Friday, May 31, 2019
Comparing King Arthur and With Honors :: Movies Film With Honors King Arthur Essays
Comparing King Arthur and With Honors Have you ever watched a movie or read a invigorated without a plot? Most likely your answer to this question would be no, because it would be dull. No one wants to hear a reputation with no charm or conflict. As you read a novel or watch a burgeon forth, you want to connect with the citations and feel you can relate to the situations theyre relations with. In every film and every story theres a conflict the main character(s) is facing. The story of King Arthur, and the film With Honors appear at first to be on opposite sides of the entertainment spectrum. However, both are excellent examples of searching for ones inner human, and lifes meaning.While watching the film With Honors one could pick up on a lot of symbolism, foreshadowing, and numerous heroes journeys. Each character goes through their own search and personal development. For example the character Courtney played by Maria Kelly. In the beginning of the film shes head over heals for her roommate and close friend Monty played by Brendan Fraiser. As the story unfolds, Courtneys eyes are opened to see Montys true inner human qualities.The biggest heroes journey in the film With Honors is the journey Monty a Harvard law student goes through. During a heavy snowstorm one night, his computer freezes up, while hes in the middle of working on his dissertation paper, which he needs to pass in order to graduate. He goes to the library to make a copy of what he already has saved, but then he trips and drops his thesis into the basement of the library. Once in the library he finds a bum burning up his thesis for heat. The bum whose name Simon played by Joe Pesci. Simon makes a deal with Monty he will give him back his thesis page by page, for every good deed he does towards him. As the story unfolds Monty and Simon change each others lives. Monty starts off as an uptight, stereotypical, close-minded young man. Before knowing Monty, Simon is very set is his ways, and un approachable. Because Monty and Simons personalities are so different, they are FOILS. As Monty earns back pages of his thesis Simon becomes a father figure to him. He shows him what is really valuable in life. Simon keeps rocks from memorial places the rocks represent Simons life.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Advertising Essay examples -- essays research papers
Billboards, signs, radios, saucilyspapers, television, and internet are briny instruments that we as society see or use everyday and advertisers use as channels to advertise to society. Advertising has a major role in businesses and advertising is a business in itself. How else would businesses get their name and product or service out to the consumer by efficient means and time? A business whitethorn create a product and within a couple days reach consumers across the nation to sell that product. Without advertising businesses would not expand into nationwide companies, they would only inhabit as bricks and mortars in towns where they exist and the community knows them. Without advertising competition would only exist between companies by positive feedback of consumers and their price. Without advertising our society would move at a snails pace to grow. Spending would be minimal as well as sales. Advertising creates more than business to be done and more pass to be done. Furthe rmore, advertising is a paid link between the business and the consumer to inform and persuade them about a product or service to put up consumer sovereignty of products available to the consumer.To understand the disputes and arguments of advertising, the definition of advertising has to be established. Advertising happens to be anything that distri stilles a message to another to inform or persuade. A garage sale sign pinned on a tree is a form of advertising. But to keep it from a business standpoint, advertisements are paid, nonpersonal communication forms employ with persuasive intent by identified sources through various media (Commerce and Morality p43). In order to make advertising unique from announcements and other types of information, advertising main purpose is to inform and persuade to consumers to go out and buy the service or product. The advertisers have a general knowledge of who their target audience is, but do not know the individual that exist within the targ et audience. They advertisements appeal to unknown individuals (Commerce and Morality p43). For example, advertisers may target teenagers to sell a new hip shoe. Advertisers will have hip teenagers to model the product instead of mother or father figures to identify with the target audience. So on the whole, the advertisers may touch the target audience, but each individual in the target aud... ...m or her to buy something than himself or herself. Coca cola is one of the biggest soft fuddle companies. The amount of times I will see some form of advertisement of Coca Cola would be less than five times in a day. Is this a lot? The amount I will see a movie advertisement is less than ten times in a day, which involves two and a half minutes of my twenty four hour day, and that is being generous. Consumers should reevaluate what they claim.Overall consumer sovereignty is not hindered by advertising. Advertising creates more choices for consumers to consider which product they most des ire. Consumer sovereignty exists for a consumer if he or she wishes. Many consumers fall into the trap of having to spend money, and right then an advertisement comes along which causes them to buy something. The root of buying products starts with the consumer themselves not the advertisement. Advertising does not control the consumers on what they buy advertising merely informs them on what they can buy. Consumer sovereignty goes go on in hand with advertising to create an economic system for consumers to obtain products that they wish and for businesses to flourish.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
A Better Welfare System :: Work Job Employment Essays
A Better Welfare System I do believe people should have to civilize or rise an education while receiving benefits. Nobody should get to get a free ride through life Nobody pays my way through life, I have to work for what I get.That quote is the word of a twenty-two year-old female who holds down a full-time antic, pays rent, and taxes. Some, like her, may feel contempt toward offbeat recipients who do not work for their benefits. The welfare system is a program for citizens who need assistance. but it should be considered a privilege, not a free ride. Everyone wants-or professes to want-to end welfare as we know it, even though the welfare system is still thriving. The new program on the market, Workfare, is a reform tactic that will get recipients into the work force and eventually off benefits. Its is four a.m., and Jenifer Beack is getting her two children ready to go to day care until they are shuttled off to school. Then Jenifer heads to Roseville, Minnesota, to her job as a Customer Support Specialist at Allina Clinic Equipment Services. Its a hectic schedule for this single mother to maintain, but shes willing to do it.A couple of years ago, Jenifer, in her third year of college, was on welfare. She was struggling with full time school.. part-time evening job, and trying be a mother to her baby girl. It was when a friend told her about STRIDE (Success Through Reaching Individual Development and Employment,) a subdivision of Workfare that she began to get wind a way out. STRIDE, encourages recipients to see welfare as temporary assistance. emphasizing employment as the address. Lynn Ransom, Case Manager with PIWC 5 (a branch of welfare), went out of her way to help Jenifer with anything she needed. PIWC 5 provided financial assistance for day care, car repairs, gas money, clothing, books and classes. Lynn helped Jenifer develop a resume, fine tune her interviewing skills, and select an interview wardrobe. What PIWC 5 asked for in return was a goal sheet which helped Jenifer develop reasonable goals to work toward. Lynn and Jenifer met on a regular basis to monitor progress. After graduating with a degree in Psychology and savoir-faire Communications, Jenifer landed the job at Allina. Jenifer stated, Lynn has been so wonderful. Shes been there not only through financial struggles, but personal ones too.
A Continuous Decline In India, Without Modernization :: essays research papers fc
A Continuous Decline in India, Without ModernizationHypothesis Modernization is the Key to economical growth for India. Ifmodernization occurs, then the economic status of India pass on increasetremendously, even if the price India has to liquidate is a change in culture, andtradition. India has remained financially stagnant since its beginnings. One may indicate that non-modernization has plagued this sub-continent in economic growthand development since early times. One may continue to argue that ifmodernization occurs, India will achieve in many different ways, includingeconomically, socially, and nationally. In order for modernization to occur,India must(prenominal) move from small scale industrialization to large scaleindustrialization. If this occurs India will become much more financially failand achieve a higher status in the world. Modernization will bring many positive change to India, but people mayargue that "moder nization" will bring destruction to the Indian civilization.By bringing modernization, many jobs will be taken over by machines.Unfortunately, this process will result in the elimination of jobs done bylocal peasants. There are many additional prices India will have to pay to be equal to modernize, including (1) a loss of culture and tradition (2) probablereligious conflicts (3) loss of caste (4) social divisions and, of course(5) TAXES. With modernization, taxes will definitely increase for India to payfor the unused advances in industry and technology. Taxes are the primary meansfor any government to raise money and support its programs. However, theoverall price that India will have to pay will be relatively small compared tothe positive changes modernization will bring. When India became independent its leaders recognized the urgency ofstrengthening the Indian economy. The leaders of sweet India were determined toraise the standard of living, which was among the lowest of the major nations inthe world. Indian leaders agreed to establish a "mixed economy," whichcombines the use of private chief city and public in he development of industry,mining and farming. If modernization occurs there will be change fromtraditional order. The model of change assumes (1) a intense dichotomy betweenthe traditional and modern order, including the order of mutual exclusiveness,and (2) the change from one to another is predicted in terms of a historicallydeterministic pattern, that is, it must take place in a certain predeterminedsequence. If this happens, India will have a better economy and a higherstandard of living. through greater economic prosperity, India will also obtainbetter health care. Also industry will promote a better education corpse byencouraging students to study for more technical and professional jobs. Finallymodernization will foster a better sense of nationalism, as future(a) generations
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Causes of the Great Depression :: American History Economics Economy Essays
Causes of the Great DepressionThe Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one which go around to virtually the entire industrialized world. The depression began in late 1929 and lasted for more or less a decade. Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression. The main cause for the Great Depression was the combination of the greatly unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920s, and the extensive stock market speculation that took orchestrate during the latter part that same decade. The misdistribution of wealth in the 1920s existed on many levels. Money was distributed disparately surrounded by the rich and the middle-class, amongst industry and agriculture within the united States, and between the U.S. and Europe.This imbalance of wealth created an unstable economy. The excessive speculation in the late 1920s kept the stock market artificially high, but eventually star to large market crashes. These market crashes, combined with the misdistribution of wealth, caused the American economy to capsize. The roaring twenties was an era when our country prospered tremendously. The nations total income rose from $74.3 billion in 1923 to $89 billion in 1929(end set 1). However, the rewards of the Coolidge Prosperity of the 1920s were not shared evenly among all Americans. According to a study done by the Brookings Institute, in 1929 the gratuity 0.1% of Americans had a combined income equal to the bottom 42% (end note 2). That same top 0.1% of Americans in 1929 controlled 34% of all nest egg, while 80% of Americans had no savings at all (end note 3). Automotive industry mogul Henry Ford provides a striking example of the unequal distribution of wealth between the rich and the middle-class. Henry Ford reported a personal income of $14 million (end note 4) in the same year that the average personal income was $750(end note 5). By present day standards, where the average yearly income in the U.S. is around $18, 500(end note 6), Mr. Ford would be earning over $345 million a year This misdistribution of income between the rich and the middle class grew throughout the 1920s. While the disposable income per capita rose 9% from 1920 to 1929, those with income within the top 1% enjoyed a stupendous 75% growing in per capita disposable income(end note 7).A major reason for this large and growing gap between the rich and the working-class people was the increased manufacturing proceeds throughout this period.
