Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Otto von Bismarck as a statesman Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Otto von Bismarck as a statesman - Term Paper Example In 1838, he resigned from his job because of boredom. In 1847, he got married to Johanna von Puttkamer; this was a turning point in his life because of the enormous support he received from Puttkamer. During the same period he embraced Christian tradition of the Lutheranism and began his service in the Prussian legislature; in 1847, he was elected into the Prussian parliament. In his tenure in the parliament, he opposed the liberal movement and campaigned for the unification of Germany under the support of Prussia. He also protected the rights of the Junkers (his elite social class). He served as a Prussian minister in the German government at Frankfurt between 1851 and 1859. He also served as an ambassador to Paris in 1862 and to St. Petersburg between 1859 and 1862. In both services he acquired more insight and experience that would partially establish his subsequent policies (The 1).it is up to today debated whether Bismarck had a master plan to expand the north German confederation of 1866 to include the remaining independent German states into one country or maybe he just wanted to expand the power of the kingdom of Prussia .many reaction to Danish and other neighboring country provided foci for German unity Bismarck was an opportunist and good diplomat than a master planner. Political discontent and democratic liberalism were spreading through the parliaments and streets of Europe and people like Bismarck staunchly opposed to democratic liberalism were staunchly opposed to democratic liberalism were to work very hard to stay afloat. Bismarck did it by being pragmatist instead of idealist. He opposed any concession to the liberals and expressed contempt for the king’s willingness to bargain with revolutionaries. He was the best into taking advantage of his opportunities and leading them in the right way always. He was the main factor in unification of Germany. Otto von Bismarck was a very conservative political leader Germany has ever ha d. Wars with Austria and France He was appointed as a premier in 1862 by William I in order to securely adopt the Prussian program for the king’s army; the program was overwhelmingly rejected in the parliament. Bismarck’s main purpose was to drive out Austria from the German Confederation. He provoked the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 by accusing Austria of violation of the Gastein treaty. Austria was defeated and Germany reorganized into the North German Confederation under the Prussian leadership; Austria was not included. He also provoked the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) and he was able to obtain Lorraine and Alsace from France (The 1). Alignments and Alliances Bismarck had full control of the domestic and foreign affairs. For the consolidation of the empire, he aimed at gaining the friendship of Austria, maintain British friendship by avoiding colonial or naval rivalry and isolate France through diplomacy. Thus, in 1872, he created the Three Emperorâ⠂¬â„¢s League (Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Germany). A rift in the Russo-German relations led to a Dual Alliance with Austria and the Dual Alliance became a Triple Alliance when Italy joined in 1882. The Reinsurance Treaty of 1887 revived Germany relationship with Russia (The 1) how strong the nationalism. Bismarck knew very well that the alliances that war could accomplish his goals. How Bismarck dealt with Austria shows his commitment to maintaining boundaries based on political and
Monday, October 28, 2019
P.E training program- fitness Essay Example for Free
P.E training program- fitness Essay General fitness- Speed is the ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time. A mid fielder needs speed to out run other players or to catch on to a loose ball. Muscular endurance- is the ability of the muscles to work for a long period of time without tiring. In football you need it to be able to run around the football pitch for the whole 90 minutes. Flexibility- you lose flexibility as you get older. It is important to warm up and cool down before and after a match. In football most players in the team need to be flexible, for example to header the ball, but also the goalkeeper has to be very flexible to be able to make difficult saves. Cardiovascular endurance- requires the heart and blood vessels to supply the working muscles with oxygen for long periods of time without tiring too much. This is needed in football because you run around a lot and you need our heart and lungs to cope with the activity for the whole 90 minutes. Strength- is normally measured by the amount of weight the muscles can lift, or applying a force against a resistance. This is used in football when we tackle or are being marked and your shoulder to shoulder you need strength to hold others off. Skill related fitness- Balance- is the ability to keep up right while you are standing still or moving, this is needed in football when kicking the ball because you are balancing on one leg. Co-ordination- is the ablity to use different senses and body parts together in football this is needed between eye and foot, so you kick the ball and not miss especially volleying. Speed of reaction- is needed on the pitch so when an over ball is played your on-side and make your run perfectly to lose the defender. Timing- is needed in football to kick the ball at the right time to get the perfect touch. Agility- is the ability to change direction of the body in football we use this to help loose a defender by turning at speed, it can also help when your in the box for the corner to lose a defender so you can get up for a header. Physical skills- Kicking- is very important because the game is using your feet and you need to kick the ball to get the ball round the pitch. Shooting- is necessary to be able to shoot as in order to win the game you need to score and in order to score you need to SHOOT to ball into the goal past the keeper. Tackling- is very important to stop opponents from scoring but some times players timings are not quiet right and cause a dangerous tackle resulting in another players injury. Marking- is necessary to hold off opponents attacks and not ‘losing’ the person your defending. Heading- is important to either score from a high ball crossed in or clear the ball away from a opponent in the air. Dribbling- is very important to get the ball closer to your opponents goal. There is 2 types of dribbling: *Firstly when your jogging and keeping the ball closer to your feet. *Secondly when you knock the ball ahead of you a couple of metres and sprint to catch up with it, this is used to knock the ball past the defender. Other attributes- Concentration- is extremely important because if you’re a goalkeeper and you don’t have anything to do for 30minutes you might ‘switch off’ and let in a shot which if you were concentrating you would have saved. Motivation- is very important because if you want to win but go a goal down if you and your team are motivated enough you will be trying to score 2 goals and keep fighting. Confidence- is needed so you have the confidence in your self so you trust your ability and get ‘stuck in.’ Most important skills and techniques in football. Speed is essential in football; it is used throughout the game whether you are an attacker or a defender. For example if you are an attacker and you need to out run a defender to get the ball, to get past a defender and have a attack on goal or if your defending and there is a break you need to run as fast as possible with the ball (or in support) to the oppositions half to make an attack before their defenders catch up with you. Muscular endurance is needed 100% in football because if you are running around for 90 minutes your no use to your team if after 60 minutes you have a stitch and need to be substituted. Muscular endurance can be improved over time with a training program. Cardiovascular endurance is essential so that you can last the whole 90 minutes. If somebody’s cardiovascular endurance was not very good and they ran around for 90 minutes it could cause them to pass out because there heart and lungs can not take the strain. Smoking will also effect your cardiovascular endurance because if your trying to take in more oxygen the tar built up around your hearts arteries makes the oxygen’s gap smaller letting oxygen though slower then needed causing short of breath quicker. Balance is essential because in order to kick the ball you must stand on one leg, if you don’t have good balance you may fall over before your foot reaches the ball. Balance can not be improved, your either have good balance or you don’t. Co-ordination is important; football players need co-ordination between their eye and foot so they make contact with the ball. Skills on the ball are only preformed if the player has good co-ordination otherwise tricks become unsuccessful.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to welcome you to Tomatoville's Class of 2006 graduation ceremony. It is a great honor to be speaking to you all. I would just like to take a couple of minutes to point out some things that I have noticed during my time in high school. I always seem to hear complaints about how teachers don't really care about their students. But I think our staff here in Tomatoville disproves that. All the teachers and administrators seem to genuinely care, especially our counselor, Mr. Bool. I am sure that he has helped all of us at one time or another. I also get the impression that society thinks teenagers are lazy and that we don't really care about anything. I would also like to disagree with that. Our high school has done a lot to show people that we care. We had a food drive. There is Little Buddies. In one of my classes, we all chipped in money so that a student could buy tickets for the prom. One student started a group to raise money for the Children's Hospital. Money was collected and support was given for a well-loved teacher who is battling cancer. There also has been a tremendous amount of support in these last few weeks for an injured student. In addition, I think that every single member of this graduating class has great potential. As we start a new phase of our lives, I know that everybody will have a chance to accomplish something meaningful to them. The possibilities are endless. The last thing that I've noticed is something one of my teachers pointed out a few weeks ago. It always seems that in high school, there are certain groups. And one of these groups is always the geeks. But my teacher said that anybody is a geek if he has a passion for something.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Understanding the Factors Affecting the Unemployment Rate
Understanding the Factors Affecting The Unemployment Rate Through Regression Analysis An Individual Report Presented to The Faculty of Economics Department In Partial Fulfillment To The Requirements for ECONMET C31 Submitted to: Dr. Cesar Rufino Submitted by: Aaron John Dee 10933557 April 8, 2011 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study B. Statement of the Problem C. Objective II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND RELATED LITERATURE A. GDP B. Average Years in School C. Population D. Literacy Rate III. OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK A. Model Specification B. List and Description of Variables C.A-priori Expectations IV. METHODOLOGY V. EMPIRICAL RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS A. Regression of the Original Model 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 9 9 9 10 12 13 13 2 B. Summary Statistics C. Testing for Misspecification in the Model D. Testing for Multicollinearity E. Testing for Heteroscedasticity VI. CONCLUSION VII. BIBLIOGRAPHY 15 16 17 18 21 22 3 I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study When we we re still kids, we dream of what we want to be in the future. Older people will usually ask us if what we want to be in the future. Most of us will say, they want to be a doctor, lawyer or engineer to name some.We think and think about our career, but once we are already in the college level, we now dream to become successful in life and have a stable job. But with the rate of unemployment here in country continue to increase, there are no guarantee that once we graduated we will have a job immediately. Unfortunately, many still fail to have stable jobs. Some even can’t find a job even though they graduated from top schools. Then we found ourselves ending in the pool of unemployment. Unemployment is indeed a very important issue all over the world. People are getting laid off, some cannot find a job, and the number is increasing.Government wants to achieve full employment but we all know that it will never happen simply because there are millions of people in country and the g overnment or even the private sectors can provide for that huge number of laborers. The government cannot just