Magical Realism and the Fantastic (New York: Garland Publishing Inc, 1985), pp.11-15. 13. George R. McMurray, Gabriel Garcia Marquez (New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1983), p.87. 14. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Year s of Solitude (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991), p.85. 15. Ricardo Gullon, ‘Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the Lost Art of Storytelling’, in Critical Essays on Gabriel Garcia Marquez, ed. by George McMurray (Boston: G.K. Hall and Co., 1987), pp.129-139 (p.133). 16. Marquez, p.135. 17. Gullon, p.130. 18. Marquez, p.31. 19. Marquez, p.6. 20. Marquez, p.320. 21. Marquez, p.2. 22. Franz Kafka, ‘The Metamorphosis’, in Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, ed. by X.J. Kennedy and D. Gioia (New York: Longman, 7th ed., 1999), pp.296-329 (p.303). 23. Kafka, p.306. 24. Kafka, p.296. 25. Stanley Corngold, The Metamorphosis (Sydney: Bantan, 1972), p.64. 26. Friedman, p.218. 27. Friedman, p.222. 28. Friedman, p.220. 29. Martin Greenberg, ‘Gregor Samsa and Modern Spirituality’, in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, ed. by Harold Bloom (New York: Chelsea House, 1988), pp.19-36 (p.20). 30. Wilhelm Emrich, Franz Kafka: A Critical Study of His Writings (New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1968), p.145. 31. Anthony Thorlby, Kafka: A Study (New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 1972), p.40. 32. Madden, p.212. 33. Corngold, p.77. 34. Kafka, p.306. 35. Kafka, p.297. 36. Rudolph Binion, Soundings: Psychohistorical and Psycholiterary (New York: Psychohistory Press, 1981), p.218. 37. Marquez, p.2. 38. Emrich, p.50. 39. Johannes Pheiffer, ‘The Metamorphosis’, in Kafka: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. by Ronald Gray (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1965), p.58. 40. Mario Vargas Llosa, Garcia Marquez: Historia de un Deicidio (Barcelona: Barral Ediciones, 1971), p.547. 41. Marquez, p.1. 42. Kafka, p.296. 43. Philip Rahv, ‘Introduction’, in Introduction to the Modern Library Edition of Selected Short Stories of Franz Kafka, tr. by Willa Muir and Edwin Muir (New York: Random House, 1952), pp. iii-ix (p.ix). 44. Marquez, p.383. Bibliography Ben-Ephraim, Gavriel, ‘Making and Breaking Meaning: Deconstruction, Four-level Allegory and the Metamorphosis’, Midwest Quarterly, 35 (1994), 450-467. Binion, Rudolph, Soundings: Psychohistorical and Psycholiterary (New York: Psychohistory Press, 1981). Bloom, Harold, Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis (New York: Chelsea House, 1988). Chanady, Amaryll Beatrice, Magical Realism and the Fantastic (New York: Garland Publishing Inc, 1985). Corngold, Stanley, The Metamorphosis (Sydney: Bantan, 1972). Danto, Arthur C., Analytical Philosophy of History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965). Emrich, Wilhelm, Franz Kafka: A Critical Study of His Writings (New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1968). Friedman, Norman, Problematic Rebel – Melville, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Camus (New York: Random House, 1st ed., 1963). Greenberg, Martin, ‘Gregor Samsa and Modern Spirituality’, in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, ed. by Harold Bloom (New York: Chels ea House, 1988), 19-36. Gullon, Ricardo, ‘Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the Lost Art of Storytelling’, in Critical Essays on Gabriel Garcia Marquez, ed. by George McMurray (Boston: G.K. Hall and Co., 1987), 129-139. Hughes, Geoffrey, Words in Time: A Social History of the English Vocabulary (Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, 1988). Janes, Regina, Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Revolutions in Wonderland (Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1981. Kafka, Franz, ‘The Metamorphosis’, in Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, ed. by X.J. Kennedy and D. Gioia (New York: Longman, 7th ed., 1999), 296-329. Madden, William A., ‘A Myth of Mediation: Kafka’s Metamorphosis’, in Kafka, Franz, Short Story Criticism, ed. by Thomas Votteler, Vol.5 (Detroit: Gale, 1996), 210-213. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, One Hundred Years of Solitude (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991). McMurray, George R., Gabriel Garcia Marquez (New Yor k: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1983). Minta, Stephen, Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Writer of Colombia (London: Jonathan Cape, 1987). Pheiffer, Johannes, ‘The Metamorphosis’, in Kafka: A Collection of Critical Essays, ed. by Ronald Gray (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1965). Rahv, Philip, ‘Introduction’, in Introduction to the Modern Library Edition of Selected Short Stories of Franz Kafka, tr. by Willa Muir and Edwin Muir (New York: Random House, 1952), iii-ix. Roh, Franz, ‘Magic Realism: Post-Expressionism’, in Magical Realism, ed. by L. P. Zamora and W.B. Faris (Durham: Duke University Press, 1995), 15-32. Sharpe, Kevin and Zwicker, Steven N. (eds.), Politics of Discourse: The Literature and History of Seventeenth-Century England (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1987). Taylor, Anne Marie, ‘Cien Anos de Soledad: History and the Novel’, Latin American Perspectives 11.3 (1975), 100-110. Thorlby, Anthony, Kafka: A Study (New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 1972). Vargas Llosa, Mario, Garcia Marquez: Historia de un Deicidio (Barcelona: Barral Ediciones, 1971). Williams, Raymond, Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society (Glasgow: Fontana/Croom Helm, 1976).
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