Causes of the Great Depression :: American History Economics Economy Essays
Causes of the Great DepressionThe Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one which dissipate to virtually the entire industrialized world. The depression began in late 1929 and lasted for virtually a decade. Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression. The main cause for the Great Depression was the combination of the greatly unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920s, and the extensive stock market speculation that took key during the latter part that same decade. The misdistribution of wealth in the 1920s existed on many levels. Money was distributed disparately among the rich and the middle-class, between industry and agriculture within the join States, and between the U.S. and Europe.This imbalance of wealth created an unstable economy. The excessive speculation in the late 1920s kept the stock market artificially high, but eventually place to large market crashes. These market crashes, combined with the misdistribu tion of wealth, caused the American economy to capsize. The roaring twenties was an era when our country prospered tremendously. The nations total income rose from $74.3 billion in 1923 to $89 billion in 1929(end mention 1). However, the rewards of the Coolidge Prosperity of the 1920s were not shared evenly among all Americans. According to a study done by the Brookings Institute, in 1929 the screening 0.1% of Americans had a combined income equal to the bottom 42% (end note 2). That same top 0.1% of Americans in 1929 controlled 34% of all savings, while 80% of Americans had no savings at all (end note 3). Automotive industry mogul Henry Ford provides a striking example of the unequal distribution of wealth between the rich and the middle-class. Henry Ford reported a personal income of $14 million (end note 4) in the same year that the average personal income was $750(end note 5). By present day standards, where the average yearly income in the U.S. is around $18,500(end note 6), Mr. Ford would be earning over $345 million a year This misdistribution of income between the rich and the middle class grew throughout the 1920s. While the disposable income per capita rose 9% from 1920 to 1929, those with income within the top 1% enjoyed a stupendous 75% add in per capita disposable income(end note 7).A major reason for this large and growing gap between the rich and the working-class people was the increased manufacturing outturn throughout this period.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Environmental Analysis and Long-term objectives Essay
The formation selected for this paper to discuss the surroundingsal analysis and long-term objectives is Dunkin Donuts. The main focus will be on the contracts and trends operating in the environment which have a considerable effect on the running of the organization. The paper will first discuss these forces and trends in detail and then supply an insight to how these forces effect the organization and align themselves with the vision and values of the organization. The trends selected are 1. Social accountability 2. Environment 3. Fuel Social ResponsibilityOne of the environmental trends is social responsibility which adds to the credibility of an organization. Social responsibility basically refers to the responsibility or the duties of an organization, government or even an individual towards the society in which it functions. each organization has a responsibility to keep their actions and practices in the best interests of the people living in the society so that it does no(prenominal) endanger them in every authority. Instead organizations should work to provide comfort and patron to the society as a whole. This is a part of their corporate social responsibility.The company loafer also be involved in eradication of unethical practices and behavior taking place in the society so that the lives of the people could be made easier. For example, several(prenominal) companies take initiative in planting trees or constructing gardens in an area which serve a place for community people to come together and interpret each other (Kotler and Lee, 2004). Social responsibility at Dunkin Donuts has actually helped the organization in a considerable manner. The restaurant holds a respectable position in the society due to its charity and community involvement programs.The company as well as their employees contributes for the community service organization in order to accommodate the lives of the people better. Moreover, they are extremely committed to t he environmental responsibility. The restaurant follows the environment regulations and promotes cleanliness. The restaurant itself is very clean and tidy with a proper system to reject the garbage. The company supports charitable programs and takes initiatives for supporting and participating in the welfare of the community people.They even sponsor educational programs in local community schools and provide bills for different events like Special Olympics, AYSO soccer teams etc. Recently Dunkin Donuts has entered into a relationship with a non-profit organization Coffee Kids for supporting families in the coffee-producing regions of Mexico and Central America. On 22 May, 2008, the company went green by initiating its first LEED (Leadership in energy and environmental design) restaurant which is a part of their corporate social responsibility commitment.This way the company hopes to improve the quality of life of the community people by making the area clean and green (Kotler and Lee, 2004). The trend operating in the environment must be aligned with the mission, vision and values of the organization for it to work in the best possible way. At Dunkin Donuts, there are seven sum values and one of them is responsibility towards the environment and the community in which they are functioning. They are committed for improving the peoples quality of live.The first LEED being built up by the company is an effort towards promoting a healthy life for the people and improving their quality of life. The social responsibility practices of the company reward their mission, vision and values which are focused on making the world a better place live and work (David, 2006). Environment The second force the paper talks ab place is the physical environment in which the organization is functioning. The trends in the environment have a much larger impact on the organization here we are discussing the physical environment.Changes happen in the physical environment without an y notice which might result in shock or disaster or even opportunities. Organizations need to have a contingency plan to deal with such contingencies resulting from the physical environment (Shaffer, 2000). In the physical environment outside the Dunkin Donuts guild and restaurant, variable changes ass take place which can sometimes help the organization or hinder its processes at some other instances. The environment can provide opportunities as well as threats to the company.Since Dunkin Donuts has now essentially become a beverages company so it can specialize in different kinds of beverages and become a market leader. Moreover, the increasing number of suppliers in the industry can also result in new opportunities. Threat comes in the first place from the substitutes and the new entrants. The company faces tough competition from Starbucks and their success becomes a threat for the company plus the industry doesnt offers high barriers for the new entrants so more beverages co mpany can be set up thus giving rise to the competition.Apart from this, the physical environment also includes the threat from natural disasters which can cause huge losses to the company so the company needs to have contingency plans for dealing with them. Thus, the physical environment can both help and hinder Dunkin Donuts depending on the situation (Reeve, 2002). The organization strives to accommodate any changes emerging in the physical environment in its strategy. The company was essentially based on donuts first but now it has developed into a beverages company. This was because it saw greater opportunities for itself in serving the beverages market.It saw the changing taste of people towards coffee and obstinate to establish a strategy based on a coffee company. Today Dunkin Donuts is known as the no. 1 retailer in earnest and ice regular coffee. Thus, this shows the organizations strategic adaptability towards the changing forces resulting in the environment (David, 20 06). Rising Fuel Costs The burning issue facing the organizations instantly in their environment is the ascending fuel prices. Companies have to face rising be due to this shooting up in fuel prices which have closely doubled this year.As the costs are increasing so the companies have to raise the prices of their products and services which decreases their sales. This way many companies are facing problems due rising fuel costs which in turn decreases their average sales. Therefore, the third issue is of fuel which this paper will examine (Reeve, 2002). The rising cost of fuel is a trend in the environment which hinders the company by raising the costs of doing business and thus, decreasing the sales and profits. Since electricity is produced through fuel so outgrowth in fuel costs also increases the electricity cost.At Dunkin Donuts restaurants, the food including the donuts and beverages is prepared to sophisticated machines which run on electricity. They have to pay higher for electricity which increases the cost of inputs and simultaneously, the cost of doing business. The company has raised the prices of its products worldwide recently but that has caused the sales to decrease and thus, it earns lower profits. This way fuel is actually a breastwork towards high profits for the company and simultaneously, its long-term objectives.Since rising fuel costs are hindering the companys sales and profits, Dunkin Donuts is trying to find out ways of producing the products efficiently so that they involve low costs and the profits of the company could be increased. The company tries to specialize in certain beverages which can be produced with hands so that machine use could be limited thus, saving up the electricity. The company tried to adjust for these rising costs so that it can acquire an increasing number of customers to boost up its sales as well as profits (Shaffer, 2000). ConclusionThe paper has discussed in detail the environmental analysis pertain ing to social responsibility, environment and fuel. It first discussed what these forces actually mean and then identified their relevance with the organization and how organization adapts to these forces operating in the environment. Social responsibility at Dunkin Donuts is aimed at winning the hearts of the masses through charity and community involvement activities. The mission of the company is to improve the quality of life and this is efficaciously done through their social involvement programs.The company also takes immediate action to the changing environment which may involve rising incomes or changing tastes of the people and tries to accommodate the change in its strategy as it did from shifting to beverages industry from donuts industry. Finally, the company is also trying to cope up with the rising costs of fuel through cost efficient methods and increasing the prices since the income of a common man has also increased. All these forces or trends help or hinder the or ganization and its strategy in their own way.Thus, it can be said the Dunkin Donuts is a very capable organization who has effectively dealt with difficult times and has become the no. 1 retailer in coffee throughout United States (David, 2006).ReferencesDavid, F. R. (2006). Strategic Management Concepts and Cases. Prentice Hall. Kotler, P. , & Lee, N. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause . Wiley. Reeve, R. N. (2002). Introduction to Environmental Analysis. Wiley. Shaffer, J. (2000). The Leadership Solution. New York McGraw-Hill
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Political Economies
Contemporary political economies are mixtures of fascism, socialism, capitalism, anarchism, etc. Most of them stress aspects of certain(a) dodgings more than those of others but in each one will strike a mixture. Recent largely fascist systems are those of Mussolinis Italy, Perons Argentina, Hitlers Third Reich, Chavez Venezuela, and several of recent Middle Eastern regimes (e. g. , Libya), Egypt, et al. So called communist regimes are also efficaciously fascist since they tend to be ruled by an undemocratic group of rulerse. . , North Korea, Cuba. Welfare Statism The welfare enunciate or, from the economic viewpoint, the mixed economy, may be understood as a combination of the principles of capitalism and socialism. Sometimes the emphasis in this system is placed not so much on economic as on certain moral considerations. Basically the welfare state consists of a legal system that aims at securing for everyone the negative right to emancipation and the authoritative right to well being.The welfare state, which is to say most Western countries, balances the two values that together seem to its advocates to be the bedrock of a civilized society. No one ought to have his or her sovereignty seriously compromised, nor should anyone be permitted to fall below a certain standard of living. This is difficult to maintain ecause at incompatible times one or another of these objectives will probably take priority and in mostly democratic systems political leaders will vibrate between giving more support to one or the other.The right to strike, for example, which is the negative liberty to quit ones Job in an effort to gain gaze for ones terms of employment, may conflict with the positive right to be provided with various servicese. g. , health care, mail delivery or education. It is indeed a swelled feature of the welfare state that both negative and positive rights receive their legal protection. Negative rights involve respect for a persons life, liberty an d propertythat is, everyone is by law sibylline to abstain from interfering with these.Positive rights, in turn, involve respect for a persons basic needsthat is, everyone who is unable to secure the requirements ot survival and even tlourishing is supposed to have those provided by way of the appropriate public policy (e. g. , taxation, mandated services, public education, national health care). The moral underpinnings of the welfare state can be utilitarianism, selflessness or certain intuitively held moral precepts. Utilitarianism requires that all pursue the eneral welfare and whatever public policies to facilitate this were needed would be justified.Although many utilitarians believe that the prevalent welfare is best achieved when government operates in a largely laissez-faire fashion, there is no objection to government intervention in social affairs if without those many in the society may fail to achieve a decent and prosperous form of life. Altruists, in turn, often hol d that to make certain that people fulfill their primary obligation to help others, it is necessary to introduce public measures that will secure such help, given that many might gaze o breach their duty to do the right thing.Finally, there is the claim that by our common intuitions it is evident that both a measure of personal liberty and social welfare must be guaranteed to all, lest the quality of life in society fall below what it should be. While people object to the welfare state from several other perspectives, it is thought by its supporters to be the most stable modern political orders. Although it is characterized by much dispute and controversy, in the long run, its supporters maintain, the system seems to be overall satisfactory and Just.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Importance of External Factors in Influencing the Conducting