expand and increase total output so that it will provide job opportunities to the unemployed because there also negative impact on the economy. I am aware that our country is suffering from high unemployment rate, because some workers are only on a contractual basis. Sure they can work but usually it is only for 6 months plus there are no benefits included.After the span of 6 months, they will find themselves unemployed again and they will have a difficult time especially if they did not finish schooling. Companies now a day are more sophisticated and competitive, they don’t just hire college 4 graduate students even if you graduated from top schools. Having a master’s degree will surely be of help in finding a job for companies look only for the best. Some people engage in work that they are not inclined with like for past year, people work as call center age nts even though their college degree is not mass communications or anything that has a connection of being a call center agent.They do this because they don’t want to be unemployed and do nothing for an extended period of time. B. Statement of the Problem Unemployment is very important issue, not just here in our country but also for the rest of the world. This paper will seek to answer whether the literacy rate, average years in school, GDP and total population have a relationship with the total unemployment. Can these exogenous variables explain the unemployment that is happening all over the world? C. Objective The objective of this paper is to (1) find out what are the determinants of unemployment.For this study, literacy rate, average years in school, GDP and total population will be considered as a determinant of unemployment. (2) Create an econometric model that will explain unemployment and (3) to give the readers idea what should be done to alleviate unemployment 5 I I. REVIEW ON RELATED LITERATURE A. GDP Gross domestic product or GDP is considered as an indicator of the standard of living in a certain country. The higher the GDP the higher is the country’s standards of living and the lower the GDP the lower is the country’s standard of living.According to (Abuqamar, Coomans, & Louckx, 2011), unemployment is an important factor in measuring country’s economic strength like GDP per capita. If the unemployment level is high, then economic growth is very low because they have a negative relationship. A sustainable growth accompanied by macroeconomic policies that promotes employment will eventually cut down the level of unemployment in the economy and growth is considered as a solution to decrease unemployment (Hussain, Siddiqi, & Iqbal, 2010). This is true because when government wants to increase output by building infrastructures and the like.They create job opportunities for those who are unemployed thus, alleviating unempl oyment in the economy. More people will get jobs and earn to sustain their standard of living or even increase their standard of living depending on their salaries. B. Average Years in School Education is very important in everyone’s lives. It is our foundation of knowledge which will reflect us. Even though going to school and doing homework are boring, we will still benefit from it because we learn and by learning we become mature and responsible.According to (Weisberg & Meltz), the higher the level of education or the years in school of a person, the 6 lower will be the unemployment rate. Which make sense since people are educated, they will have decent jobs and they can even create their own firm or business thus promoting employment. C. Population Population in a country is always increasing and that is inevitable. Population is also a determinant of unemployment. Based on the research paper of (Rafiq, Iftikhar, Asmat, & Zahoor) entitled Determinants of Unemployment: A C ase Study of Pakistan Economy (19982008), population growth has a negative effect on unemployment.The results of their tests show that when the population is increasing, unemployment also increases which is bad for every economy. Rapid growth in population is bad because it will only increase unemployment further. There will be pressure in employment since many people don’t have any job, unemployment will increase. Moen (1999) argues that in the competition for jobs, workers will prefer to have higher degree attainment so that they will have an edge over the other workers. With the preference of increasing a person’s educational attainment, the rate of unemployment will decrease. Nickell, 1979; Moen, 1999). D. Literacy Rate Literacy is important just like education. People must be literate in order to fit in the norm. According to the article Literacy and Unemployment, people who are illiterate have disadvantages because they cannot read and right, thus they will be mo re likely to be 7 unemployed. It is also stated in the article that once people get part of the unemployment cycle, it will be difficult for them to break it and because of long term of being unemployed they will feel discourage and therefore will lack self confidence. 8 III. OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORKA. Model Specification totunem = ? 1 + ? 2litrate + ? 3yearisnch + ? 4gdp + ? 5totpop + ? B. List and Description of Variables Before we proceed to the a-priori expectations of each exogenous variable to the endogenous variable and the discussion of the results, we must describe first the components of the model. The model is comprised of both the exogenous variables and the endogenous variable. The exogenous variables or the independent variables are not affected or determined by any other variables in the model unlike the endogenous variable which depends on the exogenous variable.Table 1 will tells us a brief description of the variables used in the model Table 1. Names of Variables Used and Descriptions Description This quantitative variable pertains to the total unemployment rate of all the countries in the world for the year 2000. lirate This quantitative variable pertains to the literacy rate of all the countries in the world for the year 2000. yearinsch This quantitative variable pertains to the average year in school of an adult ages 15 and up of all the countries in the world for the year 2000. dp This quantitative variable pertains to the gross domestic product of all the countries in the world for the year 2000. Variables totunem 9 totpop This quantitative variable pertains to the total population of all the countries in the world for the year 2000. C. A-priori Expectations The a-priori expectations capture the effect of an increase in the exogenous variables to the endogenous variable which in out model is totunem. The a-priori expectation are taken from the review on related literature a while ago.Note however that the a-priori expectation does not cover the magnitude of their relationship. It only tells the direction of their relationship. A positive sign implies that the exogenous variable has a positive relationship with the endogenous variable and a negative sign implies otherwise. The magnitude of their relationship will be discussed later on. Table 2 shows the relationship if the variables, their signs and the intuition behind it. Table 2. Variables, Sign and Intuition Exogenous Variable: totunem Signs Intuition + Literacy is very important to everyone because it is a social norm.Therefore it has a positive effect on unemployment because when literacy increases, it implies that people learned and attended school. Companies will hire them so there will be a decrease in the unemployment rate. Variables lirate 10 yearinsch +/- An increase in yearinsch doesn’t necessarily mean that you finished every level successfully. It can also mean that your year in school increases because you always fail in school. If the increase i n average years in school is positive, people will be able to work or create businesses that give job opportunities to the unemployed.But if the increase in average years in school is negative, it implies that people didn’t learn and therefore they will have a hard time looking for a job because companies will only accept people who performed well in school gdp + An increase on GDP will promote employment because when the government expands by building infrastructures, it gives job opportunities to those unemployed thus alleviating the unemployment. totpop – An increase in total population will have negative effect on unemployment.It means that when the total population increase, more people will now demand for a job creating a pressure towards the unemployment and if the government cannot supply the increasing population with jobs, they will severely increase the unemployment rate. 11 IV. METHODOLOGY A cross sectional data comprising of 65 countries all over the world for the year 2000 was used in the study. All of the data sets were obtained from the World Bank data sets. The researcher will use the software program Gretl to estimate the model. With this software, the coefficients of the exogenous variables will be obtained.A lin-lin type of model is used in this study and the Ordinary Least Squares approach will be used. After regressing the data, several outputs will be obtained like the coefficients, standard error, p-value and Rsquared to mention some. The model will now be subjected to various tests to check for any CLRM violations namely multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity. Autocorrelation is not present in this model since we are using a cross sectional data. To test for multicollierity, the auxiliary regression and the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) will be used.To check for the presence of heteroscedasticity, both the Breusch – Pagan Test and the White’s Test will be used. After the tests, if there are presence of m ulticollinearity and heteroscedasticty, corrective measures should be applied in order to correct the model. The Ramsey’s RESET is a test for misspecification errors in the model. The interpretation of the results will be also showed after every test on the model. 12 V. EMPIRICAL RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS A. Regression of the Original Model The regression results shown below are obtained by using the Ordinary Least Squares method also known as the OLS method.Model 1: OLS, using observations 1-65 (n = 11) Missing or incomplete observations dropped: 54 Dependent variable: totunem coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œconst 14. 6143 6. 02794 2. 424 0. 0516 litrate -0. 344479 0. 129558 -2. 659 0. 0376 yearinsch 3. 48303 1. 04882 3. 321 0. 0160 gpd -1. 34898e-011 5. 94827e-012 -2. 268 0. 0639 totpop 1. 08535e-08 5. 83976 e-09 1. 859 0. 1124 Mean dependent var Sum squared resid R-squared F(4, 6) Log-likelihood Schwarz criterion 6. 200000 40. 74309 0. 740853 4. 288221 -22. 80997 57. 60942 S. D. ependent var S. E. of regression Adjusted R-squared P-value(F) Akaike criterion Hannan-Quinn * ** ** * 3. 965098 2. 605862 0. 568088 0. 056084 55. 61995 54. 36586 Excluding the constant, p-value was highest for variable 5 (totpop) The results from the initial regression are shown above. We need to look at several values in interpreting the results for our model. We need to look first the coefficients and the pvalue but what do these things tells us about our model. Since our model is linear, the coefficient basically tells us the effect of a unit increase in the exogenous variables to the 3 endogenous variables. It is interpreted like this, a unit increase in an independent variable will increase or decrease the dependent variable by the coefficient value. The p-value shows us the individual significance of the exogenous variables. For the exogenous variables considered to be significant, the p-value should be less than or equal to the risk level of 0. 05 at a 95% confidence interval. The next thing that we need to look at is the R-squared or the goodness-offit. It tells us how many percent of the endogenous variable are explained by the exogenous variables.The value of r-squared should be multiplied by 100% to be in percentage form. Interpreting the above model, it shows that a unit increase in litrate and yearinsch, totunem will decrease by 0. 344479 and increase by 3. 48303 repectively. These two variables are seen to be significant to our model with a p-value of 0. 0376 and 0. 0160 respectively. The other two variables which are gdp and totpop are seen to be insignificant in our model with a p-value of 0. 0639 and 0. 1124 respectively. With a unit increase in gdp and totpop, totunem will decrease by -1. 4898e-011 and increase by 1. 08535e-08 respectively. We now look on the Rsqaured o f the model, as shown in the results above the R-sqaured has a value of 0. 740853 or 74. 08%. This implies that 74. 08% of the endogenous variables are explained by the exogenous variables. Note that these results and interpretation are only reliable if our model is free from any violation. These violations will be discussed later on and we will apply the corrective measure if necessary. 14 B. Summary Statistics Summary statistics, using the observations 1 – 65 (missing values were skipped) itrate yearinsch gpd totpop Mean 74. 