The Importance of External Factors In Influencing The Conducting Of US Foreign Policy To answer the essay question, external factors atomic number 18 hence important in influencing the conducting of Ameri sess foreign policy, as they are for all countries. They are important because they determine the direction American foreign policy takes, and with it, can drastically alter the futures of wide countries (Iraq & Afghanistan post 9/11).This essay leave devote itself to exploring and explaining how each external factor is important and influential, and proceed to back it up by providing historic and modern examples detailing its effect on US foreign policy, and the end results. These external factors that will be explored are (sequentially) strategic interests of some other nations, geographically-based vulnerabilities of the the States in relation to economic and troops interests and finally the successes of grass roots revolution in the Arab Spring in upending both want-stand ing consort and enemies, and its effect on traditional US foreign policy stances.The first external factor is the strategic interests of both allies and enemies across the military man. Due to the ground forcess current position as a hyper-power with a global presence, its influence and interests lots collide with those interests or spheres of influence of other nations, ranging from allies such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the United Kingdom, Israel and Poland, to long-time rivals such as the Russian Federation and the Peoples Republic of China or find itself involved in a conflict between two different nations (such as the Falklands issue or the current Israel-Iran crisis).In such situations where the regular army must interact with other involved nation-states, the the States has either attempted to compromise with the other parties involved in an attempt to reach an amicable solution or fully backed a local anaesthetic ally/pursued its own objectives to the detriment of lo cal nation-states.One of the more notable examples of the first is in the long-running negotiations with North Korea, where six-country negotiations (featuring Russia, America, China, Japan and both Koreas) have been ongoing since 2003, generally concerning North Koreas nuclear program but also the normalization of trade, demilitarization and normalization of diplomatic relations.In no less than six different rounds of negotiations (with a seventh integrity starting in 2012), the United States has sat down for dialog with the isolationist North Koreans, attempting to reach an stipulation to the satisfaction of all the regional powers involved, an agreement that would see international concerns over North Koreas nuclear program addressed, as fountainhead as pave a way towards future reunification.While talks have continually broken down or bore little fruit, this is more so due to unrealistic North Korean demands and different violations than the USA negotiating under false pre tenses or seeking personal advancement. The North Korean talks in particular stand as a specific deterrent example where the USA has and continues to work alongside regional powers for the benefit of all involved. The sulfur approach taken by the USA is that of fully favoring one side or party in a conflict or situation (usually a long-term ally or one of more relevance) over the other side, sometimes to its own eventual detriment.A prime example of this would be the Israel-Palestine situation in the Middle East today. While the United States has several allies among the Arab nations (Jordan, the disjunction states, Saudi-Arabian Arabia, Yemen, formerly Egypt), it has always prioritized Israel as its main ally in the region, providing it with billions of dollars yearly in grants, equipping it with some of the most advanced military technology in the world and sharing intelligence since the 1950s.As a result of these incredibly close ties to the Jewish state, the United States is o ften viewed as responsible or linked to Israels actions, while at the same benefiting from its use as a local proxy. So mutually linked however are the two nation-states, that it has directly anchored the USA into the morass of the Israeli-Palestine situation, an action that has often invited Arab rage against the Americans, most infamously concerning Al Qaeda and the 9/11 attack.While pure political/strategic matters are a diminutive and pervasive external factor in US foreign policy, there is also a backdrop of geography-based concerns that are particularly dangerous to the USs foreign policy aims. The first element of geographic factor is an economic concern relating the international transferping lanes such as those of the Persian Gulf, while the second element is a military one, involving the supplying of NATO military forces in the land-locked status of Afghanistan.The first element is the more globally threatening one, as shipping lanes such as those of the Panama Canal (Ce ntral America), the Horn of Africa (East Africa) and the Hormuz Straits (Persian Gulf) are economic chokepoints, important to not only a hyper-power as the USA but the entire world economy. They are important because they are integral waterways in the world economy, shipping massive amounts of Persian Gulf oil daily across the world to countries such as India, China and the USA (nearly 46% of the worlds seaborne petroleum is shipped by means of both areas together).For the US specifically however, the Persian Gulf is a life-line that cannot be severed, even for a brief period. In 2006 for example, U. S. gross oil imports from the Persian Gulf were 2. 2 million barrels per day, accounting for 17 percent of the US total net oil imports. As such, oil-client states such as India, China, America, and Britain among others have warships detailed to the regions to protect and ensure safe shipping, as well as dealing with piracy.The USA specifically maintains its 5th Fleet in the area, bein g responsible for the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea and the Gulfs of Aden & Oman. The second element, the military one is far more US-centric, however. Ever since the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, NATO forces in the country have been reliant on supply routes going through Pakistan in order to continue operating. As reported by CJ Radin, the supply route starts at the Pakistani port of Karachi, where ships dock and offload their supplies onto trucks.The trucks then drive through Pakistan and enter Afghanistan through either the Khyber Pass near Peshawar or through the Chaman crossing near Quetta. However, due to multiple incidents (the OBL Abbottabad raid, drone airstrikes killing Pakistani citizens, various cross-border raids, Pakistani covert support to Taliban cells, Taliban ambushes of supply convoys from the Pakistani border, etc), the relationship between Pakistan and the USA has grown strained, first limiting and then stopping the supplies landing from Karachi. As a whole, the Pakistani route was quite crucial to the NATO military effort, being the closest and most developed friendly port/road profit into Afghanistan. Without supplies, NAO faced a struggle to continue their operations against resilient Taliban cells, a struggle that was slowly relieved by the slow build up of a northern network over the course of the last four years through Russia, Turkey and various Baltic, Caucasian & Central Asian states.This network has two different routes, one starting at a Baltic port, then by rail through Russia, Kazakhstan, and then to Uzbekistan before reaching NATO, while the other brings supplies by ship or rail to a Georgian port on the Black Sea, then by rail through Georgia and Azerbaijan, by ferry across the Caspian Sea, and by rail again through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, though it is reportedly by far the most limited.Overall, nearly 35% of US supplies in April 2010, 50% in April 2011, and 55%-65% in July-Sept 2011 came from the new nort hern network, while other NATO forces real roughly 40% the northern network. These instances both indicate the striking lengths that the USA is unnatural by such vulnerabilities, as well as how strongly they are tied to American economic and military instances. In discussing American interests in regions such as Central Asia and the Middle East, one cannot ignore the effects of the Arab Spring.While much ink has devoted to this subject since 2011, here in this essay I will only focus on its affect on traditional US foreign policy stances. To put it simply, since the Cold War, the United States has gained a habit of often backing authoritarian or despotic regimes, monarchies such as Saudi Arabia and Iran (prior to the Islamic Revolution) or strongman republics such as Yemen and Pakistan.These countries repressed their citizenry, yet as long as they were American allies, they were celebrated, or even praised as loyal and as champions of stability and good, while other authoritarian regimes received lambasting and sanctions and other punishments. While Iraq received democracy and liberation from Saddam, while Condoleezza Rice spoke of the violence wrecked upon Hamas-ruled Gaza and Hezballoh-influenced Lebanon as the birth pangs of a new Middle East, it was the Arab Spring that brought forth a new Middle East.Over a dozen homegrown instances of civil resistance, of rebellion, of revolution, successful or otherwise, all attempted and/or achieved without US prompting. In Libya, in Egypt, in Tunisia, Yemen, long-standing regimes have fallen. Authentic democracies are starting to develop, democracies with no inherent ties or links to the United States, with no reason to reach out to them directly. If I can quote Noam Chomsky on one thing, its that the USA cannot count on these new governments to be as friendly or welcoming as their predecessors.It cant treat these new governments as their predecessors, it cant control their opinions on Israel or Iran, it cant easil y buy their loyalties, not as things are still unfolding. In effect, the United States now has to come up with new policies, new strategies to deal with these countries, to decide on continuing preexisting deals or renegotiate new ones. In conclusion, there are several very important external factors that influence how American foreign policy is conducted, and they are truly important.Learning to how to recognize and compromise in order to accept the strategic interests of other nations, how to handle the geographic limitations and vulnerabilities that often define or control the options lendable in a situation, and how to adapt to dealing with lesser, developing nations that while democratic are not favorable to you or your interests. Bibliography CJ Radin, 2011, Focus Analysis The US-Pakistan relationship and the hypercritical factor of supply online 4 December. Available Daily Mail Reporter, 2011, Focus Pakistan gives US two week ultimatum online 8 November. Available http//ww w. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-2066488/Pakistan-gives-US-2-week-ultimatum-abandon-secret-airbase-closes-border. html Cox, M. and Stoke, D. , 2008, US Foreign Policy, Oxford Oxford University Press Lansford, T. , 2003, A Bitter Harvest US Foreign Policy & Afghanistan, Ashgate Holsti, O. , 2006, Making American Foreign Policy, Routledge DeAlkatine, N. , 2012, American Diplomacy Interpreting the Arab Spring, Journal, escape 1996, Available from UWE Library
Friday, May 24, 2019
Para maka gawa lang
It is a good practice to have a good hygiene. Though shopping centres would usually have maintenance, prevention is still better than cure. lamings in a call center would usually affect the well-disposed life of an agentive role as well due(p) to the drastic change of schedule, and that whitethorn arise to conflicts in work and performance as well. Global, formerly known as veldt Events Inc. The headquarters of the company is in Magmata City operating in 30 locations. Their areas served are North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Currently this year, Sip Global has been held as the BestEmployer of the Year in the International CIT Awards. Working in a call center has always had its draw backs for the past century, when BOP ( parentage Process Outsourcing) was being catered by fear firms from other countries. And here in the Philippines, we usually encounter problem work force from the west countries due to the differences in Labor Cost compared to their country. That is why people from drink Global would have a sense of opportunity since they are working locally but for a company that is outside of the country.Business trips are some fourth dimensions given by clients to the managerial team of the LOB or Line of Business. In any call center company, SIP Global had some fare share of experience when it comes to labor focal point since the company has run for over 34 years running. And we can note that there are main problems that Sip Global encounters. Some common problems within a call center fabrication would be Agent Absenteeism which directly is affected by work schedules that are sometimes forced by the management that is in contrary to the agents liking. Another would be Staff Attrition.Since by default, agents know that there are a lot of call centers out there, they would find the one that suits to them. One factor is the schedule which the agent prefers, if it is for a day schedule or going to work at night shift for the Hazard/ Night differ ential pay. These 2 notable habits of a usual agent are directly affected by work schedule, thus would always result on the same ending. This study will desexualize the effects of work schedule to the work performance and health conditions of a call center worker or agent at SIP Global.Specifically, it tends to reply to the following queries 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terminuss of 1. 1 Age 1. 2 Gender 1. 3 Marital status 1. Education 2. The concerns that you encounter due to your schedule 2. 1 Social life 2. 2 Family 2. 3 school 2. 4 Curricular activities OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The study has the following objectives to attain the dissertation entitled The effects of work schedule to the work performance and health conditions of a call center worker or agent at SIP Global to find out how work schedules affect an employee in SIP Global.These are the following objectives that the researchers would like to attain To determine the demographic profile of th e respondents in terms of age, gender, marital status and educational background To determine the effects of work schedule to the work performance and health conditions that may affect social life, family, school and other curricular activities. To determine what other alternatives can the agents do to avoid the effects on their health and work performance with a concentrated schedule.Traditionally, absenteeism has been viewed as an indicator of poor individual performance, as well as a breach of an implicit contract between employee and employer it was seen as a management problem, and framed in economic or quasi- economic terms. Attrition are reduction in the number of employees or participants that occurs hen people leave because they resign, retire, and so on , and are not replaced. Labor Cost is a part of wage-bill or payroll that can be specifically and consistently assigned to or associated with the occasion of a product, a particular work order, or provision of a servic e.Firms are typically associated with business organizations that practice law, but the term can be used for a wide variety or business operation units. Habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur unconsciously. Business process outsourcing is a subset of outsourcing that involves he contracting of the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions (or processes) to a third-party service provider. LOB Line of Business is a general term which often refers to a set of one or more highly related products which service a particular customer transaction or business need. Introduction This portion of the study presented various write-ups, articles, studies, reports and related literatures, both foreign and local about cultural preservation and other issues and concerns brought by agents local and international. contradictory Literature According to Kennedy (201 1), productivity is the efficient creation of goods and services. Productiv ity is a product of various factors it can be the workplace such as lightning, ventilation and sanitation.If they are not favorable, they reduced productivity. Employees are the most important productive resources of the organization. If they are trained and treated properly, they are capable of attaining peak performance. For this reason, progressive business enterprises never stop developing their employees through education and training, whatever financial needs their employees have, they get their companies assistant. Capron (201 1), stated that all human beings must deal with the momentary of time.Different cultures emphasize a different ways of understanding and managing time, including whether time is viewed as a scarce resource to be saved and spent wisely or a series of moments to savor whether people should manage their time by doing one thing at a time or many things at once whether the people should focus primarily on the past, present, or future. These assumptions have implications for day to day time management and coordination, as well as for strategical planning. According to Heaven et al. (2010) work may be stressful when we feel that we do tot have enough time to complete the work.We may tender to find a better way to manage our time. This could include a number of things, such as proportioning tasks and developing plans to achieve goals. As donated by Levity et al. (2010) managing time effectively is one of the keys to become an efficient worker. Follow these time management tips to increase your productivity be on time determine your priorities & plan your work around them use time management tools develop your good time management habits keep your work area well-organized expect that adjusting to your new Job take a crap some time
Thursday, May 23, 2019
A portfolios country exposure management
The episode of modern- globularization is one characterized by new sources of global funds flow. Multinational enterprises from growing countries are now starting to make investments from other developing countries. This has produced positive effects both for the private sector and policy makers in a prone developed together with developing countries.The theoretical framework adopted by these developing countries is that based on the ownership/location/internationalization (OLI) theory. This paper deals with the issues of trade expansion and prolific capacity creation in developing countries.It tends to provide an analytical framework to help in understanding the internationalization process of enterprises in the developing countries. It further applies this framework to analyze the experiences of such enterprises. Ho physical exertion-hold appliances producers are also moving towards rising economies either by use of the off-shore practices from OECD-based companies or by use of the coming out and fast internationalization of innovative brand producers in up coming countries themselves (Rodriguez, 2007).This paper helps us understand the diversities of corporate strategies and those at the fanny of the internationalization process. An astounding and typical feature of this new wave of internationalization process is its speed and the capacity of the latecomers companies to leverage on the prospect for regulateing presented by a more unified economy.These latecomer companies were able to leverage their strategic partnership with recognized MNEs to improve their operations and hence were able to move from production of wide goods into products lines made using their own design, branding and marketing. They always take global competition as an opening to build on their capacities and shift into further cost-efficient industry fragments.The latecomer companies are mainly able to internationalize and to take hold of resources and have a competitive advantage over other firms. This is a producer-driven global value chain marked by advance technology and speedy delocalization to developing countries, where not only production costs are lower besides demand growth rates are higher. It is expected that the established growth in developing countries tend to determinate and recompense for the slow demand in OECD countries, where market infiltration rate is higher and the market is driven strictly by demand for substitutes.Their experience has shown throughout that there are still legion(predicate) strategies and ways for going global. The good example of firms which were able to successfully improve their operations consists of the Mabe in Mexico, Arcelik in Turkey and Haier in China.The latecomers firms have gear up innovate new ways of harmonizing their strategies which involved providing contract services, licensing new technology and forming joint ventures and strategic alliances. Through implementation of these strategies, latecomers firms were able to secure a tail end which is developing in global economy as they were able to leverage resources from the strength of others (Rodriguez, 2007).These internationalization strategies formed a basis for exit from the traditional perspective on globalization as it was intended to enhance the firms resource base as opposed to exploitation of existing asset a view highly held by traditional firms. The sources of corporate strength have changed from the capacity to control cost for a given product to been able to learn how to mingle and remerge assets to create new business and concentrate on new markets.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Presupposition in Semantics Essay
IntroductionPresupposition is originated in the theatre of philosophy and it was proposed by German philosopher Ferge in 1892. In the 1960s, presupposition entered the area of linguistics and became a signifi basist creation in semantics. Later in the 1970s, Keenan introduced presupposition to the practical(a)s to describe a relation between a loud vocaliser and the appropriateness of a sentence in a mount (Levinson 177). Hence, presupposition cornerstone be distinguished into deuce categories semantic presupposition and pragmatic presupposition. This thesis is mainly centered on the exploration of presupposition in semantics from the perspectives of features and problems of presupposition. For the sake of searching for the solutions to the problems, the writer similarly brings two pragmatic theories of presupposition into discussion.Part I. Two Approaches to PresuppositionIn the linguistics, two approaches to presupposition are semantic and pragmatic. Semantic presupposition views the sentence traffic in terms of legality relations while pragmatic presupposition describes sentences as an interaction between individuals.A.Semantic PresuppositionIn ordinary language, of course, to presuppose some liaison performer to assume it, and the narrower technical use in semantics is re youngd to this (Saeed 93). In semantics, the intend of a sentence is based on the sentence itself instead of something constructed by the participants. The semantic presupposition is only c at oncerned approximately the truth value of the statements. For instance,a) jakes fill ind to occluded front in time.b) stillt tried to s come approximately in time. (Suo 130)In the example, sentence a) presupposes sentence b), that is to say, if it is genuine that John managed to stop in time, it must be true that John tried to stop in time. Meanwhile, if this proposition is false, the presupposition that John tried to stop in time still exists. However, only the truth of sentence b) doesnt tell allthing concerning the result whether he stopped in time or non. Based on the epitome, we can draw a truth table for this presuppositiona bT TF TT or F TThis table is an overt description of the truth relations between sentence a) and b). If sentence a) is true, past its presupposition b) is also true. If sentence a) is false, then the truth of b) still survives. term if sentence b) is true, sentence a) can be either true or false. The interpretation of presupposition in semantics is on the basis of truth relations.B.Pragmatic PresuppositionCompared with semantic presupposition- a truth-relation approach, pragmatic presupposition is an interactional approach in interpreting the sentence relations.Stalnaker argues that presupposition is essentially a pragmatic phenomenon part of the set of assumptions is made by participants in a conversation, which he terms the common ground (Saeed 101). This common ground is the mutual knowledge shared by twain speaker and hea rer. For example, I am afraid my gondola car broke down. The presupposition of this utterance is that the speaker has a car, which is known to the hearer. However, if the hearer accreditedly doesnt know the fact, on hearing the utterance, s/he can apply it as a common ground for a throw out conversation. By virtue of context, appropriate presupposition will help the hearer understand the utterance of the speaker. During the conversation, both speaker and hearer are doing the turn-taking and they can depend on the former utterances to conduct a smooth communication.By comparison of semantic presupposition and pragmatic presupposition, we can gain a better understanding of this notion applied in the linguistics. However, the tenseness of this thesis is on the presupposition in the semantics. Thus, the following parts will be concentrated on the semantic presupposition.Part II. Features of Semantic PresuppositionIn semantics, presupposition possesses unique features being differen t from entailment, presupposition is stable under negation. It is dumbfoundd not only by the expressed description, only when also by presupposition triggers.A.StabilitySemantic presupposition relies on the meaning of words and grammatical structures to describe the truth relations between sentences and these aspects dont