787 6. 9008 3. 3822e+011 4. 5753e+007 Std. Dev. 20. 570 2. 8389 1. 2582e+012 1. 5949e+008 Median 79. 555 6. 8000 3. 7718e+010 1. 0467e+007 C. V. 0. 27505 0. 41138 3. 7202 3. 4859 Minimum 25. 654 0. 83900 2. 1546e+008 7. 8661e+005 Skewness -0. 66121 -0. 080552 6. 9480 7. 0442 Maximum 99. 767 12. 049 9. 8988e+012 1. 2626e+009 Ex. kurtosis -0. 67087 -0. 86711 49. 954 50. 864 litrate yearinsch gpd totpop The summary statistics shows us the details of our mo del. The mean, variance, skewness, and the kurtosis are the four moments of random variables.Discussing further, the mean measures the central tendency, it is basically the sum of all the values of the observation with respect to the total number of observation or the average. The variance measures how spread out or dispersed the variables are from the mean. If the values of the variance are far from the mean, then it implies that observation are scattered around the mean. The values of the variance should be small so that the observations are near to the mean. A dataset is negatively skewed if the value of the mean of the model is less than the median. This focuses more on the higher values than the lower ones.The positively skewed on the other hand tells us the other way around. 15 C. Testing for Misspecification in the Model RESET test for specification (squares and cubes) Test statistic: F = 0. 727289, with p-value = P(F(2,4) > 0. 727289) = 0. 538 RESET test for specification (c ubes only) Test statistic: F = 0. 874685, with p-value = P(F(1,5) > 0. 874685) = 0. 393 RESET test for specification (squares only) Test statistic: F = 0. 664374, with p-value = P(F(1,5) > 0. 664374) = 0. 452 Misspecification occurs when there are important variables omitted. If the model is not correctly specified, the estimators will be biased and inconsistent.Also, the error term is not estimated correctly. Because of the misspecification errors, the statistical significance of the variables will give us misleading conclusions. To be sure that our model is correctly specified, we run the Ramsey’s RESET test. The results above are from the Ramsey’s RESET test, this is the general test to check for misspecification of error in out model. There will be a null hypothesis that will be tested here which is Ho: there is no misspecification and the alternative hypothesis will be Ha: there is misspecification. To interpret the results above, we need to look at the p-values o f the three results.You will notice that all of the p-values are greater than the significance level of 0. 05, therefore there is no evidence that we need to accept the alternative hypothesis and we have no reason to reject the null hypothesis which tells us that there exist no misspecification of error. We can say confidently that the model is not misspecified. 16 D. Testing for Multicollinearity Multicollinearity exists when the independent variables are related to one another (Gujarati and Porter, 2009). It means that there is a linear relationship among the independent variables.This is one of the classical linear regression violations and this is usually present in multiple regressions. Gujarati and Porter (2009) also pointed out that even though there is a presence of multicollinearity, the estimates are still BLUE. With the presence of multicollinearity, the standard error of the variables become larger than what their values should really be. Therefore the estimation will be difficult to determine whether it is precise or not. To know if the model exhibits multicollinearity, the model should be tested it and the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) must be examined.If the VIF of the independent variables exceed 10, then multicollinearity exists between the exogenous variables and corrective measures are taken in order to eliminate the multicollinearity between the variables. Variance Inflation Factors Minimum possible value = 1. 0 Values > 10. 0 may indicate a collinearity problem litrate yearinsch gpd totpop 5. 011 4. 724 4. 890 4. 480 VIF(j) = 1/(1 – R(j)^2), where R(j) is the multiple correlation coefficient between variable j and the other independent variables Properties of matrix X'X: 1-norm = 1. 8146616e+024 Determinant = 3. 3597218e+046 Reciprocal condition number = 9. 335124e-026 17To interpret the results above, we need look at the individual VIF of the exogenous variable whether multicollinearity exists or not. If the VIFs of the exogenous variables are less than 10, it implies that multicollinearity is tolerable and there are no corrective measures to be applied. But if the value of the VIF are greater than 10, then severe multicollinearity exists and the necessary correction should be done. As seen in the results above, the VIFs of the exogenous variables are less than 10 which implies that the CLRM assumption of multicollinearity is tolerable in the model thus, it does not require any corrective actions.E. Testing for Heteroscedasticity Heteroscedasticity is also a classical linear regression model (CLRM) violation that is usually present in panel data and cross sectional data sets. This problem violates the assumption that the model exhibits constant variance as the sample size increases. Therefore, if anyone still continues with the normal testing procedures even though heteroscedasticity is present, whatever the conclusion one draw from the results may be misleading (Gujarati and Porter, 2009). In order to know whether our model exhibits heteroscedasticity, we need to perform the Breusch-Pagan Test or the White’s Test.Let us look first at the result for the Breusch-Pagan Test for heteroscedasticity. Breusch-Pagan test for heteroskedasticity OLS, using observations 1-65 (n = 11) Missing or incomplete observations dropped: 54 Dependent variable: scaled uhat^2 coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€const 0. 353903 2. 83863 0. 1247 0. 9049 litrate 0. 0400827 0. 0610102 0. 6570 0. 5356 yearinsch -0. 394681 0. 493903 -0. 7991 0. 4547 18 gpd totpop -1. 46506e-012 2. 07008e-010 2. 80111e-012 2. 75001e-09 -0. 5230 0. 07528 0. 6197 0. 9424Explained sum of squares = 2. 80998 Test statistic: LM = 1. 404991, with p-value = P(Chi-square(4) ; 1. 404991) = 0. 843327 Ho: Constant Variance vs Ha: Heteroscedasticity exists As we can see from t he results above, the p-value is 0. 843327 which is greater than the 0. 05. Thus, the null hypothesis which tells us that our model exhibits a constant variance must be accepted and the alternative hypothesis to be rejected. Let us also use the White’s test for heteroscedsaticity to check whether the results from the Breusch-Pagan test performed above is the same with here.White's test for heteroskedasticity OLS, using observations 1-65 (n = 11) Missing or incomplete observations dropped: 54 Dependent variable: uhat^2 coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€const -111. 711 169. 951 -0. 6573 0. 5785 litrate 3. 22957 5. 32033 0. 6070 0. 6056 yearinsch 0. 271900 18. 2904 0. 01487 0. 9895 gpd 2. 20028e-011 9. 24076e-011 0. 2381 0. 8340 totpop -7. 59484e-09 1. 24364e-07 -0. 06107 0. 9569 sq_litrate -0. 0208996 0. 033 1887 -0. 6297 0. 5932 sq_yearinsch -0. 142336 1. 28197 -0. 1110 0. 9217 sq_gpd 0. 000000 0. 000000 -0. 437 0. 7639 sq_totpop 0. 000000 0. 000000 0. 2166 0. 8486 Unadjusted R-squared = 0. 470293 Test statistic: TR^2 = 5. 173227, with p-value = P(Chi-square(8) > 5. 173227) = 0. 738911 Ho: Constant Variance vs Ha: Heteroscedasticity exists 19 The results from the White’s test give us the same intuition as the Breusch-Pagan Test. The p-value here is 0. 738911 which is greater than 0. 05. Based on the results, we should accept the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis. Since both of the test’s that was performed have a p-value greater than 0. 05 which implieas that they are insignificant.We should accept the null hypothesis which is the model exhibits a constant variance and reject the alternative hypothesis. There is no heteroscedasticity in the model. 20 VI. CONCLUSION Based on the results in the regression, we can conclude that all of the exogenous variab les except for yearinsch match our a-priori expectations. The results after regressing the model shows that litrate, gdp are significant thus we can say that they are indeed factors in determining unemployment. The variable totpop is insignificant because when population increase, it doesn’t mean that there will people already available to work immediately.But the review on related literatures proved that when population increases the unemployment rate will also increase eventually. As for the variable yearinsch, this is most significant variable among the four exogenous variables. The effect of this variable captures the negative effect. As said in the a-priori expectations, years in schooling may continue to increase because of poor performance in school, thus the students will repeat again and again and again, Yes it increases the years of schooling but it implies a negative effect.People will end up unemployed since they are not doing well in school. The government plays an important role in maintaining a low level of unemployment. They will not be able to achieve its goal of having full employment but the government can provide job opportunities to alleviate unemployment. The people should also do their part in order for them not to be part of the unemployed by simply performing well in school and aim for higher level of education. 21 VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abuqamar, M. , Coomans, D. , & Louckx, F. (2011, January).Correlation between socioeconomic differences and infant mortality in the Arab World (1990-2009). International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol. 3(1) , 15-21. Gujarati, & Porter. (2009). Basic Econometrics. USA: John Weily and Sons. Hussain, T. , Siddiqi, M. , & Iqbal, A. (2010). A Coherent Relationship between Economic Growth and Unemployment: An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences , 332-339. Literacy Fact Sheet. (n. d. ). Retrieved from Northwest Territories Literacy Council: http://w ww. nwt. literacy. a/litfacts/LiteracyandUnemployment. pdf Rafiq, M. , Iftikhar, A. , Asmat, U. , & Zahoor, K. (n. d. ). DETERMINANTS OF UNEMPLOYMENT:A CASE STUDY OF PAKISTAN ECONOMY (1998-2008). Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 3. No. 1 , 17-24. The effects of education on the natural rate of unemployment. (2008, 4 1). Retrieved 4 7, 2011, from Goliath: Business knowledge on demand: http://goliath. ecnext. com/coms2/gi_0199-8128098/The-effects-of-education-on. html Weisberg, Y. , & Meltz, N. M. (n. d. ). Education and Unemployment in israel, 1976-1994: Reducing the Anomaly. 22
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Website comparison
In comparing the websites for Departure and Rubberier, the biggest difference I noticed was that one was geared more for selling their product and the other was aimed at acquiring their customers to sell for them. When viewing Rubberneck's website I noticed that it is very user friendly. If you are looking to purchase their products, there is a link for that. Inside this link is every type of solution you are looking for, from bathroom to kitchen to garage and even outside storage. It's all very accessible.Once you click on the product you are looking for it gives you the price and allows you to buy It right then and there. They also have links for â€Å"Tips and Solutions†. This gives you Ideas on how to better organize yourself and what other people have done. Now as for promotions, they do have a link but you have to first register. This is a good tactic to keep you informed on all things Rubberier. They get you to sign up to receive a coupon or special deal, but they will continue to send you emails with news of anything Rubberier has to offer. It keeps Rubberier fresh in your mind.I think that Rubberneck's target market is the consumer and how they can best serve them. When rating Rubberier on a mouse click scale of 1 TTT, I would give them a 4. Also on a personal consumer level I would stick with that 4. They had everything you were looking for and made it easy to find the next product or promotion. It even made me want to continue shopping for things I didn't need. Overall I would say that Rubberier has done a great Job at implementing the racketing mix and trying to incorporate all of their customers' needs and wants.It was very easy to maneuver through their site and I constantly wanted to search for more things and see what products I could use. While reviewing Departure's website, I came too much different conclusion. The site seemed more geared to getting me to sign up to be a consultant and/or host a party then to actually sell me the Depart ure itself. It is definitely a different approach. I was still able to look and buy their product, but it wasn't as easy. I had to mind the right catalogue and once I did that It wasn't where I could purchase their product.Once I found the link to buy It still seemed like a cluster of products. It was barely broken down Into sections but more based on catalogue end times and sales. It was a lot easier to â€Å"Host†a party and find a consultant or even to become a consultant then to actually buy their product. They do however offer nice benefits for hosting a party. Depending on how much people would spend on your behalf would determine how much free product or discounted product you would receive.Free always sounds like a good number. However I don't think Departure reaches as many potential consumers as they could. Besides being able to sign up to be a consultant I didn't see a place to register for new promotions or get email notifications, or if there was a place it wasn 't easy to access. They are depending on new recruitment to spread the word. Even though Departure has been around for a long time, I have had very few interactions with its products.In giving a Departure a rating for mouse clicks I would have to give it a 4 because I did try to investigate more of the company and product but my overall rating would have been Overall I think that Departure targets the entrepreneur instead of the consumer. They still implement the marketing mix approach but in a very different way than Rubberier. They want the consumer to sell the product for them and spread the product by word of mouth and in home sales, whereas Rubberier focused on conveniently selling and mostly from local stores. Departure was interesting but I think Rubberier did a better Job.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How we can get more women in NASA Professor Ramos Blog