vary too ofttimes from context to context. Hence,presupposition is relatively stable and it remains constant under negation of the main sentence. This feature of semantic presupposition makes a distinction between entailment and presupposition. For example,a)I borrowed my friends bike today.b)I borrowed something today.If sentence a) is true, it guarantees the truth of sentence b), to be more specific, a) entails b). However, if we negate a) to form a) then it no longer entails b), repeated as followsa) I didnt borrow my friends bike today.b) I borrowed something today.If it is false that I borrowed my friends bike today, it can not tell whether I borrowed some thing today or not. It might be true that I borrowed something instead of my friends bike, but we just dont know.In contrast, the presupposing sentence is constant even under negation, for instance,c)My sister got married last year.d)I keep up a sister.The pre-condition of sentence c) is d), if c) is true then d) must be taken as a fact. In other words, sentence c) has the presupposition in d) and the truth of c) makes sure the truth of d) as well. If negating c) as My sister didnt gravel married last year. The presupposition that I have a sister also survives.This is the difference between entailment and presupposition, namely, the negation of an entailing sentence leads to the failure of the entailment while negating a presupposing sentence allows the presupposition to survive.B.Presupposition TriggersOn the one hand, the existence of presupposition can derive from the use of a name or definite description. On the other hand, itcan be produced by particular words or sentence con structions, which are called presupposition triggers. Karttunen has collected thirty-one kinds of triggers but in the following section the writer will mainly focus on four types of these triggers factive verbs, change of state verbs, temporal role clauses and cleft sentences.To begin with, verbs uniform regret, deplore, know and agree are under the category of factive verbs, for they presuppose the truth of the complement clause. For instance,a)Martha regrets/ doesnt regret drinking Johns home brew.b)Martha drank Johns home brew. (Suo 131)Whether Martha regrets drinking Johns home brew or not, it is a known fact that Martha drank Johns home brew. The sentence a) has the presupposition in b). By contrast, no much(prenominal) presupposition exists with the non-factive verb like think. For example,c)Tom thought that John was novel.d)John was late.Sentence c) indicates that it is only Tom personal opinion of Johns being late. Actually, John might not be late and the truth doesnt reveal from the sentence itself. Therefore, sentence c) doesnt have the presupposition in d) due to the non-factive verb think.Secondly, the employments of verbs like stop, start, begin and finish imply the change of state. Hence, these lexical triggers are regarded as change of state verbs, which describe the new state and presuppose the former state as well. For instance,a)John stopped/ didnt stop trouncing his wife.b)John had been trounce his wife. (Suo 131)The verb stop means making something end and here if John stopped beating his wife, which means that he makes the action of beating his wife end. just if he didnt stop, the occasion of beating will continue to happen in the future. No way out what the situation is, sentence a) presupposes the fact b) that John had been beating his wife as the former state.Whats more, not only the lexical words trigger the presupposition, but also clauses like temporal clauses may produce presupposition. For example,a)Linda went to the supe rmarket before she met her friends.b)Linda met her friends.The temporal clause marked by the conjunction before shows that Linda went to the supermarket first and then went to meet her friends. In effect, sentence a) states the fact that Linda really met her friends. It is this temporal clause that holds the truth of sentence b) and also triggers the presupposition in b).Last but not least, syntactic structure such as cleft sentence can also act as a trigger for the production of certain types of presupposition. For example,a)It was the noise that fuddled me.b)What annoyed me was the noise.c)Something annoyed me.In the example, the cleft construction in a) and the pseudo-cleft in b) share the presupposition in c). No matter how the sentence structure changes, the essence of the sentence remains unchanged. What sentence a) and b) intend to stress is that at that place is something annoyed me.By means of the features like stability and presupposition triggers, the real intention of the utterances can be investigated. If the speaker changes the predicate has to hasnt, or does to doesnt, the presupposition for the utterance is the same, for presupposition is of stability. Presupposition triggers can be utilise as a tool to present the essence of the sentence, no matter what lexical words and constructions are applied.Part III. Problems of Semantic PresuppositionIn semantics, this truth-based approach gives rise to problems for the presupposition, such as, presupposition failure, the defeasibility of presupposition and the gibbosity problem.A.Presupposition FailureOn the basis of truth condition, it has been taken for granted that a name or definite description being used refers to the existent entity in the field of semantics. However, if the named or described entity doesnt exist, it causes problem for this truth-relation approach, which is known as presupposition failure. The following example is by now the most discussed one in this literaturea)The busines s leader of France is bald.b)There is a King of France. (Saeed 96)According to the criterion of truth relation, no doubt sentence a) presupposes sentence b), if it is true that there is a King of France. But if there is no King of France, that is to say, the sentence b) is false, the problem is aroused, for it is uncertain whether this presupposition survives or not. Are the sentences like a) true or false, or just in a gray area, uncomplete true nor false? This dubious situation for truth-based approach results in the truth value gap.For such a problem, Russell bears a famous solution to make an analysis of this definite description as three expressions as followsThe King of France is bald is true if and only ifa)at least one thing is the kingb)at most one thing is the kingc)whatever is the king is bald. (Saeed 97)From the Russells analysis, we know that if there is no King of France, it leads to the falsity of this proposition that the King of France is bald. Thus, there is no g ray area between true or false, no truth value gap. However, it seems to be too complex to employ these preconditions for the explanation of one name and it may cost great efforts to try the preconditions whenever meet with such kind of statements.In comparison with truth relation approach, it may be less problematic for an interactional approach. During the communication between the individuals, whenever an strange name or definite description occurs, the hearer can interrupt the speaker so as to signal the failure of the conversation. For instance, the speaker says to someone, Mr. Hong will allure us to dinner next Friday. If the hearer doesnt know Mr. Hong, it may cause confusion. As the conversation continues, the hearer can ask the speaker who Mr. Hongis. As for the speaker, s/he can take an immediate response to clear up the misunderstanding.The presupposition failure in semantics results from the narrow question of the truth value of statements about non-existent entities, while in pragmatics, the attention is paid to the more general question of what conventions license a speakers referring use of name or definite description.B.DefeasibilityOne of the peculiar things about presupposition is that it is sensitive to context, either immediate linguistic context or the less immediate discourse context, or in circumstances where opposite word assumptions are made. In particular context, the presupposition is cancelled and this phenomenon is known as defeasibility. Two factors result in presupposition cancellation one is the linguistic context and the other one is minimise assumption about the world.One kind of presupposition defeasibility arises in certain types of linguistic context. For example,You say that someone in this room loves bloody shame. Well maybe so. But it sure as shooting isnt Fred who loves Mary. And it certainly isnt John . . . (We continue in this way until we have enumerated all the people in the room). Therefore no one in this roo m loves Mary. (Suo 135)In the example, apiece of the cleft sentences (it certainly isnt Fred, etc.) are supposed to presuppose that there is someone in this room who loves Mary, for presupposition is constant under negation. However, the speaker intends to persuade the hearer that there is no one in this room who loves Mary by ruling out the possibilities. Therefore, the presupposition that someone in this room loves Mary is defeated in this counterfactual assumption.Here is another example of the same kinda)John didnt manage to pass his exams.b)John tried to pass his exams.c)John didnt manage to pass his exams. In fact he didnt even try.Sentence a) has the presupposition in b), but if put a) into such a statement as c), the introductory presupposition is abandoned. Without knowing the real fact, if someone makes the utterance that John didnt manage to pass his exams, it may leave the hearer an impression that at least once he tried to pass his exams. On hearing the fact the heare r will know Johns failure for the exams is due to his lack of efforts in his study. Thus, the presupposition can be cancelled within certain contexts.The other kind of presupposition defeasibility is caused by our general knowledge of the world. For instance,a)She cried before she unblemished her thesis.b)She finished her thesis. (Saeed 187)As mentioned above, the temporal clause functions as a trigger for the presupposition. Sentence a) with before-clause presupposes that indeed she finished her thesis. However, if the verb in the main clause is changed to die, the situation will be totally different. For instance,c)She died before she finished her thesis.d)She finished her thesis. (Saeed 187)Since her death preceded the event of finishing her thesis, it is certain that she never finished the thesis. It is common sense that people do not conduct things after they die. yet if sentence c) is expressed with before-clause, it doesnt have the presupposition in d). As a result of backg round belief in the real world, the previous presupposition that she finished her thesis is blocked in this context.C.Projection ProblemLangendoen and Savin suggest that the set of presuppositions of the complex whole is the simple sum of the presuppositions of the parts, i.e. if S0 is a complex sentence containing sentences S1, S2, . . . Sn as constituents, then the presuppositions of S0 = the presuppositions of S1 + the presuppositions of S2 . . . + the presuppositions of Sn (Levinson 191). For example,S0 John stopped accusatory Mary of beating her husband.S1 John accused Mary of beating her husband.S1 John judged that it was bad for Mary to beat her husband.S2 John stopped doing it.S2 Before time T, John did it. (Suo 136)In the example, sentence S0 is the complex sentence including two parts S1 and S2, to be more specific, from the statement that John stopped accusing Mary of beating her husband, two meanings can be interpreted one is that John accused Mary of beating her husban d and the other one is that John stopped doing it. The presupposition of S1 is S1, namely, S1 presupposes that John judged that it was bad for Mary to beat her husband. While S2 has the presupposition in S2, that is to say, S2 presupposes that before time T, John did it. Thus, the presuppositions of S0 are the presupposition of S1 plus the presupposition of S2.As a matter of fact, this simple solution to the presuppositions of complex sentences is far from correct and it turns out to be impossible to take it as a formula. By using this solution, it is difficult to forestall exactly which presuppositions of the parts survive in the whole presupposition of the complex sentences. This compositional problem is called the projection problem for the presuppositions.The projection problem in the presuppositions has two aspects on the one hand, presuppositions remain in the linguistic context while entailments disappear. On the other hand, presuppositions are cancelled in certain contexts w here entailments survive.The first aspect of the projection problem is the survival of presuppositions and cancellation of entailments in the same context. As mentioned above, negation is a typical example for the distinction between presupposition and entailment, for presupposition is stable under negation while entailment isnt. However, there are other situations in which presupposition remainsand entailment disappears. For instance,a)Mr. Brown bought four books.b)There is a Mr. Brown.c)Mr. Brown bought three books.d)It is possible that Mr. Brown bought four books.e)Mr. Brown could have bought four books.In this example, sentence a) presupposes sentence b) and entails sentence c). If it is true that Mr. Brown bought four books, the precondition for this proposition that there is a Mr. Brown must also be true. And if he already bought four books, he is supposed to have bought three books. However, when the modal operators or modal verbs are embedded in the original statement, the e ntailment of a) disappears while the presupposition b) still exists. Because modal operators like possible, probable and modal verbs like could, should are considered to be a kind of conjecture. The employments of them reveal speakers uncertainty about his utterances.Another situation of the same kind is the compound sentences formed by the connectives and, or, if . . . then and what not. For instance,a)The two students handed in the grooming late again this Monday.b)A student handed in the homework late this Monday.c)The two students handed in the homework late before.d)If the two students handed in the homework late again this Monday, their teacher will get angry.The adverb again applied in the sentence a) presupposes that the two students handed in the homework late before. If two students handed in the homework late, it must entail that one of them handed in the homework late. Thus, sentence a) presupposes c) and also entails b). However, if sentencea) is embedded in a complex sentence like d), the utterance a) can only be regarded as an assumption in the complex whole. Hence, the former entailment is abandoned in the new compound sentence but the presupposition that they did before still survives.The other aspect of the projection problem is that presupposition is blocked while entailment still exists in certain contexts. If the predicates of the utterances are the verbs of propositional attitude such as want, believe, imagine, dream and the like, the blocking of presupposition appears to take place. For instance,a)Tom believes hes the president of America.b)There is a present president of America.In this example, sentence a) entails that Tom believes something, but it doesnt have the presupposition that there is a present president of America. The verb like believe is only a non-factive verb, which doesnt ensure the truth of its complement. Moreover, the employment of it will leave the hearer an impression that what the speaker says is just a personal o pinion. Thus, the presupposition is blocked because of the verb believe.Another example is given as followsa)I dreamed that I was a German and that I regretted being a German.b)I was a German.In the sentence a), the speaker doesnt shoulder the responsibility of uttering it by employing the verb dream. The application of dream indicates that this utterance can not be taken seriously as a fact. However, sentence a) still entails that I dreamed something, but doesnt presuppose that I was a German. In such a situation, the complex sentences with certain verbs of propositional attitude block their presuppositions but maintain the entailments.By means of analyzing the problems of presupposition in the field of semantics, we can draw a conclusion that this truth relation approach is farfrom adequate to describe the relationships between presupposing and presupposed sentences. Admittedly, the issue of presupposition is not only being discussed in semantics but also in the pragmatics.Part IV . Pragmatic Theories of PresuppositionAs for pragmatic presupposition, various theories have been put forward by linguists such as Stalnaker, Gazdar and what not. Among these theories, two of them are the most developed theories that deal with the defeasibility and the projection problems. Both theories assume that presuppositions are part of the conventional meaning of expressions, instead of semantic inference.The first theory has been developed by Karttunen and Peters, which is expressed in the framework of Montague grammar. In the Montague grammar, clauses are built up from their constituents from the bottom up rather than from the top down as in transformational generative grammar (Levinson 207). The basic idea in this theory is that sentences are built up from their components and the meanings conveyed in these sentences are subject to the words, clauses and so on, but in the presuppositions, meanings are associated with these triggers. According to Karttunen and Peters theory , presuppositions are actually non-cancellable.The meaning expressions that capture the presuppositional content of each presupposition-triggering item will be related with each constituent a heritage expression. If there is a predicate like propositional attitude verb, it will have a heritage expression that blocks the presuppositions ascending to be presupposition of the whole sentence. In such circumstances, presupposition isnt in fact cancelled, but it is blocked during the process of derivation by the heritage expression. For example,a)Bush thinks that Kerrys attitude about terrorism is dangerous.b)Kerry has an attitude about terrorism.The subordinate clause of sentence a) presupposes that Kerry has an attitude about terrorism. However, the verb think has the heritage expression which prevents this presupposition from being the presupposition of the whole.The other theory is proposed by Gazdar, in which presuppositions are actually cancelled. At the early stage of derivation, t he presuppositions of any complex sentence will consist of all the potential presuppositions of the parts. Then a canceling mechanism will begin to work and it only selects these presuppositions which are consistent with all the propositions already in the context. In this theory, the generations of presuppositions adhere to a special suppose first the entailments of what are said are added to the context, then the conversational implicatures, and only finally the presupposition (Levinson 213). In each step, these presuppositions that contradict the former propositions will be eliminated with selection and only the ones being consistent with them will survive. For example,a)If there is a King of France, the King of France doesnt any longer live in Versaills.b)The speaker knows that there exists a King of France.c)It is consistent with all the speaker knows that there is not a King of France. (Suo 143)In the sentence a), the clause that the King of France doesnt any longer live in Versaills has the potential presupposition in b). However, the conditional sentence a) entails that there is not a King of France. Based on the special rear in Gazdars theory, this entailment enters into the context before the potential presupposition. Hence, this potential presupposition is cancelled without entering into the context.Although the two theories are opposing to each other, both of them offer an explanation for the defeasibility of presupposition and projection problem. However, even in the field of pragmatics, adequate solution to the presupposition is not obtained, which needs further developments.ConclusionIn the field of linguistics, we can probe into the presupposition from two perspectives, namely, semantic presupposition and pragmatic presupposition. This thesis mainly focuses on the interpretation of presupposition in semantics. The writer introduces the features of semantic presupposition like stability under negation and presupposition triggers and then make s an analysis of the problems aroused by this truth-based theorysuch as presupposition failure, defeasibility and projection problem. To solve these problems, two theories concerning the pragmatic presupposition are discussed. Although both of them offer the explanations for the problems of presupposition, they are not considered to be adequate solutions. The further developments of presupposition rely on the complex interactions between semantics and pragmatics.ReferencesLevinson, Stephen C. Pragmtics. Beijing Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press, 2005.Saeed, John I. Semantics. Beijing Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press, 2005.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Implementing Immunizations Essay
Implementing ImmunizationsImplementing immunizations into the clinics throw out be challenging for the facility and the supply. There argon several methods that have been enforced to reminder the methods apply by the staff to give the immunizations to the affected roles in the clinics. There have been several obstacles and challenges that the staff and leading have faced. As with all changes that take grade in patient c atomic number 18 within an ecesis methods must be roofy up to monitor those changes. Changes promote challenges not just to staff leaders but the organization as a whole. Communication with any changes rout out be challenging for the leadership and staff (Surdu, 2010).Methods to Monitor ChangeIn implementing changes there requires to be methods to monitor those changes. The first method is to monitor the reimbursement value units per vi drive associated with the immunizations. The need to monitor the increase of visits, the percentage of increase of the reimbursement value units now that the immunizations that are inclined in in the clinic since they are orde florid immunizations ordered directly by the physician and not given on protocol (Surdu, 2010).Another method to monitor the change of implementation is to assess the patients to see how they have responded to immunizations being given directly in the clinic. This can be done in a survey form either via email or sent in the mail so patients can voice their opinion on the changes that have been implemented (Helfrich, Blevins, & Smith, 2011).The leaders in the clinic can sit down with the staff to get their opinion and suggestions on how the changes of giving immunizations in the clinic are affecting their time management with patients. This can be very helpful toleaders in adjusting the change that have been implemented because no change should never be set in stone. The stimulus of the staff can be crucial when monitoring changes that have been implemented to determine whet her they are successful or not (Helfrich, Blevins, & Smith, 2011).The final method apply to monitor that immunizations are properly being implemented in the clinic setting are going to be chart audits by the leadership. This will be used to check over that the proper immunizations are given to the patients and that patient care is not being compromised (Helfrich, Blevins, & Smith, 2011).Of all of the monitoring methods mentioned above the main issue is patient care. The forbearing Medical Center Home Model consists of modeling the care around the patient. Ensuring that patient care is at the forefront of the facility, monitoring the changes is one way to ensure that this takes place. The quality control standards of the Patient Medical Center Home Model consist of upper berth berth management performing quality control chart checks on a monthly tush. These chart audits are done to ensure that the standards are being met which are determined by the Department of the Army. This is one of the main differences that a army treatment facility is held to as a standard versus a civilian facility. Therefore this can be seen to some as has bureaucratic red tape in some instances, whereas in others it does have its advantages (Marshall, Doperak, & Milner, 2011).Organizational RelationshipThe relationship between organizations process systems and professional roles on a staff can be essential to the success of an implemented change. The Department of the Army has specific protocols when implementing changes such as implementing immunizations into the clinic setting. Organizational process systems will provide how changes will be implemented in the facility. In the facility changes come from Western region then trickle down from the Command or another words upper management. The changes are then implemented throughout the clinics in the facility. The responsibility falls on the clinic officer in charge to implement the changes throughout each clinic (Marshall, Doper ak, & Milner, 2011). In a military treatmentfacility changes are implemented differently than in the private sector.In the organization upper management solely consists of military personnel while leadership within the clinic is a mixture of military and civilian personnel. The process of changes is not set in stone but guidelines are set forth from Western region. The actual written standard operating procedure for the facility is implemented and brought to the forefront by upper management. Then upper management delegates the implementation down to the clinic officer in charge for actual rollouts into each clinic (Marshall, Doperak, & Milner, 2011). The roles of the leadership in the clinics are essential to the success or stillborn implementation of change.The attitude of the leadership carries weight on how puff up the rest of the staff receives the change. Leaders on the clinic level have to accept changes whether good or bad and expect staff to challenge them. Leaders have t o be strong and accept the change themselves and to support upper management. There are problems transaction with changes when issues arise between created civilian and military personnel. These issues are not easily dealt with and when changes are ensuing within a facility this causes undue stress within the organization. This is one reason that leadership needs to bring forth and implement changes within an organization as all one team because staff is well suited at picking up any rift within the management team (Marshall, Doperak, & Milner, 2011).Communication TechniquesCommunication techniques are one of the mainstays in addressing any issues when implementing changes in any organizational plan. There are several ways in an organizational plan change that conference can take place such as talking directly to leadership on the front lines who deal with the change or all the way up the chain transaction with upper management. Without communication problems with the changes that have been implemented will not be resolved and the changes will not be successful (Marshak. & Grant, 2011).One communication technique that can be used is that leadership can address staff that seems to have issues with the changes that have been implemented. They can speak to staff on an individual basis using a closed-door setting to try to alleviate any issues that are affecting any of the employees work.Employees may feel more comfortable oratory with a member of the leadership team on a one-on-one basis to voice their concerns with the change. Sometimes most of the issues dealing with an employee that have issues with changes that have been implemented, the staff member has questions or does not understand why the change has been made. This issue is best addressed in a one on one sit down conversation with the employee in a closed-door situation (Marshak. & Grant, 2011).Another communication technique used to address any implementation issues with the