How we can get more women in NASA â€Å"In 1935, the first group of female human computers were hired. Before electronic computers, all mathematical equations and computations would be done by hand by people, often known as human computers. With the advent of World War II, many male employees at NACA left to fight overseas. More and more women were needed to fill their roles, and soon African American women were hired to help with the shortfall.†(Howat). In 1964 Jeanette Scissum joined Nasa’s team in Marshall Space Flight Center as the first African-American woman. She was a mathematician who co-wrote a computer program and benefitted NASA and helped to â€Å"predict where the Apollo lunar module should land, and publishing a report that proposed new techniques to improve the forecasting of a sunspot cycle, spots on the outer shell of the sun that temporarily appear darker than the surrounding areas†( Kathyrn Peddrew graduated in 1943, she tried to apply at another compan y but could not get in because they did not accept women positions. She then later got accepted at NASA, but still had to work in a segregated work area because she was black. Mary Jackson became the first female black engineer to work at NASA, she worked towards improving the aerodynamics in airplanes. She then went on to â€Å"achieving the most senior title within the engineering department, she took a demotion in order to work in the Equal Opportunity Specialist field, to make changes, support and highlight women and other minorities in the field†( Or in more recent news Katie Bouman was the woman behind discovering the algorithm of the black hole photo. The list of women in NASA goes on and on for numerous reasons. However â€Å"the percentage of women who work in NASA today is 37%†said by NASA associate administrator Lori Garver, who also wants to expand on women working in NASA. The core of women joining NASA and getting into the STEM pro gram is important for women to recognize and contribute to. According to Moira Forbes the key elements to achieve this traveling to schools in a women STEM program to encourage young women to join STEM, and three main points to success is to Bust the math myth, spark curiosity, and recognize the role of role modeling (Forbes). The â€Å"math myth†is a myth that depicts women or females to be naturally non-talented at math, and naturally better at subjects like English. This myth discourages young women that they cannot be in any mathematical majors because they simply aren’t good at the subject. There are many examples and studies to prove that myth wrong such as this article, where it states â€Å"A study of how both men and women perceive each others mathematical ability finds that an unconscious bias against women could be skewing hiring decisions, widening the gender gap in mathematical professions like engineering. The inspiration for the experiment was a 2008 study published in Science that analyzed the results of a standardized test of math and verbal abilities taken by 15-year-olds around the world. The results challenged the pernicious stereotype that females are biologically inferior at mathematics. Although the female test-takers lagged behind males on the math portion of the test, the size of the gap closely tracked the degree of gender inequality in their countries, shrinking to nearly zero in emancipated countries like Sweden and Norway. That suggests that cultural biases rather than biology may be the better explanation for the math gender gap.†(Bohannon). Or as Albert Einstein once said â€Å"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.†This myth also includes that you have to be good at math in the first place to initially be a part of STEM, which is required by NASA. STEM, how ever, isnt just math based. STEM stands for â€Å"science, technology, engineering and math†which only embodies one-fourth of the math input, so why is it a common mistake to think that STEM is only math associated. To be in NASA doesnt just mean computer science, there is a wide number of jobs that vary even outside of STEM itself. A factor that contributes to the math myth but also reconciles on its own would be that being an astronaut or part of science, or NASA as a whole is a â€Å"mans job†or not feminine. Or something as simple as it doesnt interest females, just like stereotypical sayings like â€Å"women like English, not math†, which was obviously wrong. Going into schools and talking to everyone, making sure both girls and boys are inclusive about learning about NASA careers and employment, can spark curiosity into girls, and make them interested in the subject and ultimately a career choice. This is a very promising way because women are often told in society what they should be interested in, but by only offering information and sparking curiosity into them, it helps contribute to having NASA careers as an option. While also holding important information that tells them the increase in women and how far they’ve come in NASA to motivate their curiosity â€Å"Women have been an integral part of NACA/NASA operations since 1922. They have played important roles such as mathematician, computer, astronaut, engineer, and supervisors. They have made lasting impacts and helped land a man on the moon. As of 2012, women made up one-third of all employees including 30% of supervisors and 20% of engineers. As of 2017, 37% of new hires are female and 50% of the newest class of astronauts were women. While these numbers may sound small, this is a significant increase in female employees at NASA compared to the last few decades.†(Howat) Showing the numbers and improvement over the years can make spark questioning and researching, valuing, or become more invested in the outcome. Showing and proving role models for women is important because throughout history the hierarchy for social classes indicate that women were at the very bottom of the system. Which didnt just happen in one society, but almost all of them. And in this day and era, when seeing a role model to young girls and then comparing it to previous areas of time, we are astonished, because women never got to experience it. The way to approach this matter would be to recognize that â€Å"The lack of visible female role models continues to be a major problem. In my opinion, though, the real problem is that the women working within STEM are hiding in plain sight. One way to overcome this would be to spotlight examples of actual women succeeding in STEM which could inspire young women by giving them real-world examples to model themselves after. It’s important to highlight that it’s not necessary to be a multimillionaire corporate celebrity to have an impact in STEM.†- (Emily Muggleton). If we introduce the hundreds of females who’ve worked at NASA and how committed and wonderful they are at their job, and how they’ve accidentally comabtted against men to achieve what they’ve achieved, other young women may start seeing themselves in their shoes and want to be such just like. There was a study conducted to see how influenced a classroom was when a strong female role-model was talking to the class on economics. They found that â€Å"The effect of strong female role models was even stronger among high-performing female students who had a grade point average of 3.7 or higher. For them, researchers saw a 26 percentage point increase in enrollment in the next-level economics class. Having career women speak in front of the class had no effect on male students. This suggests a lot of things: Perhaps it may mean that male students already enjoy enough role models in economics, or that male students dont see women as role models.†(IKE M) and it concluded and confirmed the idea that â€Å"female students are more likely to enroll in an upper-level economics class if they have encountered successful women role models in that field.†(IKEM). But names wont do it alone, you would need to explain and examine the roles those women took in a male-dominated atmosphere and how they achieved what they achieved. Such as how they contributed to the aspects of science, math, engineering, astronauts, and many, many more career choices. Overall, women are in high demand for STEM roles, and the more contribution towards encouraging young women to chose that path, the more they can contribute to the world. STEM is dominated by men, scientifically speaking women and men tend to think differently. So speaking from that point of view, we would get perspectives from a whole other eye, as women can expand and breech what they never could’ve in the past, now there is nothing holding them back. So, its important as a society to recognize that women were put in educating organizations for centuries, and over the years they’ve done wonders for demonstrating the ability to teach. With that same mindset, if we put women into STEM and NASA imagine the kind of wonders they would do for those organizations. citation Ikem, Chinelo Nkechi. â€Å"The Importance of Female Role Models in the Classroom.† Pacific Standard, 30 Jan. 2018, â€Å"15 Game-Changing Women of NASA Google Arts Culture.† Google, Google, Forbes, Moira. â€Å"How To Inspire More Young Women To Enter STEM In 2018.† Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 5 Jan. 2018, Moskowitz, Clara. â€Å"NASA Needs More Women, Top Official Says.†, Space Created with Sketch. Space, 30 July 2013, â€Å"The Women of NASA.† National Womens History Museum, BohannonMar, John, et al. â€Å"Both Genders Think Women Are Bad at Basic Math.† Science, 10 Dec. 2017,
Monday, October 21, 2019
Ohr OKeefe Museum essays
Ohr OKeefe Museum essays The class meeting was held at Ohr OKeefe Museum of Art in downtown Biloxi. He is also known as the mad potter in Biloxi and the reputation and respect toward his pottery works were gained not to long ago. One of his pots, which were displayed on the second floor of the museum, grabbed my attention. It was called the George Ohr Lighthouse Pot. He used his skills to express the most famous landscape in this town, the lighthouse in Biloxi. Here is the description of this art work from the museum: Takes its name from the historic Biloxi Lighthouse, which is depicted on one side. The unusual shape, fluted rim and use of incised designs are characteristics of George Ohrs art pottery style. The description of the landscape that was displayed on the surface of this piece of art is realistic. George Ohr tried to record the beautiful landscape of his town as real as possible. The main color that was used on this pot is green and the lines that he have created to express the scenery was yellow. In my opinion, the color choice of the artist came from the image of his town. The color of green might have been perfect for him to express his peaceful town surrounded by beautiful nature. It is interesting when you realize that the state of Mississippi use yellow and green colored license plates for vehicles. Is it just a coincidence? This work of art put me into relaxed and peaceful mood, so peaceful that I just wanted to lay down on the floor at the museum. The curved lines, which were used to express the nature, and also on the shape of the pot, adds the smoothness to it. The selection of the green color as the main color also made me feel like I was taking a trip by myself. At the same time, the unusual shape of the pot, the fluted rim, and the glossy texture makes it more interesting. I really enjoyed his works of art because of the extinguishable technique that he introduced to the world of pottery. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Key Events of Feminism During the 1960s in the U.S.