changes can be providing specific emails to a particular person. By addressing issues to one particular person within the organization instead of problems associated with the change can be addressed centrally and agilely if necessary. If issues cannot be handled by this one person than the contact person can go to their resources and take care of the issue or issues at hand.Emails are the preferred method of communication unlike phone calls at a military treatment facility. Phone calls should only be used for emergencies, where there is an immediate response that is needed. In other words the majority of the issues dealing with the implementation of the changes that occur can be dealt with through emails. These issues are not needed to be dealt with in an immediate time frame and can be dealt with and a normal work week depending on the issue that have arisen (Marshak. & Grant, 2011).Without proper communication, the need to communicate and how the communication is to take place the change implementation may well as not have ever taken place. Communication for a successful organization does need to take place in several forms this is in the hands of a successful management and leadership (Borkowski, 2005).ConclusionIn implementing changes there needs to be several methods to monitor how those changes are affecting the organization on the clinic level and as the organization as a whole. some times staff along with the patients both whom are giving input on the change in which the organization is trying to improve care on how the changes are taking place.The organization must bewilling to change its process in its systems whether or how management runs a certain part of their channel develops a new process or because of a change implementation downsizes a facility. In order for the change to be successfully implemented communication is essential for this to take place. There are many techniques that organizations can use to accomplish this task. The communication technique will depe nd on the change implemented and the structure of the organization. Staff leaders whether at the clinic level or upper management are still the main key whether the organizational plan that has been set forth if the changes that have been implemented will be successful.ReferenceBorkowski, N. (2005). Organizational behavior in health care. Sudbury, MA Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database Helfrich, C., Blevins, D., & Smith, J. (2011, July). Predicting effectuation From Organizational Readiness for Change A Study Protocol. Implementation Science , 6(76). Marshak., R., & Grant, D. (2011, Sep). Creating Change by Changing the Conversation.OD Practitioner, 43(3), 2 7.Marshall, R., Doperak, M., & Milner, M. (2011, Nov). Patient-Centered Medical Home An uphill Primary Care Model and the Military Health System. Military Medicine, 176(11), 1253 1259. Surdu, G. (2010, Winter). Organizational Change- Different A. Romanian Economic and Business Review, 5(4), 48-54.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Effects of Nationalism After French Revolution
later on the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era, people were brought together by the French army marching through with(predicate) their country. During the ordinal century nationalism became a great aspect of life. Both writer and artist deeds were greatly influenced by nationalistic ideals and brought people together. Nationalism became a very popular thing by and by the Napoleonic Era, when people saw how the French carried themselves as a people of a nation. This is when other nations started to filter out for links between their people.One major forerunner was language. commonwealth saw language as one bearing to unify as a nation, and create a brotherhood between its people. The whole idea of grow and back story also influenced the literature of the nineteenth century as well. Many writers works were influenced from the nineteenth century was influenced by Nationalistic ideals. One set of writers who showed the idea of nationalism were the Brothers Grimm in their Grimms fairy Tales. Grimms poove Tales is a collection of German fairy tales all in all in one book.They utilise these collection of fairy tales to create a German identity, by saying these were the tales passed on from genesis to generation in German culture. Another writer that shows nationalism is Aleksandr Pushkin in his work The Bronze horse fancier. The Bronze horseman tells the tale of Evgenii and how he ends up going mad and getting killed by the statue of Peter. This shows nationalism in the detail that in the introduction of the poem, he talks about the founding of St. Petersburg and how great Russia is. Artist also had umteen works that portrayed nationalistic ideals.One piece of art that without a doubt showed nationalism was La Liberte guidant le peuple by Eugene Delacroix. This pic depicts Mother France leading her people into battle during the French Revolution. It shows Mother France with torn frock and a French flag above her head which show how she wanted to bring her people all under the French flag and join them together. Another painting that depicts nationalism is The Bard by commode Martin. This painting shows a Welsh bard running from a massacre that had just happened in a town off in the background of the painting.This showed nationalism in the idea that no matter what the incline would send upon the Welsh they would always stand strong as a people and neer feed in to the English repression. All these different works show different aspects of nationalism. The Brother Grimm with the Grimms Fairy Tales, showed German nationalism in the fact that it created German folklore for people to come around. Aleksandr Pushkins The Bronze Horseman showed nationalism in that it tells how great Russia is and no matter what happens it will forever keep its greatness.Eugene Delacroixs painting La Liberte Guidant le people shows French nationalism in that it shows the French people all glide path together under one flag to fight alongside Mother France and were willing to die for her. In The Bard by John Martin shows Welsh nationalism in that no matter what the English did to them they would never give in. In sum, nationalism became a major aspect of life in the nineteenth century. People came together and many new nations began to form in response to these new ideals of nationalism. Nationalism led to many great things, like the unification of Germany in 1871.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
McDonalds Marketing Plan Essay
I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYMcDonalds Philippines is a infantryman of the Filipino-owned Golden Arches overhaulment Corporation. The first Filipino McDonalds to open for telephone circuit was in the Morayta university districts in manila during 1981. These solar days McDonalds is operating over 150 eating houses throughout the islands of the Philippines. Being a hundred% Filipino-owned franchise allows McDonalds Philippines to be to a greater extent agile and take quicker actions, making them an even more matched force in the Filipino immediate- viands merchandise.It is one of the leading fast-food orbits internationally as well as in the Philippines, with a rapidly developing consumer dishonor and gro growg node base. . It is a place for family togetherness make around a common love of the traditional food. Its operating system is characterized by instructioning on uniformity for consistent choice, the formation of break inner relationship with its franchises and supplier to improve operating system innovatively and sound but not least the introduction of rising produces. With its steady drive for improvement and consistently utmost bore, McDonalds revolutionized the entire supply chain. Instead of regimenting its supplier and franchisees, McDonalds lodgeed commitment from them in monetary set of adherence and experimentation.The implemented, smooth operating chain of suppliers, McDonalds corporate management and franchisees balances each other, creates an entrepreneurial inspirit that added comfort, intent, economics of scale, the bargaining military unit for publicise and purchasing, as well as new product and extremity ideas to the beau monde. Additionally, all involved parties main(prenominal)tained a collective emphasis on disciplined grapheme standards. As years passed by, McDonalds needed to adapt to industry diversifys by accomplishing many process design innovations in fruitful collaboration with its suppliers and franchi sees.In this context, McDonalds improved the chains chicken and fries quality and consistency by switching from raw to frozen delivered fries as well as the productivity of employee. Another major process enhancement was the introduction of the breakfast at McDonalds. In this way, the corporation pass on out its operating hours since it had to pay for rent, utilities and insurance 24 hours a day, anyways. The generation of a totally new business came along with the nice side effect that it erstwhile more distinguishes itself from its competitors.This merchandiseing plan is used in outlining the product, pricing, and scattering and promotion strategies to be implemented and executed during this epoch. It proposes a revitalization of the McDonalds philosophy so as to focus on the quality of products and services for customers value and a sun-loving lifestyle, healthy eating habits, smart choices and education. The plan to a fault outlines the structural issues that may arise during its implementation and execution, tactical initiatives to plication strategy into action.II. CHALLENGEProblemBefore, the community use grilled direct system. Which becomes the problem of the company because the customer always complaining close the quality of the product give cargon chicken mcdo, when it is served to the customers it is not crispy because it waistband longer in the warming bin, and also the patty of the burger, it is not juicy because it is not hot.The access of McDelivery to the describe center is another problem of McDonalds because some quantify the information about on the location of the customer is wrong.Solution nary(prenominal) a day the McDonalds uses the Made for You (MFY) system. Food is make or inclined(p) to actual customer demand, providing each and all burger only when it is needed just in time (JIT). It standardizes gather of all sandwiches to one or two at a time. Requires minimal Human Decisions Making. It requires Behavioral ch ange Quality Complete waste Equipment Standard procedureIII. SITUATION ANALYSISCompany Analysis Goals Develop a solution to improve kitchen layouts, throng positioning and operational procedures for a better guest experience. In simple terms our goal is to pay a happy and satisfied customer. Focus the company should focus on products and services.McDonalds is a customer-oriented company that strives to offer Filipinos a combination of great tasting, quality food productions at value prices with excellent service. Values Customer driven, Malasakit, Integrity, Teamwork and Excellent. Strengths Quality of the product, services and cleanliness of the store. The service of the company is fast and accurate, and we believe that taking good c ar of our customers is the first vital step toward effective sales events building. Patents and trademark Branding much(prenominal) as through the use of logos, colours, slogan and other images. A key part of the McDonalds brand is its M logo otherwise known as The Golden Arches. Weaknesses The competitors like Jollibee, Mang Inasal, Burger magnate etc. Lack of cooperation between the management and in the crews. Market Sh ars McDonalds has captured more than 40% administer of the hamburger market in the Philippines.Customer Analysis Number 30% is ages 60 and above, 20% is ages 1-15, 50% is ages 16 and above. This is the percentage of customer who are eating at the McDonalds everyday especially during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. theatrical role Class B & C Value Drivers a part from our product and services. McDonalds gives back to the community through the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). RMHC supports childrens development and well being through Bahay Bulilit and Bright Minds Read (BMR). each happy meal purchase gives 50 centavos to RMHC. Decision process The customer have a spile of decision making it is base of what they needs and wants, also the customer decide to buy a discounted product like in coupon and the mcsaver meals.Competitor Analysis Market PositionNo. 1 (Jollibee)No. 2 (McDonalds) StrengthsLasang PinoyRaw materials are environment friendly WeaknessesJollibee has a poor service Market shares Jollibee has captured more than 52% share of the hamburger market in the Philippines.SWOT ANALYSISStrength Risk diverseness Large market share inviolate supply chain Promoting ethical conduct Competitive fast-food chain Attentive and friendly staff/crews Rigorous food safety standards Good nature among customer Decentralized yet connected system Strong brand name, image and reputation Strong financial and performance and position Affordable prices and high quality products Nutritional information available on packaging Strong global presence and performance in the global marketplace Specialized breeding for managers known as the Hamburger University McDonalds design to Win focuses on people, product, place, price and promotionWeaknesses Unhealthy food image High staff turnover including authorize management Customer losses payable to vicious competition Lack of access to the best natural resources Lack of access to key distribution postOpportunities Growing health trends among consumers Joint ventures with retailers Consolidation of retailers likely, so better locations for franchisees Respond to social changes by innovation with in healthier lifestyle foods Strengthen its value proposition and offering, to go on customers who visit coffee shops into McDonalds The new formats, Mccafe, having wi-fi internet links should suffice in attracting segments. Also installing childrens play-parks and its focus on educating consumers about health, fitness. International expansion into emerging markets of other country Growth of the fast-food industry petty(a) cost placard that will attract the customers Providing many promotional activitiesThreats Health professionals and consumer activists accuse McDonalds of bestow to the country health iss ue of high cholesterol, heart attacks, diabetes, and obesity McDonalds competitors threatened market share of the company both internationally and domestically Global recession and fluctuating foreign currencies Affordability of the competitors products Similar flavors and products of the competitors Competitors endorsers are oftentimes popular when it compares to McDonaldsIV.Market SegmentationMarket Segmentation is the process of splitting customer in to polar groups, or segment within the customers with similar characteristics have similar needs.Geographical SegmentationMcdonalds offered their services based on certain country basic food. Like Philippines McDonalds realized that Filipino basic food is rice which with heat up chicken as its local basic food.Demographic/Psychographic SegmentationDemographic segmentation drainage aread the market into groups based on variables like gender, age, nationality, religion family life cycle and family size McDonald offered their se rvices by divide their customer base on age, religion and family life cycle. To offer the best service McDonalds motionlessness pertain about variations due to differing tastes and cultural issues for their customer over the world.Behavioral SegmentationBehavioral segmentation focuses on dividing consumer based on their knowledge, attitudes, uses, benefit sought, or responses to companys product. One of the best forms of segmentation is to divide buyers according to the different benefits that they want to get by purchasing the product. Usually people who look for in their product class or look for each benefit. For example, McDonald depict McDelivery for 24 hours, this is the only one pitching service that not stop even once in a while a day by just call it and browse, after that within a minute it comes to your place with the food that still hot and fresh.V. Alternative Marketing StrategiesMcDonalds has seen recent success through a careful implementation of its Plan to Win strategy, which focuses on several key aspects of the business, namely increasing traffic to eating houses, providing everyday value to customers, innovating the company through the creation of new lineup items, re-imaging the companys look, as well as its marketing campaigns.McDonalds Plan to Win is based on a core set of four main goals Acquire more customers Get these customers to eat at McDonalds more often Develop more brand loyalty for the McDonalds brand Ultimately become more profitableIncreasing restaurant visitsCurrent market condition help the appearance of McDonalds as a low cost alternative to eating at more expensive restaurants in the minds of customers, which has consequently led to an increase in foot traffic at McDonalds franchises. McDonalds has addressed these conditions through an increase in advertising, specially displaying the companys attention toward a alter menu of low cost items. Such advertising serves to satisfy all four of goals of Plan to win progr am, drawing customer interest through a short display of the plethora of new menu options recently added, while also helping to change the look and feel of McDonalds in the minds of customers.Providing everyday valueIn order to create an overall feeling of value for customers to experience, McDonalds has released a modular value meal, where customers have the benefit of both low prices coupled with increased freedom when deciding on a meal. charm traditional menu options emphasize a trade-off between ordering freedom and price, the McDonalds value menu provides customers with both all at once, helping customers associate the brand with good value.Innovating new menu itemsAt the same time as their menu choices have become modular and less expensive, McDonalds is also creating value for customers by providing a diverse menu with many more ordering options. Customers can now expect an increase in health-conscious options by adding some vegetables in the burger and also they provide so me dessert like apple pie or pineapple pie. McDonalds also provide a mccafe like ice mocha, ice latte, and cappuccino, Americano to provide some different variety of coffee to satisfy the customer.Marketing campaignsAs well as considering the classical of keeping customers informed of the inveterate changes to the company through advertising media and social media dialogues, McDonalds also recognizes the value of maintaining an on-going support system and training structure for each of its franchise operators. As mentioned above, McDonalds uses well defined, and measurable milestones to help their constituents meet company goals with as few inconsistencies as possible. McDonalds training programs have been continuously recognized for their excellence, and with the continuing changes being carried out throughout the company, this attention to the value of training is a terrific asset to the company.Re-imaging the restaurantDirectly benefiting the companys goals of brand developmen t for the company, McDonalds is reenergizing their brand through an understanding of brand power, which is built on the cultivation of four key areas of the brand, brand indistinguishability, familiarity, specialness, and authority.Brand identity is defined as the set of characteristics that customers recognize your brand by in McDonalds case these are speed, consistency, value, and variety. Brand identity plant life with brand familiarity, helping to expand the message that symbols of the company, or even the overall impact of advertisements themselves in reinforcing the identity of the brand in the minds of customers. If carefully managed, McDonalds can use their brand identity to make their investments in advertising go much barely.Beyond this, brand specialness and authority continue the process, representing the perceptions of McDonalds as the company appears to customers. Ideally, McDonalds should leverage brand specialness and authority to clearly stand out as a distinct an d accepted source of value, allowing customers to increase the value of the McDonalds brand through their positive interactions with the company.McDonalds adopts different strategies to attract customers of different age groups, but still the main target remains to be children. So in order to attract them, McDonalds use a key in any casel the Happy Meals, which seem to fascinate children due to the swindles include in the menu. In addition to this, they have a tie up with The Walt Disney Company for the Disney characters included in the menu, in order to make sure that they offer the kids a wide range of toy options. Moreover, McDonalds provides the children with a special facility, unique for food venues and fast-food restaurants a playground.This strategy is aimed at making McDonalds a pleasant and fun environment for both kids and parents. Even the exterior of every restaurant is also strategically designed using bright colors to invite in the customer, especially kids who can slowly be influenced by these aspects. So not only that the children like it, it is a chance for the parents to spend some quality time with their kids. Another aspect of their marketing strategy is the fact that every McDonalds restaurant provides WiFi facilities, a detail that adds to the attractive qualities and is aimed at teenage customers.In addition to this, what is representative for this chain is their jackass mascot, Ronald McDonald, who is essential for creating the bond with children and entertaining them. They can even have private birthday parties in the facilities, again part of McDonalds aim to induce happy memories in childrens minds, and to make them associate the McDonalds brand and logo with happy moments.VI. Selected Marketing StrategyProductSuppliers are dedicated to providing McDonalds with top quality material that is continually monitored for pertness and safety. McDonalds uses regional suppliers to ensure that the freshness is delivered to customers in every product they buy. Food quality is keys at McDonalds. They seek out fresh lettuce and tomatoes, onions and pickles, quality buns and tateres, axenic ground beef, select poultry and fish and wholesome dairy farm products. All of the beef, chicken and pork that are used are purchased from federally inspected facilities to ensure freshness, wholesomeness and peak quality when served to customers.Non-Vegetarian IngredientsChickenThe chicken products are made from high quality boned rib and leg meat and are covered in a specially seasoned, lightly battered coating. They are shaped in uniform sizes to ensure consistency in weight and value.FishThe fish products in McDonalds Filet O- Fish are 100% thoroughgoing(a) whole white fillets that are lightly breaded.Their exacting quality standards for fish surpass federal requirements. The ocean-fresh quality of Filet-O-Fish is a result of the process and ability to freeze the fish at sea to maintain freshness.Vegetarian IngredientsVeget ablesMcDonalds use freshly shredded lettuce, onions, pickles and tomatoes in their restaurants. All their vegetable products are processed from high quality graded vegetables in a 100% dedicated vegetarian plant.PotatoesMcDonalds french fries are celebrated around the world. To make French fries, McDonalds uses only the best potatoes available from their own potato farms. Their potato suppliers make many of the same nationally recognized brands of potato products to make customers feel that they are with their family at home. These potatoes are cut, blanched and processed on state-of-the-art processing lines to ensure maximum retention of nutrients. Their French fries and Potato Wedges are cooked at the plant in 100% vegetables cooking oil.Other Ingredients cheeseflower and other Dairy ProductsAll dairy products like cheese, McShakes and Soft Serves are made from fresh dairy milk. All dairy products including cheese have a role to play in balanced fare because they contain a wide variety of essential nutrients such as protein, calcium, fat solubles, phosphorus, etc. McDonalds uses a special blend of pasteurized American cheese to complement the flavor of their sandwiches.BunsMcDonalds uses buns made from locally grown wheat flour. They are baked locally and delivered fresh, several times each week to McDonalds restaurants.Cooking OilFood preparations are done in 100% refined vegetable oils at the restaurants plants. They use liquid oil and not hydrogenated oil. This means there are no TFAs or Trans Fatty Acids in the French Fries or any other products. Additionally, these vegetable oils contain some essential fatty acids necessary for growth.QualityFood quality is the crucial section at McDonalds. Despite extensive and meticulous quality test at the suppliers end, all products are once again carefully scrutinized at the restaurant. Immaculate of quality allow for nothing but the best to finish up customers tray.Their products are sourced from the highest quality ingredients, prepared hygienically and treated to regular quality checks such as the McDonalds Inspection Program (QIP).Scope of Product LineDistribution (Place)Place, as an component of the marketing flux, is not just about the physical location or distribution points for products. It encompasses the management of a range of processes involved in bringing products to the end consumer. McDonalds outlets are very evenly spread throughout the cities making them very accessible. Drive in and drive through options make McDonalds products further convenient to the consumers. intensifier DistributionDistribution arrangements tend to be long term in nature. Because of this time horizon, channel decisions are usually classed as strategic, rather than tactical or operational ones. Many of McDonalds restaurants are open 24 hours per day which satisfies the customers needs and wants, especially for exists their hunger. This kind of distribution strategy is called intensive distributi on, means marking the product available for sale through all possible channels of distribution. Intensive distribution is stocking the product in as many outlets as possible.PromotionThe promotions aspect of the marketing mix covers all types of marketing communications One of the methods employed is advertising, Advertising is conducted on TV, radio, in cinema, online, using calling card sites and in the press for example in newspapers and magazines. Other promotional methods include sales promotions, point of sale display, merchandising, direct mail, loyalty schemes, door drops, etc. The skill in marketing communications is to develop a campaign which uses several of these methods in a way that provides the most effective results. For example, TV advertising makes people aware of a food item and press advertising provides more detail. This may be support by in-store promotions to get people to try the product and a collectable promotional device to encourage them to keep on buyin g the item.At McDonalds the prime focus is on targeting children. In happy meals too which are targeted at children small toys are given along with the meal. Apart from this, various schemes for winning prices by way of lucky draws and also scratch cards are given when an order is placed on the various mean combos.VII. ConclusionSince the problem of McDonalds is about the customer that keeps on complaining for the quality and freshness of the products that is being served. Therefore I conclude that the company should use the MFY (Made for You) system, so that the food is made or prepared for the customer just in time with a good quality for a probable cost. The company should also provide a large number of riders to avoid late delivery.
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