Key Events of Feminism During the 1960s in the U.S. 1960 May 9: The Food and Drug Administration approved the first oral contraceptive, commonly known as the Pill, for sale as birth control in the United States. 1961 November 1: Women Strike for Peace, founded by Bella Abzug and Dagmar Wilson, drew 50,000 women nationwide to protest nuclear weapons and U.S. involvement in war in southeast Asia.December 14: President John F. Kennedy issued an executive order establishing the Presidents Commission on the Status of Women. He appointed former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt to chair the commission. 1962 Sherri Finkbine traveled to Sweden for an abortion after learning that Thalidomide, a tranquilizer drug she had taken, caused extensive deformities to the fetus. 1963 February 17: The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan was published.May 23: Anne Moody, who later wrote Coming of Age in Mississippi, participated in a Woolworths lunch counter sit-in.June 10: The Equal Pay Act of 1963 was signed into law by President John F. Kennedy.June 16: Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in outer space, another Soviet first in the U.S.-U.S.S.R. space race. 1964 U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, including the Title VII prohibition of discrimination based on sex by private employers including employment agencies and unions. 1965 In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court struck down a law restricting access to contraception for married couples.The Newark Museum exhibit Women Artists of America: 1707-1964 looked at womens art, often neglected in the art world.Barbara Castle becomes the first UK female minister of state, appointed to become the Minister of Transport.July 2: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission began operations.December: Pauli Murray and Mary Eastwood published Jane Crow and the Law: Sex Discrimination and Title VII in the George Washington Law Review. 1966 The National Organization for Women, known as NOW, was founded.NOW set up task forces to work on key womens issues.Marlo Thomas began starring in the television sitcom That Girl, about a young, independent, single career woman. 1967 President Johnson amended Executive Order 11246, which dealt with affirmative action, to include sex discrimination on the list of prohibited employment discrimination.The feminist group New York Radical Women formed in New York City.June: Naomi Weisstein and Heath Booth held a free school at the University of Chicago on womens issues. Jo Freeman was among the attendees and was inspired to organize a womans session at the National Conference of New Politics. A womans caucus of NCNP formed, and when that was belittled from the floor, a group of women met at Jo Freemans apartment a group that evolved into the Chicago Womens Liberation Union.Jo Freemans newsletter Voice of the womens liberation movement gave a name to the new movement.August: The National Welfare Rights Organization formed in Washington D.C. 1968 NOW formed a special committee to launch a major campaign for the Equal Rights Amendment.Shirley Chisholm became the first African-American woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.The Womens Equity Action League broke off from NOW to avoid the controversial issues of sexuality, reproductive choice, and the Equal Rights Amendment.The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) was founded.The National Welfare Rights Organization was founded, with 22,000 members by the next year.Women at the Dagenham (UK) Ford factory stage a strike for equal pay, nearly stopping work at all the UK Ford automobile plants.Women for the first Seattle womens liberation group after a male organizer for SDS at a meeting said that balling a chick together enhanced the political consciousness of poor white young men. A woman in the audience had called out, And what did it do for the consciousness of the chick?February 23: The EEOC ruled that being female was not a bona fide occupational quali fication of being a flight attendant. September 7: The Miss America Protest by New York Radical Women at the Miss America pageant brought widespread media attention to womens liberation. 1969 The Abortion Counseling Service of Womens Liberation began operating in Chicago under the code name Jane.The radical feminist group Redstockings began in New York.March 21: Redstockings staged an abortion speakout, insisting that womens voices be heard on the issue instead of only male legislators and nuns.May: NOW activists marched in Washington D.C. for Mothers Day, demanding Rights, Not Roses.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
What price choice Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
What price choice - Research Paper Example Through their literary artistry and political ideologies, these literary and historical figures made their own set of choices which impacted modern society. A person’s choice can alter one’s perception of life in general; its influence can expand infinitely and thus, choices do not only refer to what one prefers but what legacy he desires to make to the people around him. William Ernest Henley, through his poem â€Å"Invictus,†illustrates what life is and choice as a leading factor to affect one’s destiny. The last two verses of his poem create an image of life as a ship, where the person is â€Å"the master of his fate†and â€Å"the captain of his soul†(Henley 15-16). Patrick Lim, a professional business coach, argues in his essay, â€Å"The Art of making Choices,†that there are three kinds of choices people have to make in their lives. He coined the term â€Å"fundamental choice,†which means the choice regarding a person’s â€Å"state of being†and â€Å"basic life orientation†(n. pag.). Most events published in literature exemplify the role of decision-making in one’s destiny; as simple as choosing what road to take may have larger effects in the future. The four selected works of literature are bound together through unity of theme: choice. The texts might be morbid, fran k, or ironic; the choices presented in the selected texts didactically address the impact of choice in one’s life. â€Å"The Lottery,†upon its first publication in the magazine called â€Å"The New Yorker,†aroused controversy with its ironic representation of society’s violence. The setting which typifies an ordinary village filled with realistic characters contrasted with the real agenda of their celebration mentioned in the story. With Jackson’s description of the character’s habits and the way they treat each other, it is almost unpredictable that the lottery the story is referring shades the setting with an unusual accepted darkness the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Nike and its Approach to Corporate Responsibility' Case Study
Nike and its Approach to Corporate Responsibility' - Case Study Example al., 2010). It has been apparently observed that the significance of corporate responsibility has been rising considerably in the modern day context. This can be justified with reference to the fact that the business corporations or firms possessing superior level of corporate responsibility ultimately help them towards attracting its entire workforce through lessening the turnover rates of the personnel and recruitment expenses among others (Cramer & Bergmans, 2003). In this paper, a critical evaluation about the approach of Nike towards corporate responsibility will be taken into concern. Various aspects like how Nike could best manage the situation and move towards corporate responsibility emphasizing upon certain important aspects will also be discussed in this paper. The aspects comprise leadership as well as structure of corporate responsibility, hiring procedure and centralization along with the process of decentralization. A Brief Overview of Nike Nike, Inc is regarded as one of the foremost innovators especially in the business segment of athletic footwear, equipments, accessories and clothing. The company is typically an American based multinational business corporation that deals with the design and the marketing of sports utensils, athletic footwear and various other recreational brands. The mission of the company has been viewed to inspire the athletes across the globe with incessant innovation (Nike, 2013). Conversely, the vision of the company is to become worldwide leader especially in the aforementioned business segment in the entire world. In this similar context, the company has been noted to develop its business by focusing more upon the significant aspects of sustainability along with innovation (Nike, 2013). It is worth mentioning that according to the performance rankings in the Climate Counts, Nike has acquired topmost position particularly in the business segment of footwear, clothing as well as accessories (Nike, 2013). Approaches of N ike towards Corporate Responsibility Nike undertook several approaches concerning corporate responsibility with the motive of becoming the worldwide leader particularly in the business segment of sporting footwear, clothing and accessories among others. The different approaches of Nike towards corporate responsibility have been noted while designing and manufacturing its broad array of products. In relation to designing products, it has been apparently observed that Nike has outlined and developed restricted substances lists (RSLs) in order to safeguard its entire workforce, suppliers and most importantly the consumers. The lists ultimately support the company towards effectively directing its different suppliers in the making of the brands which are safe and lawfully compliant. Moreover, apart from preparing and developing RSLs, the company executes environmentally preferred materials (EPMs) while designing its different products. According to the company, EPMs are principally desc ribed as the materials that extensively lessen the adverse environmental
Relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and stress Research Paper
Relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and stress - Research Paper Example It is known that the specific alterations in the body caused from stress directly impact the brain and the nervous system, which links to the gastrointestinal system and causes complexities with the digestive system. The examination of whether stress causes IBS and to which extent can then lead to more holistic methods of helping individuals that are suffering from IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS, is one of the most common non – infectious gastrointestinal disorders (Pelissier, Danzter, Canini, 2010, 653). The problems associated with this create cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea, all which can create abnormalities in the system (Mayer et al, 2001, p 280). The complexities of IBS are not only associated with the physical discomfort and abnormalities that are in the system. There are also difficulties that are related to the stress levels which individuals carry, all which are directly associated with IBS. It is known that different types of stress affect the triggering effects and the way in which IBS functions. Stress factors include physiological, psychological and physical stressors that occur. These are also associated with emotional motor systems, including automatic, neuroendocrine, attentional and pain modulatory responses (Mayer et al, 2001, p 280). Examining the ways in which IBS links to stress as well as how it is affected with different circuits can then create a deeper understanding of how to treat the main causes associated with IBS and stress. The conditions that are associated with IBS create various levels of reactions among those suffering from the disorder. Understanding how these conditions affect the human body as well as what is associated with the main complexities can provide insight into how this changes the rest of the system. The system and the gastrointestinal area of the body are connected to various systems in the body, which triggers IBS. The conditions and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The buccaneer journal of Dampier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The buccaneer journal of Dampier - Essay Example The text was published in the name of â€Å"A New Voyage Round the world†. William Dampier has a unique regard as well: he circumnavigated the earth thrice in his life (Dampier). In the underlying text which was published in 1700, William Dampier expressed about nature and romance in the context of deep sea and oceans. He titled his work as a composition of mixed relations among places and actions (Pirates & Privateers). It was a strange phenomenon of the time which was unbelievable to be curtained that it could be published even being a very scholastic and romantic piece of writing describing nature of piracy or buccaneering. The former buccaneers were the hunters who resided at Hispaniola and Caribbean. At the time of William Dampier, he encountered with the buccaneers who were formerly log wood cutters. He found them when he got a job to bring logwood to London via boat (Dampier). During his travel for working, he was used to spend his time in search and exploration of several aspects of natural, plants and animals. As he used to surround around the deep blue sea, so his most concern was water related nature. He wrote a number of valuable daily records in his journal which afterwards came in to being as a book named â€Å"A new voyage round the world†. Dampier was so happy that he could form his fortune with the work through which he could earn as well as he could spend a plenty of time in non work activities like nature exploration. But meanwhile a storm came around all the way and caused huge damages. It forced Dampier to take accompany with some privateers. Throughout his text of new voyage, William Dampier has referred to a term named as privateers. But in fact these privateers were the real buccaneers or pirates. Dampier spent over a year with those privateers (in real pirates). He wrote details of only one attack of those buccaneers. They were caught on that raid but they however managed the escape from
Neonatal Intensive Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Neonatal Intensive Care - Essay Example Heat may be lost by water evaporation from the skin of the infant, and this is especially likely immediately after delivery. Nursing strategies can address each of these mechanisms. Taking the case of healthy term infants, the most suitable ideal strategy would be to wrap the term infant in warm blankets and to place them into the mothers' arms. The neonate should be dried completely to prevent evaporative heat loss. The neonate can be placed in a preheated radiant warmer immediately after delivery. A water impervious blanket can prevent evaporative heat loss. Cold oxygen from mask blowing over the neonate's skin should be prevented. Once stabilized, the neonate should be transferred to convection warmed incubator since radiant warmer cannot prevent convection heat loss (Sauer PJJ et al., 1984). Most preterm infants usually present with typical signs and symptoms of respiratory distress. These include retractions of the chest, grunting with breathing, rales, rhonchi, nasal flaring, and tachypnoea. Additionally, there may be tachycardia, murmurs, and cyanosis. Most preterm babies demonstrate a central cyanosis with cyanosis of the oral mucous membrane. Congenital heart disease may present with differential cyanosis with respiratory distress. There may be associated hypertension or hypotension. There may be hyperpnoea of deep unlaboured breathing or rapid and shallow breathing. There may be disease specific signs and symptoms. Clinically, the onset of massive pulmonary hemorrhage is heralded by sudden deterioration of the infant with hypotension, pallor, cyanosis, bradycardia, or apnea. Pink or red frothy liquid drains from the mouth. There can be periodic breathing, defined as recurrent sequences of pauses in respiration lasting 5 to 10 seconds followed by 10 to 15 seconds o f rapid respiration. Apnoeic episodes are cessation of respiration for 15 to 20 seconds, frequently complicated by cyanosis, pallor, or bradycardia. Small preterm infants exhibit these systemic responses more readily than do more mature infants, even when the apnea is shorter. Bradycardia can be observed during apnoea (Behrman RE et al., 2002). Causes 1. Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). 2. Bacterial pneumonia/sepsis 3. Pneumothorax (generally follows initiation of respiratory support, but may occur spontaneously). 4. Pulmonary hemorrhage: more common in preterm infants (specially those with those with respiratory distress syndrome) 5. Congenital pulmonary hypoplasia. Activity 3: Hypoglycaemia in the Newborn Perturbations in glucose metabolism after birth, caused by failure to adapt to the extrauterine environment as a result of either alterations in maternal metabolism or intrinsic metabolic problems in the neonate, often result in hypoglycaemia. Although a consensus regarding cutoff values for hypoglycemia has not been reached, most investigators would consider a plasma glucose concentration of lower than 36 mg/dL to be low when it requires intervention, in a full-term neonate 2 to 3 hours after birth. Care should be taken in interpreting glucose values during the transition period of the first 2 to 3 hours after birth, when the plasma glucose concentration may drop to low levels followed by spontaneous improvement. If low glucose levels are observed during this time, frequent glucose determinations
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The buccaneer journal of Dampier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The buccaneer journal of Dampier - Essay Example The text was published in the name of â€Å"A New Voyage Round the world†. William Dampier has a unique regard as well: he circumnavigated the earth thrice in his life (Dampier). In the underlying text which was published in 1700, William Dampier expressed about nature and romance in the context of deep sea and oceans. He titled his work as a composition of mixed relations among places and actions (Pirates & Privateers). It was a strange phenomenon of the time which was unbelievable to be curtained that it could be published even being a very scholastic and romantic piece of writing describing nature of piracy or buccaneering. The former buccaneers were the hunters who resided at Hispaniola and Caribbean. At the time of William Dampier, he encountered with the buccaneers who were formerly log wood cutters. He found them when he got a job to bring logwood to London via boat (Dampier). During his travel for working, he was used to spend his time in search and exploration of several aspects of natural, plants and animals. As he used to surround around the deep blue sea, so his most concern was water related nature. He wrote a number of valuable daily records in his journal which afterwards came in to being as a book named â€Å"A new voyage round the world†. Dampier was so happy that he could form his fortune with the work through which he could earn as well as he could spend a plenty of time in non work activities like nature exploration. But meanwhile a storm came around all the way and caused huge damages. It forced Dampier to take accompany with some privateers. Throughout his text of new voyage, William Dampier has referred to a term named as privateers. But in fact these privateers were the real buccaneers or pirates. Dampier spent over a year with those privateers (in real pirates). He wrote details of only one attack of those buccaneers. They were caught on that raid but they however managed the escape from
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Financial Markets - Essay Example Under financial discussions & research, options fall under a particular style or family. Theoretically speaking, the style or the family of options refers to a class that signifies the category into which that particular option comes under. The options are generally verified & studied by analyzing the dates on which these options may be exercised. Such options come under the purview of the European & American Styles. There are many more types of options available. The similarity between all of them is that they come under the 'Vanilla Options' wherein, the options are evaluated on the basis of the payoff. There are also numerous Non-Vanilla options such as the Russian & the Asian options. The proposed research is aimed at studying the various arbitrage options that fall under the Asian option. Under the proposed research, there are a number of issues that are planned to be studied. The first & the foremost would be to perform an analysis & assessment of the various techniques that have been devised for assessing the Asian option. The study of these techniques is very important in order to assess each one for its effectiveness & compare & contrast between all of them for their numerous features & capabilities. ... The reason why this topic is being studied is that though there are numerous techniques available for determining the payback, none of them is able to provide a clear-cut & a fully observable solution. This is because the evaluation of the Partial Differential Equations (PDE) involves a certain degree of adjustments in terms of the areas being evaluated under the integrals that varies with each technique. Nevertheless, numerous options have been devised that tend to improve the degree of efficiency and accuracy with which these options can be worked out.Some of the techniques that are proposed to be covered under the proposed research are discussed below: Roger & Shi's one-dimensional Model: This model is suitable for both fixed & floating Asian options. This method uses the Strike & the average value of a stock over a time period for the evaluation of the PDE. But there are certain problems with this technique that need to be investigated. Jan vecer technique: this method falls under the traded account option wherein the gains & losses from trading are evaluated using a special Partial Differential Equation. The PDE for this model takes into account the rate of reinvestment as well as the trading strategy with the intent of maximizing the price of agreement. Under the Asian option, the payoff is calculated as a function of the stock & the strike value. Monte-Carlo Approach: this approach is adopted when the dimensional space is larger than usual wherein the share of price is evaluated by the Black & Scholes model while the price of an asset has been given Lapeyre & Temam. This model utilized the standard Brownian motion & additionally
Monday, October 14, 2019
Ethnic Identity Essay Example for Free
Ethnic Identity Essay Introduction Many studies on the academic achievements of Mangyans prove to be so beneficial to many enthusiasts concerned with indigenous people’s development. A critical look on the levels of school attitudes and self–esteem of Buhid Mangyan pupils in Mirayan, Buong Lupa and Pakpaklawin Elementary Schools serves as a springboard in drawing deeper implication how these potential variables actually impact on their academic performance as priority learners in the school. Based on the actual observation of the researcher, the increasing number of Buhid Mangyan enrollees in the schools for the last five years positively indicates their improved appreciation of formal education and trainings as a capital means to enrich their social, economic and cultural conditions. Given all the opportunities to develop their innate potentials, the Buhid Mangyan pupils are able to cope with the learning environment they are in; however, a set of many obvious problems as regards to how they will effectively learn and perform are seen. Because most of the pupils in Mirayan, Buong Lupa and Pakpaklawin Elementary Schools reside in far-flung communities, most of them usually report to class late, others cannot simply present themselves in the entire whole day of classes, sometimes they prefer to be absent in the afternoon to help out their parents do some house chores for girls. The male Buhid Mangyans on the other hand, go out to the field to plant, take care and feed their animals and perform other labor intensive household activities like cutting wood for cooking, fetching water to drink and others. These economic factors are potential hindrances why the Buhid Mangyan pupils remain left behind compared with their counterparts among Hanunuo and Alangan groups. The same factors seemingly bear direct impact on the level of attitude of the Buhid Mangyan pupils which they most usually manifest in their behavior towards learning, study habits, preparation of projects readiness to learn and participation in classroom activities. Although they are interested to learn, their ability to respond to the teachers’ instruction appears to be at a dismal level due to hunger, uneasy behavior and timidity. The result indicates that the Buhid Mangyan pupils cannot perform on time their assignments and prepare projects because most of their time is spent for earning a living as their form of support to their parents. The lingering effects of these patterns of behavior results in the low-level esteem they feel at the midst of frustration and discomfort, which in the process, results in the lack of quality time for sensible socialization with various groups of people, thus, a feeling of isolation from the mainstream community leads to dwindling individual morale, and failure to sustainably exhibit respect, pride, indigenization and love of cultural beliefs and traditions they ought to keep up deeply rooted in themselves. In the same manner, the most obvious effect of the state to which they are in is the relatively low extent of academic achievement of the Buhid Mangyan pupils. The foregoing statement implies that the experiences of Buhid Mangyan pupils are certainly unique to themselves being in an environment that induces their patterns of actions and behavior. According to Llyod (2007), whatever ethnic affiliation a certain person belongs to, he has a certain set of value system and behavioral patterns being practiced and adopted. The value system of the family and constituent members plays a big factor in the importance given to education, the value of child labor, gender discrimination that prevent girls from attending school to work and discrimination in pay based on sex or type of work of children. For Connolly (2009), the idea of ethnicity relates to the actual condition of Buhid Mangyan pupils from Mirayan, Buong Lupa and Pakpaklawin Elementary Schools in Gloria District. Ethnicity plays a major role in many people’s lives which sometimes have a positive influence. It helps people identify and understand their needs, while the negative influence includes can be prejudice and discrimination. The valid connection between academic achievements and level of attitude and esteem of Buhid learners can still be best assessed with the application of creativity, genuine understanding by the 1 / 17 teachers of the holistic identity of the learners. As diversely unique individuals with special traits and experiences, there may also be some good things about them the teachers can value so much as every individual has his own giftedness endowed to him. Problems underlying the mismatch between positive attitude and high esteem and the high level academic achievement of these learners can also be stopped from lingering when teachers continue to perform their sworn in function in the name of long-term development aspired for by the national government. By discovering and exploring the hidden talents of Buhid Mangyan learners, chances are that their concept of education can improve. In support to this, the Philippines, as a geographically and ethno- linguistically diverse country, has long undertaken initiatives in identifying and educating gifted individuals. The preponderance of psychometric assessments in identifying gifted individuals, however, research investigating indigenous conceptions of giftedness has been scanty (Orosa amp; Fernandez, 2008). Given all these scenarios, the researcher derived inspiration from the current situation in which Buhid Mangyans are in, because this study provided hard data on the level of attitude and esteem of the respondents and how these significantly relate to their academic achievements. This undertaking would also shed light to the fact that a needed improvement in treating the Buhid Mangyan is just a necessity to make them feel they are as important as other cultural groups inhabiting the province in general and the Municipality of Gloria in particular. Theoretical Framework This study is strengthened by concepts from educational and psychological theories that relate to learners’ attitude, esteem and academic achievements. Classical Conditioning Theory Berliner (2007) espoused that Ivan Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning Theory describes how stimuli that occur together may come to evoke similar responses. It also describes how rewards shape and maintain behavior. This supports the idea that the Buhid Mangyan pupils can be inspired or motivated to interact with the mainstream community without thinking of their ethnicity. This can be done by school managers and teachers as well when Buhid Mangyan pupils get the equal amount of recognition from these people, which will insulate them to exhibit positive traits and behavior towards learning and achieving academically. Capitalizing on their good attitude and esteem as individuals, Buhid Mangyan pupils can be given a chance to discover their strengths and contribution to individual development through showing responsibility, independence and love of work. Attribution and Psychosocial Theories Lilienfeld et al. (2010) state that the Attribution Theory proposed by Fritz Heider, describes the role of motivation in a persons success or failure in school situations. Success on a test, for instance, could be attributed to luck or hard work; the theory predicts the behavior of students depending on their responses. The theory of the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget that intellectual ability is qualitatively different at different ages and that children need interaction with the environment to gain intellectual competency has influenced all of education and psychology. This new concept of intelligence affected the design of learning environments for young children and the development of mathematics and science programs. The various concepts discussed in the theories mentioned above relate to the present study because dealing with the behavior of the Buhid Mangyan pupils may require a strict consideration of their attributes based on their cultural integration with the same or other groups of Mangyan who find comfort and convenience without inhibitions due to their commonalities and mutual understanding. However, teachers from the selected elementary school at Gloria District with Buhid Mangyan pupils can help themselves predict what patterns of behavior or attitude may be manifested by the pupils depending on how their unique attributes are regarded with a humanistic touch. The amount of extraordinary concern and care shown by school officials and teachers towards Buhid Mangyans can spur an increased level of esteem among them. This will eventually 2 / 17 result in the development of trust among pupils and a sense of fulfillment despite their cultural orientation. Theory of Behaviorism As cited by Kohlberg (2010), the Theory of Behaviorism developed by B. F. Skinner in 1958 is anchored on three assumptions of learning. First, learning is manifested by a change in behavior. Second, the environment shapes behavior. And third, the principles of contiguity (how close in time two events must be for a bond to be formed) and reinforcement (any means of increasing the likelihood that an event will be repeated) are central to explaining the learning. For behaviorism, learning is the acquisition of new behavior through conditioning. The first conditioning is classical conditioning which describes that the behavior becomes a reflex response to stimulus while the other is the operant conditioning where there is reinforcement of the behavior by a reward or a punishment. The precepts of the theory have binding principles in the current study’s inclusion of attitude and esteem of Buhid Mangyans in relation to their academic achievements. This implies that there is an expected positive change in the behavior of Buhid Mangyan pupils once they feel they are motivated and highly esteemed leading to quality learning, which can be manifested by their high academic achievements. Because of the stimulating environment created collegially by the school community including their parents and themselves, they are also able to the positive effects of their environment to productive learning. In essence, the principles of contiguity (how close in time two events must be for a bond to be formed) and reinforcement (any means of increasing the likelihood that an event will be repeated) are central to explaining the learning, the Buhid Mangyan pupils can likewise appreciate that interconnected ideas they learn can lead to the fulfillment of their individual learning goals to get higher grades in the subject areas discussed. All the discussed theories are helpful sources of theoretical precepts which may help the researcher justify the probable relationships between the paired independent and dependent variables under study. Conceptual Framework Independent VariablesDependent Variable School Attitude Attachment Involvement Commitment Beliefs in School Rules Ethnic Identity Cultural Identity Involvement in Traditional Activities Involvement in traditional Spirituality Self-Esteem Output Proposed Program/Activities to Improve Ethnic Identity, Self-Esteem and School Attitude of Grade V Buhid Mangyan Pupils in Gloria District 3 / 17 Figure1. Conceptual Framework of the Study Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. The independent variables are ethnic identity expressed in terms of cultural identification, involvement in traditional Buhid activities, traditional spirituality; and self-esteem; the dependent variable is the school attitude of students in terms of attachment, involvement, commitment, and beliefs in school rules. The lines with the arrow from the two independent variables going to the dependent variable show the hypothesized relationship between the these variables. The two-tailed arrow connecting the independent variables, ethnic identity and self-esteem shows the perceived relationship between these variables. Whereas, the two broken lines from the independent and dependent variables pointing downward lead to the proposed plan that may strengthen or sustain the ethnic identity, self-esteem, and school attitude of Buhid Mangyans. Statement of the Problem This study focused on ethnic identity, self-esteem and school attitudes of Buhid Mangyan pupils in the selected elementary schools at Gloria District. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: What aspects of ethnic identity are practiced by the Buhid Mangyan pupils in the selected elementary schools at Gloria District, Oriental Mindoro? What is the level of self-esteem of the Buhid Mangyan pupils in the selected elementary schools at Gloria District, Oriental Mindoro? What is the level of school attitude of the Buhid Mangyan pupils in the selected elementary schools at Gloria District Gloria, Oriental Mindoro? Is there a significant relationship between ethnic identity and school attitude of the Buhid Mangyan pupils in the selected elementary schools at Gloria District, Oriental Mindoro? Is there a significant relationship between self-esteem and school attitude of Buhid Mangyan pupils in the selected elementary schools at Gloria District, Oriental Mindoro? Is there a significant relationship between ethnic identity and self-esteem of the Buhid Mangyan Pupils in the selected elementary schools at Gloria District? What programs/activities can be undertaken by the schools to sustain/strengthen ethnic identity and self-esteem to improve the school attitudes of the Buhid Mangyan pupils in the selected elementary schools at Gloria District, Oriental Mindoro? Hypotheses The study proposes the following hypotheses: There is a significant relationship between ethnic identity and school attitudes of the Buhid Mangyan pupils in the selected elementary schools at Gloria District, Oriental Mindoro. There is a significant relationship between self-esteem and school attitudes of the Buhid Mangyan pupils in the selected elementary schools at Gloria District, Oriental Mindoro. There is a significant relationship between ethnic identity and self-esteem of the Buhid Mangyan pupils in the selected elementary schools at Gloria District, Oriental Mindoro. Significance of the Study This study may be of great contribution to different groups of people who are openly engaged in the educative development of pupils in the Department of Education (DepEd) and its stakeholders. Buhid Mangyan pupils may be able to appreciate this study as a source of credible information on how their school attitude, self-esteem and school attachment help them feel as proud members of a Mangyan ethnic group. The information to be gathered may also enable them to relate these factors to their academic achievement. Thus, this study may serve as an eye-opener to them insofar as their cultural authenticity, self-esteem as individual member of a Mangyan community would be given just consideration through an academic and professional study. Being the principal beneficiaries of this study, they may likewise be given the means to analyze how their personal attributes determine their academic standing, from which they could identify their most liked and 4 / 17 least liked subject area/s as herein enumerated. Buhid Mangyan parents may come across with assessment results pertaining to the effects of their children’s attitude and self-esteem on their academic performance. As the children’s immediate environment at home, they may assess the intensity of the need for their children to be provided with parental support, particularly moral and spiritual guidance to make them obedient, compliant and value-laden members of society. The parents may be able to increase the amount and quality of time necessary for the pupils to learn to an optimum level. Teachers of the Buhid Mangyan pupils may be given sound reference to reinforce the psycho-social and analytical competence in instruction to make their classrooms for the pupils conducive, welcoming and adhere to the principle of cultural diversity and ethnicity. The findings of this study may encourage them to undertake necessary measures to further increase the potential of Buhid Mangyan pupils to show positive attitude relative to learning behavior, study habits, preparation of projects, readiness to learn and participation in classroom activities. The idea of quality instruction, anchored on indigenization may be developed in the teachers because this study may enable them to gain deeper understanding of how the level of esteem of the Buhid Mangyan pupils contributes to socialization, exhibition of respect, pride, practice of indigenization and love of cultural beliefs and traditions. The results on the assessed academic achievement of pupils measured by the grade they obtain in different subjects may help them determine how well their instruction and the Buhid pupils’ attitude and esteem serve as determinants of performance. The school principals of the selected public elementary schools with indigenous people-pupils may be able to use the recommendations of the researcher to improve the state of instruction among Buhid Mangyan pupils at all levels. This is because the information of the respondents’ attitude and esteem may be used as his/her basis in preparing a more indigenized and inclusive academic programs designed to enrich their overall potentials as learners. The usefulness of class observation may also be justified by the results of this study because as school administrators they could provide their teachers with inputs on how to deal effectively with the learning needs of Buhid learners. Mangyan historians and writers may make use of the entire study as supplemental data to be included in write-ups on Buhid pupils’ behavior, esteem and their appreciation of formal educational trainings to enhance their socio-economic status. The findings, conclusions and recommendations of this study may be considered as documents for their deeper treatment of the cultural background on Buhid Mangyans who now experience development through education, which can be compared with other ethnic groups of Mangyans. Officials of the Office for the Southern Cultural Communities (OSCC) and other private non- government organizations like the Mangyan Mission, National Indigenous People’s Coalition (NIPC) may regard this study very useful. They may be supplied with factual information on the financial, material and other relevant educational needs of the tribal group, which they could consider as instrumental in the fulfillment of national government’s thrust to improve the plight of indigenous peoples in the province of Oriental Mindoro. Future researchers may also put prime value on this study as their back up local study should they perform a professional study dealing on Mangyan attitudes, esteem and academic performance. The whole study may support their claim that educational development among Mangyans continues to be observable, thus deeper analysis and interpretation of related variables and indicators can be delved. Scope and Delimitation of the Study. The pupils’ ethnic identity, self-esteem and school attitude as an expression of cultural identity and their school attachment as independent and dependent variables in this study were assessed by the researcher. These were inter-paired to determine each significantly related to one another. After the analysis and interpretation of the variables and their indicators, the researcher came up with a plan to improve the school attitude and self-esteem of the Buhid Mangyan pupils for their cultural 5 / 17 development. This study is limited to the Buhid Mangyan pupils from Mirayan, Buong Lupa and Pakpaklawin. Elementary Schools. The Buhid Mangyan pupils will be chosen base on the fact that the selected elementary schools has the biggest population of Buhid Mangyan pupils. Definition of Terms The researcher defined all the terms used in this study to enable its readers to gain deeper understanding of what this study is all about. Attachment refers to the developed intimacy of Buhid pupils with the school officials, teachers and all members of the school organization which enable them to grow as individuals. Belief in school rules are the assessed perceptions of the Buhid Mangyan on the applicability of school policies, how these are implemented and how pupils comply with. Buhid Mangyans refer to one of the eight recognized ethnic groups of Mangyans, mostly residing in the upland communities of Gloria in Oriental Mindoro. Commitment determines the school attachment of Buhid Mangyan pupils in which they show their willingness to perform their academic tasks. Cultural identification refers to the common cultural practices recognized by Hanunuo Mangyans that make them distinct from the other ethnic groups in Mindoro. Ethnic identity pertains to how individuals interpret and understand their ethnicity and, specifically, the degree to which they identify with their ethnic group (Phinney, 1996). Involvement means the active participation of the Buhid Mangyan pupils in classroom, academic and non- academic activities of the school for their holistic development. School Attitude and Self-Esteem Plan refer to the output of the researcher which guides the implementation of relevant cultural development programs anchored on school attitude, self-esteem and school attachment. School attachment of Grade V Buhid Mangyan Pupils describes the respondents as to their commitment, attachment, involvement and belief in school rules. School attitude refers to the statement of cultural identity of the Buhid Mangyan pupils in Gloria District. Self-esteem of the Buhid Mangyan pupils pertains to the level of morale and pride felt by the Buhid Mangyan pupils as member of the said ethnic group. Traditional activities refer to social activities reflecting aspects of culture in which Buhid Mangyans involved themselves in. Traditional spirituality refers to the practice of religious activities of the Buhid Mangyans. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE. This chapter presents all the related literature and studies which support the discussion of the researcher on ethnic identity, level of self-esteem and school attitude of Buhid Mangyan pupis in Mirayan, Buong Lupa and Pakpaklawin Elementary Schools in Gloria District. Ethnic Identity Identity development is critical for individuals because it is during this process that they discover who they are and who they hope to become. A fundamental social environment that influences the development of a self-identity is ethnic group membership (Markstrom-Adams, 1992). Ethnic identity pertains to how individuals interpret and understand their ethnicity and, specifically, the degree to which they identify with their ethnic group (Phinney, 1996). The impact of ethnic identity is especially relevant in heterogeneous societies, such as the United States, where minority groups and a dominant social group coexist (Rosenthal, 1987). From the above cited literature, it was found out that ethnic identity has relationships with psychological well-being, and it has effects on the contextual factors in adolescents’ lives that may influence or interact with their ethnic identity development. Contextual factors such as family, school, and community are linked with ethnic identity because it is within these contexts that adolescents’ lives are embedded (Bronfenbrenner, 1989; Garcia Coll et al. , 1996). According to Erikson’s (1968) identity formation perspective, it is through exploration of options (sometimes experienced through 6 / 17 crises) and firm commitments to ideologies and an occupation that individuals come to achieve a secure identity. Marcia (1980) furthered Erikson’s ideas by developing four identity statuses with which to operationalize  Erikson’s theoretical notions. Individuals are classified into the statuses based on the presence or absence of a decision-making period (i. e. , exploration) and the extent of their commitment in the domains of occupation, ideologies, and interpersonal values (Marcia, 1994). Phinney further extended these ideas by examining Marcia’s statuses in relation to ethnic identity development. According to Phinney (1990), ethnic identity development is a process that takes place. The above-mentioned reviews on the concepts of ethnic identity find fitness in this study because they stress the idea that ethnic identity development is linked with factors such as family, school, and community because it is within these contexts that adolescents’ lives are embedded. Self-Esteem Self-Esteem is literally defined by how much value people place on themselves. It is the evaluative component of self-knowledge. High self-esteem refers to a highly favorable global evaluation of the self. Low self-esteem, by definition, refers to unfavorable definition of the self. Self –esteem does not carry any definitional requirement of accuracy whatsoever. Thus, high self-esteem may refer to an accurate, justified, balanced appreciation of ones’ worth and one’s successes and competencies, but it can also refers to an inflated, arrogant, grandiose, unwarranted sense of conceited superiority over others. By the same token, low self-esteem can be either an accurate, well-founded understanding of one’s shortcoming as a person or a distorted, even pathological sense of insecurity and inferiority. School Attitude One aspect of school attitude that has been identified is school spirit. A component of school spirit which has particular relevance to adolescence is the belief that one’s school is an adequate reflection of who they are (Coker amp; Borders, 1996). Another way to understand the adolescence strong need to identify with school is through Finn’s (1989) identification participation model. Finn argues that that being able to identify with school is critical for adolescents’ school attitude and well-being. Jenkins’s (1997) work with the school bond demonstrates measures of involvement in extracurricular activities including sports, clubs, and special school events is a strong predictor of school attitude. In keeping with Finn’s (1989) Identification-Participation model, school bonds represents involvement and engagement that also includes non-academic, school related activities. Involvement in Traditional Activities and SpiritualityPow-wows are community social gatherings that include traditional activities such as dance and song. It is also a celebration of tribal custom and cultural connectedness. Pow-wows begin by way of a grand entry with all dancers participating in honor of the event. A master of ceremony is the voice of the pow-wow to the singers, dancers, drums rotation, and informs the public in general. Different styles of dancing with traditional regalia are accompanied by drums and native songs. Traditional and contemporary foods are provided or sold along with the event. (Wright et al. 2001). The sweat lodge ceremony is traditional purification ceremony that incorporates traditional singing, prayer, counseling, and sharing similar to a talking circle. It takes place in an enclosed space (lodge) with heated rocks, heat, and steam (Mails, 1978). Tribes may vary to integrate their own customs, philosophies and traditional use of medicines during facilitation of the ceremony (Wright et al. 2011). Drumming groups are accompanied by native singing of traditional songs and intertwined with dancers at pow-wows of other cultural based tribal event. Roundhouse is a large ceremonial house where America Indian people gather together for ceremonial dances, singing and prayer (Bibby, 1993). The Buhid Mangyans The Philippines has its vowed responsibility to provide accessible and quality education to all children. Here, all types of learners, regardless of their cultural groups and orientations are 7 / 17 included, even the Buhid Mangyans. Perpertua (2009) stated that schools do not use Moro languages as mediums of instruction to any significant extent nor do most of the civil service and governmental positions require fluency in one of these languages, though they do demand fluency in Filipino. This creates a very real obstacle to the full participation of the Moro Muslims in the countrys public and political life, and they remain vastly under-represented in categories of educational attainment and in civil service employment and political representation. Not only ordinary Filipinos should be provided by the state with opportunities to develop, but also and most important, those who belong to the marginalized sectors of society which include the indigenous peoples (IPs) whose condition seems so irreparable. Postma (1967), retrieved from http://www. on December 22, 2013, states that the Buhids are known as pot makers. Other Mangyan tribes, like the Alangan and Hanunuo, used to buy their cooking pots from the Buhids. The word Buhid literally means mountain dwellers. As stated by Litis (1989), retrieved from Mangyan website on December 22,2013, Buhid women wear woven black and white brassiers called linagmon and a black and white skirt called abol. Unmarried women wear body ornaments such as a braided nito belt (lufas), blue thread earrings, beaded headband (sangbaw), beaded bracelet (uksong), and beaded long necklace (siwayang or ugot). The men wear g-strings. To enhance body beauty, the men wear ornaments like a long beaded necklace, tight choker (ugot) and beaded bracelet (uksong). Both sexes use an accessory bag called bay-ong for personal things like comb and knife. Together with the Hanunuo, the Buhids in some areas possess a pre-Spanish syllabic writing system. The Buhid Mangyans live in the municipalities of Roxas, Bansud, Bongabong and some parts of Gloria and Mansalay in Oriental Mindoro, and in the municipalities of San Jose and Rizal in Occidental Mindoro. Mahusay (2008) said that financing educational and scholarship programs for Mangyan pupils as part of corporate social responsibility (CSR) agenda improves their quality of life. The firm’s CSR program not only involves education but also includes other social development projects such as nutrition, health and sanitation, livelihood, infrastructure and other community- oriented programs. Pestano (2008) said that community relations activities which normally involve many poor Mangyans included in educational grants that help them pursue their dream, enhance behavior and value their culture and heritage. Felipe (2007) defined the ethnography and culture of the Alangan Mangyans in order to determine the extent of peace process and their level of indigenous sustainable development. The indigenous culture of the Mangyan Alangan was focused on the social, economic, political, and religious practices. The social practices were confined within the family in the â€Å"esoken†of the â€Å"balaylakoy†. The Mangyan also developed peace- making attitude in order to appease the spirit hovering over them. Failure to do so would mean disaster. They highly agreed on building structured democracy, interdependence, respect for the integrity of culture, respect for human rights and sharing of responsibilities as manifestation of peace process. Mallari (2007) asserted that Mangyans and other poor but deserving students in Oriental Mindoro receive educational support and take a step toward a brighter future, thanks to the efforts of a mining company that has made it a policy to extend assistance to the impoverished communities where it operates. Not far from the experiences of the Philippines, other countries worldwide recognize the socio-economic significance of formal education and trainings to achieve total human development. Indigenous Knowledge (IK). Cotter (2011) asserted that indigenous knowledge (IK) is the local knowledge people unique to a culture or society passed from generation to generation through a wide range of other activities that sustain societies in many parts of the world, particularly in formal education. Harper (2011) stated that indigenous peoples have a broad knowledge of how to live sustainably. However, formal education systems disrupt the practical everyday life aspects of indigenous knowledge and ways of learning, replacing them with abstract knowledge and academic ways of 8 / 17 learning. Today, there is a grave risk that much indigenous.
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